Disclaimer: FMA is not mine. :P

Pairing: Roy x Havoc

Notes: This fic is based on the FMA manga, where Havoc was badly injured and paralysed (Chapter 38, I think). I'm using this chapter to round up this story. I do hope that it's a good enough way to end this story :)

Add. Notes: I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it!

Summary: Havoc returns to work, now that he's mostly recovered from his injuries.

Havoc's Road to Recovery - Chapter 7

Moving Onwards

The day that Havoc had chosen to return to work dawned like any other – and for any other person in Amestris, the day would be of no great significance either. However, for Havoc, Mustang, and the rest of his colleagues, the day was a special one.

Havoc woke up earlier that he usually did, and spent a long time getting dressed. It was not because he was slow, but because it was the first time he was putting on his uniform since the day of the dreadful attack, nearly half a year back.

Half a year.

It had seemed far longer than that to Havoc, especially during the duration of his stay in hospital. It had never occurred to the man, at that time, that he would ever get to wear his uniform ever again.

But now, half a year later, Havoc stood in front of his mirror, and admired himself, resplendent in his blue uniform. He smiled.

"Like what you see?"

Mustang came into the bathroom and stood behind him. He had woken up after the blond, but had taken less time to change clothes, and had been preparing breakfast.

"I never thought that I would miss wearing this so much." Havoc told him, his voice soft.

"Well, now you'll get to wear it everyday again." Mustang replied, smiling a little. "You'll get bored of it soon enough."


The two of them stood in silence for several moments, lost in their individual thoughts.

"We should get going." Mustang informed Havoc after awhile. "There's breakfast to finish before we leave, and I don't want to have you recovered just to get you shot by Hawkeye for being late."

Havoc laughed, but turned and proceeded downstairs.

Half an hour later, Havoc and Mustang arrived at Headquarters. The Lieutenant parked the military car (Re-learning how to drive was an achievement that Havoc was proud of), and they proceeded in.

Havoc, having not been back at Headquarters since his injury, looked around as he followed his superior back to the place he once worked at. There were new personnel whom he did not recognize around, and some of the people who used to be around were no longer there.

"Have there been many changes since I was last here?" He asked.

"Several." Mustang replied nonchalantly. "But most of it doesn't concern us."

Havoc nodded, and dropped the subject.

The Lieutenant felt slightly nervous as they approached the office. He did not know what to expect when he entered, and even though his colleagues had visited him often while he was away, he did not know how it would feel to be working with them again after so long.

"Relax, Havoc." His raven-haired companion told him, apparently noticing his nervousness. "Little has changed in my office, so there isn't anything for you to worry about.

Havoc nodded once more, but he still felt nervous anyway.

Just as they approached their intended location, the door to that very office opened, and Fuery stepped out, holding a stack of paper in his hands. At first, he did not notice the two of them.

But as they got closer, he heard their footsteps and looked up.

"Havoc!" Fuery's eyes, which already looked large behind his black glasses, widened even further. "You're back!"

Saying that, he dropped everything that he was holding and rushed back into the office, yelling excitedly.

"Havoc's back!"

A moment later, the rest of his colleagues came out, with Fuery coming out after them.

"Finally." Breda said, grinning somewhat evilly. "Now I can return you all your paperwork."

"Oh, come on." Falman chided the man. "Don't force the poor man to do all that on the day he returns to work."

"Yeah!" Fuery agreed, grinning widely. "We should celebrate!"

"We should go back inside our office." Hawkeye, looking very much her usual stern self, spoke up. "The corridor is not a suitable place for celebrating."

The others agreed, and pulled Havoc inside. The colonel followed behind them, smiling.

Once inside, Mustang declared. "Let us spend the rest of today in celebration."

The rest of them cheered, and for once, Hawkeye did not reach for her gun.

"We will however need to remain within this office, as others are still at work." She reminded them sternly, but the effect was somewhat lessened by a slight smile that showed on her face.

Some time later, after they had finished most of the food and drink that Breda and Fuery had somehow 'stolen' from the canteens and brought back to their office, Havoc sat down on his old work chair and leaned back. Things in the office had not changed much in the period of time that he had been gone, and the sense of familiarity comforted him.

It feels good to be back here, with all my friends around me. Havoc thought to himself as he looked at the others, who were chit-chatting and slacking around – even Hawkeye. Such times did not come very often, and had to be utilized to the full.

Everything looks and feels the same, almost like nothing had ever happened. The Lieutenant mused. It almost seems as if I had never been injured and away from here for all those months.

Ah… But there is something different. Havoc smiled. Back then, I was alone, constantly trying to get a girlfriend, and failing. Now, I have someone whom I love, and who is equally in love with me.

Havoc's smile widened. Now that I have Roy Mustang by my side, I have reached the final steps in my road to recovery.


Notes: Sigh. After months of hard work, I have finally managed to complete this story. Feels kinda sad for me, but kinda happy as well. I think other authors might feel the same when they complete a story that they've been working on for the long time.

Add. Notes: Please do review!! I want to know how I fared. (Be nice!)

Add. Add. Notes: There will probably be no sequel to this, although I'd probably write more Roy x Havoc stories in the future… Do read my other stories anyway!

Final Note: A Very big thank you to every single one of you who have reviewed this story. Without you, I'd probably have abandoned this project a long time ago.