HELLOOOOOOO EVERYBODY! Welcome to my brand new fanfiction venture, Blood Heritage! I know, I know, it's been a while, and I know I said it would be out sooner than this, but I have good reasons!
I spent forever making a big story plan for this, to avoid the plotholes and continuity issues I had with CITF, which meant a lot of extra work! So, now I know what's happening in, oh, the next fifteen or so chapters, updates should be out sooner.
I hate school. End of.
I had some inspiration issues, but I'm over it now.
Okay, here is the story synopsis:
Inuyasha is a young leader in a covert assassin group, wiping out the scum of underworld LA. He is forced to infiltrate a high school on his most important task yet with his best friend Miroku. His Mission: gain the trust of Kagome Higurashi. His Target: Her father. The Problem: He wasn't meant to fall in love.
I hope that's exciting enough for you! I'm seriously looking forward to this, as it SHOULD be a little lighter than CITF was to start with, but then probably get darker as we go along. No fear though, there will still be a bag of laughs in this, despite the Romance/Drama category!
My aim with this story is for it to be good enough to get nominated for the IYFG, which is my long term goal in fanfiction right now.
Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Kouga, Ayame, Kikyou, Rin: 17
Sesshoumaru: 23
Updates as I write some more.
And now, to get the saddest part over with: I don't own Inuyasha. I know, I know, it's devastating, truly, but I think I'll recover. I'm just working my way through the five stages of grief, taking each day as it comes, you know?
It's a lot shorter than my usual, I know, but I want to keep you guys interested, and explaining all of it in the first chapter will not help that.
Anyways, enough of my incessant rambling, to those of you who are still keeping an eye on me;
Chapter 1: Tessaiga, Inc.
The atmosphere was thoroughly romantic.
A tall, young, silver-haired man strolled in a vast ballroom at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Paris. Candles lined the edges of the room, licking the brocade wallpaper gently, bathing the room in a soft, golden light.
Deep red rose petals littered the polished floor artistically, crumbling beneath the young man's shiny brogues as he paced the room, devouring the floor with each long, graceful stride.
A diminutive pianist sat in front of a gleaming baby grand tucked into a corner of the room, playing a sultry Tchaikovsky sonata, contributing to the air of French romance and tranquillity.
Strong, masculine hands distractedly twirled a red rose between their fingers, expectant.
All of a sudden, a wave of Italian perfume swept into the room, alerting the strange young man's sense of smell. A warm, winning smile spread across his chiselled features as he looked up, into the angular, yet beautiful face of the lethal woman who stood before him.
"Bonjour, mademoiselle," he whispered huskily, taking her hand, and kissing it lightly. "Tonight, you were worth the wait, my love…" Oh, the irony, he thought. If only she knew what a wait I have had…
He did not fail to notice the bodyguards who attempted to slip into the room unseen, enveloped by the candlelight shadows.
"Why 'av you invited me 'ere tonight, ma chér?" the stunning redhead asked, smoothing her amethyst silk dress
"Ah, ah, ah…" the beautiful man replied. "No questions tonight. Only us." He sealed his statement with a soft kiss on the glossed lips of the woman before him. He tried not to inhale as the perfume shot up his nostrils.
The woman's lips curled into a plastic smile, betrayed by the ice in her eyes. Or maybe it was the heroin, her date couldn't be sure.
He led her to the decadently laid table, pulling out the plush velveteen chair. He waved a silent waiter over authoritatively, gesturing with a charming smile that he pour the Cristal into diamond champagne flutes for them.
As their light chat permeated the night, our protagonist felt in his pocket for the small handgun he had placed there. He smirked as he tuned out his companion's mindless babble, knowing she was being as true as he was. Small the gun was, but it was no joke. As he twisted the silencer onto the barrel of the gun, he cast a shining golden eye across the room, pinpointing where the guards she had brought were positioned.
"Ah, Charmaine," the man interrupted smoothly, smiling suavely. "Shall we dance?" The million dollar question, I hope she falls for this..he thought.
"But, of course!" Charmaine replied enthusiastically, taking the proffered hand as he led her out to the waxed floor.
"Charmaine, I have something for you," the man commented, after leading her into a smooth, slow waltz across the ballroom.
"What is it?" she asked simply, clutching his hand a little tighter.
"Shame, you'll never get to know!" the man grunted, dropping the charming lilt of his American voice, turning it to a cultured voice of determination and satisfaction.
