This is my second fic so plz be nice. Also sorry with all my grammar errors. Plz review I want to know what people think because I think this is my best fic yet out of the two. Also if you don't understand something I will try to answer your question but just try to flow with the story.

I don't own Naruto. I wish I did. I love the show so much! The pairing are Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke, Naruto/Hinata/Shino/Kiba, Lee/Tenten/Neji, and Shikamaru/Ino/Chouji

To the reviewers:

999shikaku999: Thank you for being my first reviewer on this new second fic. I plan to update soon I hope.

Garra's-pandachan101: Thank you for the review I glad you like it.

MangaFantic: Thank you for the review and I will take your idea into consideration I don't like the girls leaving too long either.

Angelnessa101: Thank you for the review I luv to read what people say even if it is criticism because people review help me understand the problems in my story.

Pale Moonlit Nightsky: Yeah I made the boys sexist in this story and thanks for the review! Yeah the girls are going to show them their not going to mess around with! Merry Christmas to you too!

Katarauchiha653719: Yup I plan to update sometimes what I write amazes me when I'm from the story away long enough.

Last time…..

"Ready you guys?" asked Sakura. The other three girls nodded. The group started running out of Kohona. Each of the girl turn their head back and together had the same thought 'Goodbye Kohona'.


The Next Morning:

Sasuke open his eyes. He turns his head and glanced at his clock. The time on the clock said 5:23 A.M. Sasuke got out of bed to train by himself before meeting with his teacher and his teammates. After training for about two hours, Sasuke look up at the sky and saw the sun had risen up a good amount he decide to head for the bridge. No point of going so early consider that the sense would not coming until like 9:00 a.m. When Sasuke arrived at the bridge he look down at the water and felt something was wrong today in the air but decided to ignore it thinking that he could handle any challenge coming his way. About thirty minutes later Naruto showed up. 'Sakura is not here yet' thought Sasuke. Naruto walked over to Sasuke and greeted him.

"Good Morning!!! Sasuke-teme. Where's Sakura-chan?" asked Naruto.

"She probably late and don't call me teme, dobe," replied Sasuke as he glared at Naruto happy face expression. Immediately Naruto facial expression changed from a happy face to a frustrated and angry face.

"Don't called me dobe bastard!" yelled an angry Naruto as he glared at Sasuke. The two continue to glare at each other and then turn head away from each other. The two stood patiently waiting for their teammate and sensei to come. Five minutes later Naruto started to complain. 'Where's Sakura-chan? Is she okay?' thought Naruto. Then Naruto stated his thought out in the open.

"Where is Sakura-chan I mean I understand Kakashi-sensei being late because he always comes but Sakura-chan,"said Naruto. 'The dobe has a point' thought Sasuke. Suddenly a smoke appears on the bridge. When the smoke cleared away there stood Kakashi-sensei with his Icha Icha Paradise book open.

"Sorry I'm late again I was trying to…," said Kakashi but was interpreted by Naruto saying "Liar!!" Kakashi looked around and notice Sakura wasn't there usually she would join in with Naruto's morning yelling at him. 'This is odd' thought Kakashi.

"Haven't you two seen Sakura today?" asked Kakashi as he closed his book. The two shook their heads in a no response.

"Well we will wait a couple of minutes more minutes for Sakura to arrive and then we will start the training," said Kakashi. Minutes turn into hours it was already pass noon and Sakura had still not arrive.

"Kakashi-sensei maybe we should go to Sakura-chan house," said Naruto. 'Why Naruto is actually thinking' thought Kakashi.

"Sure let's go over her house and check if she was there," said Kakashi. The three of them walked over to Sakura house. Naruto went and bang on the door. "Sakura-chan open up!!" yelled Naruto. Kakashi and Sasuke put their hands over their ears to protect their ears from permanent damage done by Naruto loud voice. No one came to the door. Naruto being impatient kick the door down.

"Whoops," said Naruto with I didn't mean to do that kind of facial expression. The three of them went inside the house it was really quieted. The three of them grew suspicious.

"Split up and search the rooms," said Kakashi. Naruto headed for the kitchen while Kakashi and Sasuke headed upstairs. Sasuke walked into her bedroom and noticed that the team picture on nightstand was missing. 'Sakura is gone all right the teams picture not on her night stand something must happen' thought Sasuke. Kakashi walked into the bathroom and noticed that the first-aid kit was missing as well many of the medicines. Kakashi walked into Sakura's bedroom and also noticed that the picture was missing. 'Something must have happen' thought Kakashi. Naruto came in to the room.

"All the food in the kitchen is gone," said Naruto. Naruto looked at Kakashi and Sasuke faces and noticed their worried expression. Naruto was about to ask them what was wrong when he noticed that their team picture was missing from Sakura nightstand. 'Is Sakura okay?' thought Naruto.

