The Hunted

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: New Kids In Town

"This tourament is gonna be the best one yet!" yelled Daichi enthuacially " I can't wait to get started!"

"Geez Daichi" said Tyson looking at his partener "you eat any faster I'm sure your gonna blow up!"

It was true, Daichi was shallowing his food down faster than a hurricane could strike land. The sight was making Hilary feel sick, and Kenny tried to drag his attention away by typing away at his computer. He was checking the announcements for anything about what type of oppents Daichi and Tyson would be faced up againist, one file in particular caught his eye.

"Hey guys" said Kenny "look at this,"

Everyone turned thier attention to the computer screen and Kenny opened up a file labeled "The Kitsune Crew." Instantly all sorts of information popped up about the players and thier beyblades. Here's basically what it said:


Bit Beast: FoxFire

Attack: White Heat


Bit Beast: Waheela

Attack: Blazing Ice


Bit Beast: Thunder Cat

Attack: Black Blitz


Bit Beast: Caracutus

Attack: Screeching wind

Tyson observed the contents with a sincere look. By the looks of things, these new kids in town must be pretty high level. Kenny closed out of the file saying that was all the information he could find.

"According to the standings" said Kenny "we'll be facing this new team in our very first match, who wants to go first?"

"I will, I will!" yelled Daichi "I've been itching for a battle all day, I'll make this new team go crying home to mommy in no time,"

Finding that a hard statement to argue with Daichi was placed first with Tyson taking second. When they were all set the BBA Revolution team went out to the tourament areana. The locker room was thier first stop so they could rest before the big match.

A black-haired youth, who almost had a strange appearence to Daichi approached the team, his green eyes landed on Daichi clearly noting the similarity.

"I'm Sai" said the youth introducing himself " you must be the BBA Revolution. Let me get this one thing straight you don't what your dealing with when you mess with the Kitsune Crew. I give you about ten seconds in the dish before your blade comes to a stop,"

"That's big talk for someone who's just competeing in a tourtament," said Tyson getting miffed. Sai simply shrugged and walked off.

"Geez" Tyson thought "he's worse than Kai,"

The first battle was announced and Daichi proudly took his place at the dish waiting for his first oppenent from the Kitsune Crew. The announcer announced Daichi's oppenent was going to be Kyle, the leader of the Kitsune Crew.

The Kitsune Crew's leader slowly walked up to the dish taking his time, and eyed his wild red-haired opponent that the announcer had called Daichi. Daichi didn't like the look Kyle was giving him as he approached the dish, when Kyle stopped in front of him it was like the temprature suddenly rose up by a billion degrees.

"Get ready" said the announcer "Three...Two...One!"

"Let it Rip!" yelled Daichi and Kyle at the same time as the let thier blades go.

The beyblades collided instantly with one another and began to spin after each other in the dish. Daichi's beyblade speeded around until it hit Kyle's beyblade, but the deal was it didn't seem the leader's beyblade had taken any damage, and that had Daichi scared.

"You think that's good enough to stop me" said Kyle "I expected more from Sumeragi's own son,"

That sentence froze Daichi solid, how did Kyle know about his father? Tyson imedatelly saw that his partner was frozen to the spot, and his eyes were no longer focused on the battle.

"Daichi snap out of it" yelled Tyson "your going to lose!"

Kyle laughed and said outloud "It seems like I have struck a nerve, it's a shame your father died, I heard that beyblade you got used to belong to him, but don't worry it won't belong to anyone when this fight is over,"

Kyle's beyblade started to glow from red to white and the temperature started to rise very rapidly. "Power of the Sun!" yelled Kyle "FoxFire, White Heat attack!"

A bit beast that looked like a nine-tailed fox popped out of Kyle's beyblade and shot out a burning sheet of white flame in Strata-dragoon's direction. Daichi barely had time to react as his beyblade was knocked out the staduim and landed by his feet.

Kyle grinned as he saw Daichi drop to his knees, his head hanging down to the floor. The leader of the Kitsune Crew approached Daichi and snatched up his beyblade, crushing it in his hands.

Tyson was enraged at the sight of seeing Kyle crush Daichi's blade, but was held back by his friends. Slowly Kyle whispered to Daichi " You Sumeragi's were our enmies years ago and that hasn't changed. I swear that all the Sumeragi's will die, and you'll be the first to go,"

With that Kyle walked off the stage leaving Daichi behind, with the warning of death repeating his mind.