He pushed her body away from his own, pulling the gun out of his pocket, and whirling around to face the guards he just knew had erupted from the shadows of the room to take him down. Taking a running leap, the silver beast flew across the room, releasing a hail of muffled bullets onto his attackers, who had not had the sense to approach him from more than one side.
Bodies dropped to the floor like limp rag dolls, spots of blood blooming on their chests as they collapsed, marring the perfection of the floor beneath them with their blood. The way the man saw it, it didn't matter, seeing as with the levels of heroin they were injecting each evening, along with the customary snort of cocaine, they would have died soon anyway.
And now, the man thought as he touched down, surveying his handiwork, onto the biggest junkie of all. Shame, she was hot too…
"Toji, you, you, you…traitor!!!" Charmaine howled, tears streaking down her visage. "'Ow,-'ow,-'ow could you do zis?? 'Ow did you know?" she wept, a combination of the despair at being found out and the coming down from her brief heroin high.
"Toji…" the man chuckled, casually reloading his handgun. "I'd almost forgotten that is the name I go by here in Paris. Well, I see no reason why I shouldn't tell you now, not now you have…oh, about 40 seconds to live?" the man quipped, grinning happily.
He bodily seized the front of her expensive dress, and threw her into the chair she had been sat in at dinner.
"Listen, Charmaine. I knew. I always knew what you were doing. I was sent here from a nice little government assassination company called Tessaiga, Inc. to dispose of you. My name is Inuyasha Taisho. From what I hear, you've been a bad girl. Very bad. You've been trafficking, haven't you? Trading hard drugs to the rest of the world from here in Paris, haven't you, ma chére? Corrupting children all over the world, am I right? Well, for every gram of cocaine, there's a price, right? Well, I will consider your death as your fee paid in full." The man finished, ignoring the pang in his gut as he shot a single bullet into the center of the defeated woman's forehead.
He got out his cellphone and sent a text message confirming completion of his latest assignment to headquarters. As he went to jog out of the door, he turned around. How did I forget that one? He asked himself.
He turned and administered two point-blank shots to the heads of the pianist and the waiter, both terrified. As much as he hated to kill onlookers, he had to protect his secret at any cost. The lives of a pianist and a waiter were a small price to pay, for that.
He sprinted out of the room, loosening his bow tie. After a quick French Emergency Services call, anonymously reporting a massacre scene at the Tour Eiffel, he hopped into the waiting city car. He had a plane to catch. He was headed home.
"Where the hell is he?" Miroku Yamada asked impatiently, thumping the glass desk with the palm of his hand, continuing his wearing a hole into the floor as he paced again.
"Well, how should I know?" Sango replied, scoffing at the impatient man walking her office to shreds. "The plane IS designed to be untrackable, you know…"
"Well, I knew that, but this is a risky one, the French mama could be too hot for him to resist!" Miroku whined, his violet eyes a picture of despair.
"Miroku, come on, we both know what you mean when you say that," Sango grinned, typing up Inuyasha's next assignment as she chuckled. "The French mama was too hot for YOU to resist, so we had to pull you out before you got us found out!"
"Since when does that have anything to with this?" Miroku asked, feigning innocence, ruined only by the cheeky grin pulling up his mouth.
"It's the only reason he's on this case!" Sango chirped, grinning merrily.
She stood up to retrieve the complete case notes from the laser printer in her opulent, old-fashioned mahogany and gold office.
"True." A deep voice spoke as her heavy wooden door swung open. In the doorway stood a tall, muscular middle aged man. Or youkai, to be fully accurate. Imposing and beautiful, Sango once again marvelled at the man. He possessed the long silver hair of his children along with the amber colored eyes. Any wrinkles he had were in all the right places, showing a life of love and laughter. Well, Sango corrected, for the most part. As always, he wore an expensive black suit and a white button down shirt open down his chest. An aquiline nose and strong features completed the rugged attraction he exuded.
"Good evening, Mr. Taisho," Sango smiled politely, bowing. "I'm afraid Inuyasha hasn't managed to drag his ass in here yet." She finished informally, grinning at the man she had come to think of as her father.
"Surprise, surprise…" Tai answered, smiling warmly at Sango. "Miroku, what's eating you?" he enquired, smirking much like his youngest son did.
"This day, no, month couldn't really get much worse, Mr Taisho!" Miroku said pitifully. "Inuyasha got to go after the French woman. Sango turned me down a total of seven times in reaction to my appreciation of her…womanly attributes, AND I have to partner Inuyasha on this next assignment!"