"We have to go the Hokage's office immediately," said Kakashi. The two boys nodded their headed. They open Sakura window and jump out rushing to the Hokage's office.

Earlier that morning….

Neji eyes open and he looks outside noticing it was still dark but a little of bit of the sun could be seen with its yellow and redish color before it is rising. Neji got up ready to go train. He arrived at the training ground and practice with his gentle fist style. Eventually he had an errie feeling calling him inside. He looked around the training ground he was expecting his teammate Tenten to show up. Since Lee rejected to come train with him because Lee had promise Gai-sensei that he would train with him that morning. Neji sigh. 'Where Tenten usually she should be here by now?' thought Neji but he pushed the thought aside and continued with his training. Later in the morning his teacher and Lee came to the training ground to start the team training.

"Ahh my youth students….began Gai but stopped when he noticed Tenten had yet to arrive to the meeting.

"Neji where Tenten?" asked Gai as he looked at Neji.

"I don't know," answered Neji. "She never came this morning to practice either."

"We should go to her house and check if she okay," said Lee.

"Right you are my youthful student Lee," said Gai. As the three of them walked over to Tenten house, they noticed that her window was open.

"Tenten!!!" yelled Lee at her open window. No answer came. The three males jump into her room and notice that all her weapons were gone. 'Did something happen?' thought Neji. The group nodded at each other and split up to search the house. There was no sign of a struggle. 'What happen?' thought Lee and Gai. Tenten would have left some kind of message wouldn't she if she had left? The three males regroup to discuss what they have discovered in the house.

"We know all her weapons are missing," said Neji.

"Her food and medical supplies are also gone," said Lee.

"She must have been packing for something," said Gai conclude. "Let's head over to the Hokage's office may Tenten got a mission or she may have venture off to a secret training area to train." They jumped out of the window and start running to the Hokage's office. As they were running a blur came out knock right into Team Gai. It was Team Kurenai.

"Watch where you're going!" yelled Kiba as he got up from the ground. Shino also slow got up from the ground to stare at Team Gai for getting in their way.

"Sorry but were in a hurry to reported to Hokage-sama Tenten missing," said Lee.

"Tenten missing too?!" cried Kiba. Akamaru barked.

"We're just as surprise as you are," said Lee to Kiba.

"No we're also going to report Hinata is missing," said Kiba.

"Hinata-sama is missing!!" said Neji with a surprise look on his face. 'How that possible how can Hinata-sama and Tenten both be missing' thought Neji.

"Yeah, we went to pick her up early today to go training," said Kiba.


Kiba and Shino were walking down the road to Hinata's house. Akamaru was up ahead chasing butterflies. The two were talking about Hinata absence in yesterday team training.

"I'm surprised Hinata didn't show for training yesterday," said Kiba as he watched Akamaru chase the butterflies.

"Yes, it was surprising that she didn't show because usually Hinata doesn't fool around," said Shino. The two boys arrived in front of the Hyuuga compound and walked in expecting to see Hinata sitting there waiting but she wasn't.

"Hmm..odd she should be here," said Kiba. The two boys decide to walk around the house searching for Hinata. After searching the compound and getting lost the two boys eventually bump into Hinata's father Hiashi.

"Hyuuga-sama Good morning," said Kiba and Shino in unsion. Akamaru barked and bow.

"Good morning boys why are you wandering the household," asked Hiashi.

"We're looking for Hinata to go train," said Kiba.

"She probably in her room," said Hiashi. "Follow me." The boys and Akamaru followed Hinata's father. Hinata's father knocks on her door.

"Hinata," he called. No answer was heard. He knocked again. Then he opens the door and saw the room was clean up and the futon was folded.

"Where's is she?!" cried Kiba in a frustrated voice.

"Apparently she's not here," replied her father to the two boys. Hiashi walked over to a worker in the house and ask them if they had seen Hinata. The work shook their head in a no response and walked away.

"Maybe we can get Akamaru to smell out her scent," said Kiba.

"That might be some trouble consider that this house is she lives. We would need to go very far first and find the scent if she has left a path of it," said Shino.

"While you boys are doing maybe you can also report to the Hokage and ask her if she has seen Hinata," said her father.

"Yeah, maybe Hokage-sama knows something because Hinata traveling backpack is not here," said Kiba. Shino nodded. The two headed for the door and started to run and both boys collapsed on the floor because they had just run into someone.

End of Flashback

"That's what happen," explain Kiba as he finished his story of finding Hinata.

"Let's hurry we might be able to find them," said Lee. The group started to run to the Hokage's office. Meanwhile Shikamaru, Chouji, and Asuma were waiting at the barbeque stand for Ino. Chouji was grubbing down Korean barbeque really fast. 'I'm going to run out of money again' thought Asuma as he watches the plates piling up. Asuma sigh. Shikamaru sat there with his hand to the side of his head in his lazy pose and watch Chouji devour his food. 'Troublesome' thought Shikamaru. Finally a loud burp was heard from Chouji.

