"Yagami-kun, you're doing this merely to insult me, aren't you?"

Raito didn't glance up from his laptop. Oh, how he wanted to say 'yes'.

It was a calm afternoon, the building that was used by the Kira-invesigators was humming with activity, but mostly from the two adolescents who were chained together. In-fact, the whole investigation-team had turned their attention from their paperwork to the two young men.

L gave Raito a rare glare, before he inched away from the other, reaching his not-cuffed hand, as far as his handcuffs would allow, toward the table, which had the sugar-cubes, snacks and jellies on it.

He was seven point two metres short.

But it didn't stop him from trying.

"Yagami-kun! Please!" L whined, turning to face the young prodigy, who was still sitting on his reclinder-chair, his laptop on his knees. "I need my sugar! Absence of nutrients halves my mental capacity!"

"Sugar isn't nutrients." Raito answered, never looking up from his laptop. He knew he was wrong, but, for the sake of the argument, he needed to say it.

L wailed in distress.

Raito's wrist felt a tug, and he glanced at L, who was inching closer to the table of sweets, the chain of the handcuffs between L and Raito becoming taut.

"Ryuuzaki, what are you--AH!!" Raito thudded to the floor, one leg hooked over the arm of the chair he was sitting in a second before, his laptop teetering dangerously on the edge of the cushion, Raito's wrist burning from the constricting pain of the handcuff digging into his skin.

"Ryuuzaki!" Raito barked, about to get into a more dignified position, before the cuff around his wrist started dragging him along the floor. "Ryuuzaki!"

L ignored Raito, intent on getting his sugar fix, one hand outstretched as far as it will go, toward the table of goodies, the other pulled back as far as his joints will allow, the cuff dragging Raito a little further along the carpet each time L took another step.

"RYUUZAKI!" Raito roared, squirming on the other end of the chain.

"This is such a drag...!" L grunted, face screwed up in concentration, fingertips barely an inch away from it's prize.

Fingers closed down upon a doughnut and L's legs gave out, at that exact moment, Raito yanked his arm back, causing L to zoom backwards and toward the teen.



"Urgh...! My ribs...!" Raito grunted, lying on the floor, his limbs where they had fallen, L lying across Raito's chest in a graceful ark, his knee by Raito's ear.

"Doughnut..." L murmured in an euphoric voice, before placing said pastry into his mouth, eyes watering with joy.

"... I hate you, Ryuuzaki."

L was too happy to care.

((There we go! All done! The two drabbles aren't supposed to be linked by anything other than L and Raito dragging each other by their handcuffs. I swear, L has a thing for BDSM. Handcuffs, blindfolds... You never know!))