"You make it sound like a bad thing, sonny," Mr Taisho boomed, puzzled. "Don't you remember the time you two had to get into the space camp last summer? You loved torturing the space geeks just because they were all on methadone!"
"It's not because it's Inuyasha," Miroku wailed. "It's because it's HIGH SCHOOL! Guess what, I don't miss that place! It's why I left it!"
"Miroku, we all know why you left high school, and why were you reading over my shoulder anyway?" Sango asked indignantly, fine eyebrows knitting.
"Oh, but it's such an attractive shoulder…"Miroku wheedled, draping a long hand down said shoulder, trailing her arm.
Suddenly, before Sango could even turn around and hit Miroku, a silver and blue blur shot past the door, panting loudly. Before the shocked eyes of the room occupants, said blur zipped back into focus and turned into a red-faced, sweaty Inuyasha.
"Not late, not late, NOT LATE!" Inuyasha insisted breathlessly from the doorway, pointing at his nonexistent wristwatch.
"You only wish, son…" Tai quipped sarcastically, taking in his handsome son's rumpled appearance. Despite his tangled hair, which was normally smooth and rippling, Inuyasha was still deeply attractive. Chiselled, more angular features than his father, he also possessed dark lashes and eyebrows, and a lean, athletic physique beneath the jeans and the T-shirt that obnoxiously read "To ensure perfect aim, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target."
"I tried, Dad, fuck, I tried," Inuyasha attempted to explain, dumping his duffel bag as he flopped into a comfy armchair. "But Customs suspected the gun, and I realized the silencer wasn't protected against the detectors, so I had to talk my way out of that one, and then…This isn't working, is it?" Inuyasha finished, cursing in his head.
"Nope!" Tai replied merrily.
"Sorry?" Inuyasha tried.
"Whatever," Tai replied, waving a hand at him.
"Inuyasha?" a female voice rang out from in the hallway. "Is that you in there? Is it?" the voice continued, coming closer and becoming angrier.
"Shit, shit, fucking shit…"Inuyasha swore, not even bothering to do so quietly. His father smirked happily at his cowering son.
A beautiful human woman came pelting around the door, stopping abruptly before her son. Possessing long dark hair and warm brown eyes, along with gorgeous bone structure and a subtly full figure, Inuyasha had a beautiful mother. However, no one said that meant she was going to accept Inuyasha being two hours late home from a dangerous international assignment. Without calling.
"Where were you, honey?" she enquired in a deadly whisper, showing her gleaming white teeth and tiny fangs in a wide smile.
"Umm, I got held up at Customs, and-"Inuyasha was cut off in the middle of his customary cop-out story.
"You know, sweetie, I think it's awful suspicious that Customs seem to have it in for you so often, especially seeing as most of them are hired by us…" Izayoi continued menacingly, advancing on Inuyasha.
"Well, most being the operative word, right?" Inuyasha replied nervously.
"Okay, smartass," Izayoi muttered, leaning right down to stare into his petrified golden eyes. "Here's the deal. Next time you are late home, without calling, I will PERSONALLY make sure that you never see daylight again, not to mention, confiscate every weapon you have except for a slingshot! Can't leave you unprotected, after all!" Izayoi straightened, brightening up.
"Hi baby, welcome home!" she said to Inuyasha, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly to her.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes to the chuckling occupants of the room as he hugged her back.
"I can feel you being sarcastic, young man." Izayoi said lightly.
"Dude, you're so whipped…" Miroku commented, taking the opportunity of Sango standing still and less than two feet away from him to cop a feel.
"MIROKU!" Izayoi reprimanded, whirling on the sinning teenager. "That's the closest thing I have to a daughter! You get your dirty little mitts off her!"
Miroku simply chuckled as Izayoi hugged him. God, he loved this woman. So much cooler than his mom…
"Honestly, you men," Izayoi tutted, strolling over to Sango's computer and settling herself in the chair Sango had vacated earlier. "I have two wonderful idiots for sons, and an even more wonderful idiot for a husband! I have a lecherous surrogate son who refuses to leave his beautiful surrogate sister alone! What is my life coming to?" she lamented dramatically, laughing.
"Oh, Inuyasha?" Izayoi sang, as she took in the pages on Sango's screen. "You're gonna love this new case!"
Kagome Higurashi was scared. Ha, she thought to herself as she crept down the sweeping staircase, what's new?
Tall and beautiful, Kagome delicately descended the stairs. This was the one night in a while Myouga was going to allow her to get a drink of water to get her through the night.