"Where's Ino?" asked Chouji as he look around the store.

"Don't know but that troublesome isn't here yet," replied Shikamaru.

"We should go look for her," said Asuma. Shikamaru sigh.

"It's too troublesome to look for her," said Shikamaru. Asuma stood up and pull Shikamaru ear while Chouji follow behind them as they left the store.

The group arrived at the flower shop. They walked in noticed that the shop was quiet and no loud voices. Asuma walk up to the counter and rang the bell. Ino's mother walked out.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"Ahh have you seen Ino," asked Asuma.

"Why no I thought she left early this morning to train," replied Ino's mother. The group nodded and walked over to their training ground. Ino was not there.

"Where is she? She making me walks around when I want to lay on the grass and watch the clouds go by," said Shikamaru. "How troublesome."

"We better go to the Hokage's office and ask Hokage-sama to post out an alert because Ino usually when she late she would be taking care of the flowers in the store," said Asuma. The group nodded and walked to the Hokage's office.

At the Hokage's office.

Tsuande sat there looking outside of the window. What was she going to tell the teams? She was pretty sure that they have figure out that one of their team members were missing by now. She saw Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi land out in the front of the building entrance. 'Well their coming' thought Tsuande. Tsuande could hear Naruto's voice through the walls. 'Baka' thought Tsuande. She saw also Team Gai and Team Kurenai arriving and a loud discussion could be heard outside.

"AAHH!!" yelled Naruto pointed at the boys with his finger. "What are you guys doing here!?"

"Naruto-kun were here to report about our youthful team member Tenten has been missing," said Lee.

"Were here to report Hinata being missing," said Shino.

"WHAT!!!!" cried Naruto. "Both Tenten and Hinata are missing?! Sakura is missing as well."

"Ahh Naruto do you have to be so loud," said Shikamaru as he, Chouji, and Asuma were walking over to the group.

"So troublesome.." sigh Shikamaru.

"So the other girls are missing?" asked Chouji.

"Yeah," replied Naruto. "Where's Ino?" asked Naruto.

"That's why were here Naruto, she missing," said Shikamaru with a lazy expression.

"WHAT!!!" cried Naruto. Everyone put their hands over their ears.

"Be quiet Naruto!" yelled a frustrated Kiba.

"Let's go to the Hokage and report our teammates absents," said Lee.

"I just thought of something," said Kakashi.

"What can it possibly be?" asked Naruto.

"Does it seem odd that all the girl members of our team have disappear?" asked Kakashi.

"Now that Kakashi mentions it is kind of odd for just the girls to disappear," said Asuma.

"Well if their in trouble we better find them fast," said Naruto. Everyone nodded their head in agreement because truthful no matter how frustrated they become with the girls they are still good friends to them. Too bad the girls didn't know that with the boys huge egos insulting them yesterday. The group walked up the stairs to see the Hokage. The Hokage turn back to face the door and then turn back to the face the window again. She wondered should she tell them that the girls had left because of them. Then she heard a knock which interrupt her thoughts well. 'Let's see how the dice will roll' thought Tsunade.

"Come in," said Tsunade.

"Hokage-sama," said the group.

"What can I do for you?" asked Tsunade.

"We like to report the status of our missing teammates," said Neji.

"We care about our teammates and we want to search for them," said Lee.

"Hmm.." said Tsunade with a serious look on her face.

"Tsunade-obachan we want to go searching for them," said Naruto. Tsuande look at the group with even more intense stare and then replied.

"I'm sorry but I have deny your request boys," said Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama with all do respect we need to search for the girls," said Asuma.

"Why?" asked Tsunade.

"Because they are weak and cannot take care of themselves and need our full time protecting," said Sasuke.

"I agree," said Neji. "The girls have little or so what talent."

"Is that how you all feel about the girls truthfully?" asked Tsuande-sama to the group of males.

"We don't necessary think that they can't do anything just their girls," said Naruto.

"I personally don't want to find Ino she's so troublesome," said Shikamaru. Asuma and Chouji nodded at Shikamaru statement. Tsunade sat at her seat controlling her temper in not killing these huge ego boost boys.

"I'm very disappointed that you think that way of your teammates," said Tsunade. "If that is you only reason for wanted to go search for the girls you are mistaken that I will let you go."

"Why won't you let us go?!" asked an impatient Naruto.

"The reason that your teammates are not here is because of you guys," said Tsunade as her voice was rising. "You made them leave with you insulting remarks of them when they have been nothing but caring too you!" The boys stood their in shock by the fact that the Hokage had yell at them but her statement of them making their teammates leave hurt the most.

"I will not allow you to go after them because they have left to train to prove that can good as you boys or even better," said Tsunade. "Now leave my office now!" as Tsuande pick up her desk and threw it at the boys. The group left the office before the desk hit the door and smash through the wall and kept on continue through all the walls.