Ch.6: Trails of Dark Angel

" Daichi!" yelled Tyson in despiar.

" O.K. that's enough" said Kai pulling a glowing gold medallion out his pocket " Stop!"

A brillant light flashed through the room and when it subsided everyone was frozen in place. Kai had literally just stopped time. The beyblader never new that once Mr. Sumergai gave it to him years ago that he would ever have to use it.

(Flash Back)

Back then Kai was just about anti-social than ever when Mr. Sumeragi stopped by the marketplace one time in order to get some tools he needed at the lumber camp where he worked.

Just as he was paying for the tools some thugs came out an ally, stole his wallet, and ran in Kai's direction. Unleashing Drawser Kai was able to trip up the two thieves and leave them for the authorities to handle.

" Thanks for the help" said Mr. Sumeragi pulling a medallion out of his pocket " here, take this as a token of my gratitude,"

" What is it?" said Kai looking over the medallion he now held in his hand.

" A time medallion" said Mr. Sumeragi " one of the five sacred medallions used by the guardians of the Five Sacred Bit Beasts. From your beyblade I can easily tell that you are one of thier guardians,"

" Five?" said Kai " isn't there only Four Sacred Bit Beasts?"

" Oh no" said Mr. Sumeragi " there were five, and the fifth one had the most power out of the other bitbeasts combined. For years the Golden Dragon has been passed down in my family from generation to generation, and soon my son Daichi will possess the Fifth Sacred Bit Beast,"

" I guess that Bit Beast would be pretty impressive," said Kai pocketing the medallion. He was fixing to walk away when Mr. Sumeragi stopped him in his tracks.

" Wait" said Mr. Sumeragi " there's a dark force that will stop at nothing to obtian the Golden Dragon's power. Guard the Time Medallion with your life, and if anything ever happens to me please protect Daichi as well,"

(End Flash Back)

" I made a promise that I can't deny" thought Kai " but still I won't be able to find Daichi on my own. Who can I trust to go with me? I can only break one out of the Time Medallion's spell,"

Kai's eyes scanned around the room looking for someone he knew he could trust not reveal anything they would find out about the Sumeragi family. What he found was Tala.

Despite a few set backs Tala and Daichi had developed a kind of friendly rivalry, plus unlike Tyson, Tala didn't blab all that much. Placing a hand on Tala Kai shook him out of the trance.

" Wha... Kai?... what happened?" said Tala stunned.

" There's not much time to explian" said Kai " how's your instincts?"

" They're fine why do you ask?" said Tala.

" The Kitsune Crew has kidnapped Daichi" said Kai " and I need to know where they have taken him fast. Use Wolborg's nose and track Daichi's scent. We need to find Daichi before the Golden Dragon is released,"

" Alright" said Tala shooting out Wolborg " but you have some serious explianing to do on the way,"


Meanwhile Daichi was just recovering from the smokescreen, but when his eyes opened he wasn't in the staduim anymore, he was in some kind of lab, and trapped in a glass tube to boot.

Strata-Dragoon lay outside Daichi's cell on a metal table where some scientist was scanning it with a laser. Daichi when in a fury when he saw what was happening to Strata-Dragoon.

" Hey, stop that!" yelled Daichi pounding his fists againist his glass cell " leave Strata- Dragoon alone,"

" My, my what spirit you have," came an eerie unexpected voice.

Daichi turned and said in surprise " Ah! Mr. Hunt?"

" A startling surprise I'm sure" said Mr. Hunt grinning evilly " I've after the Golden Dragon's power for years, and now my son and his friends have finally delievered him to me,"

" You leave Strata-Dragoon alone!" yelled Daichi.

" Don't worry" said Mr. Hunt " I have something in mind for you too,"

With that Mr. Hunt snapped his fingers allowing his son Kyle to come in holding a metal ring in his hand. The glass tube was lifted away from Daichi and while Mr. Hunt restrained the boy's arms Kyle slipped the metal ring onto Daichi's wrist.

Mr. Hunt nodded his head at the sciencetist sitting nearby signalling him to push the button before Daichi could break free. The sciencetist obligued and seconds later a howl of pain split through the air, and it was coming from Daichi.