Kagome shivered a little in the draughty lobby of the palatial prison she lived in, toes curling against the frosty marble.
Massive floor to ceiling windows allowed view to the outside world, which Kagome hated more and more each time she saw it. Her father kept dozens of guesthouses littered across the otherwise opulent grounds of the mansion, in which things went on that Kagome wished she had never discovered.
The corruption, the destruction and the total desperation that fuelled what went on in those houses scared Kagome, but also made her more determined to escape this one day. Escape far, far away, where he could never find her again. Never do what he did to her family again.
Kagome shuddered, speeding her walk towards the kitchens, anxious to return to the safe haven of her bedroom as soon as possible.
As she reached the double bowl sink, Kagome turned on the cold faucet, holding a tumbler with trembling, pale hands as she heard her father following the noise she was making. Kagome began to sweat as she willed the glass to fill faster, willed it to let her escape, if only for another night.
But it was too late.
"What the fuck are you doing down here, you little cunt?" a thick, drunken voice whispered in her ear, acrid breath steaming onto her shoulders.
"I…I wanted…a drink of water…Daddy…"Kagome shook violently, splashing water back into the sink as she refused to turn to face him.
"Really?" the voice whispered again. "Don't you remember what happened the LAST time you came downstairs during one of my celebrations! DO YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT?" Her father bellowed, taking her shoulders roughly and turning her to face him in the chrome darkness of the kitchen.
Kagome remembered. Oh yes, she remembered.
"Last time you disobeyed my rules, my dear, you cost me. You caused a scene. Rambling on about how much you hated what I do. Hated what I traffic, so to speak. Hated what my little potions and powders did to people. Well guess what, sweetie pie, THAT PUTS THE FUCKING FOOD IN YOUR FUCKING BELLY! MY WORK MAKES SURE YOU CAN GO TO THE FUCKING SCHOOL, HAVE THE FUCKING TRUST FUND! MY WORK IS YOUR LIFE! And there's nothing you can ever do about that. Am I understood?" Hakkaku Higurashi spit into Kagome's face.
Kagome nodded meekly, crystalline tears running down her face as she realized that her father was high. Sky high. Again. And she was totally at his mercy.
With the resounding slap to her face Kagome had expected all along, she sprinted back up to her room, the glass of water forgotten, dripping on the side.
"Whoa." Inuyasha said, looking at the small picture of his next target. Well, indirectly.
"Ditto." Miroku breathed reverently.
"Same." Sango agreed quietly.
"Oh yeah…" Tai nodded with satisfaction, earning him a glare from Izayoi.
The smiling face of Kagome Higurashi, daughter of the world-renowned drug lord Hakkaku Higurashi looked at everyone from the screen. The picture was a recent junior prom photograph, taken next to a handsome brown haired boy, whose name was apparently Hojo. Hmph, Inuyasha scoffed. I already don't like him.
A gorgeous face looked out from beneath a curtain of elbow length, straight black hair. Large eyes, a highly peculiar blue, instead of the usual dark Japanese eyes were framed by long, thick, dark lashes, full lips, and a button nose dusted with freckles. A luscious figure was shown off in the body hugging yellow sheath she had worn, and the megawatt smile radiated fun and warmth.
"I can't kill her." Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha intoned at the same time, eyes fixed on the screen.
"You won't have to, don't worry," said Tai, having regained his composure quicker than the teenagers seemed to be able to.
"YES!" Inuyasha and Miroku whooped.
Sango sniggered and dropped the bomb.
"But you do have to kill her father."
"Yeah, read the bios. He has got to go." Tai shrugged. "He's a real assistance to the drug culture, especially in this part of LA and, oh, just the rest of America."
"Yeah, there's a catch. Why do we need her?" Miroku asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "And why is it going to take me, Inuyasha and Sango? Whoa, HOLD UP. Noo…you wouldn't…" Miroku cringed, the truth having dawned on him.
"Oh yes." Sango nodded, looking equally pissed off.
"Oh no." Inuyasha flooded white, realization hitting him with a bang.
"Sorry guys," Izayoi said, not looking in the least bit sorry. "But you're going to high school."
AN: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm so excited about this, and I hope to God it's good enough. I always did hate first chapters the most, but I pray to God it's actually good writing…
You probably didn't, but I really do recommend you read the AN at the top, first ones are always important.
PLEASSSEEEE REVIEW!! See you next time!
PS: Oh, and by the way, what do you guys think of a Christmas oneshot in the CITF universe! Yuri would be in it! Let me know.