A/N: Ridiculioussssssssssssssssssssssss. Review?
A/N P.s.: If anyone is reading Start Of Something Gold, REVIEW! I've gotten like, none for the most recent chapter, and I'm not updating until I get some…
Disclaimer: Don't own them.

Darry had been dreading this day ever since his parents had died; he was sure his parents had never spoken to Ponyboy about this, and he was unsure how to broach the subject. The day had come, however, when it was unavoidable anymore. It had always been an awkward subject for him; he'd never openly discussed it with anyone. He'd never had much reason. Perhaps it would be better to get Soda to talk to Ponyboy about it; but alas, it was Darry's responsibility. He'd taken it on and known it was coming ever since his parents had died three weeks prior. And it was better he found out straight from Darry, rather than more crudely from the gang.

Darry knew he had to do it, and now was the day. Now had to be the day; various teachers had asked Darry if he could talk about this to Ponyboy… And he knew he had to. Darry and Ponyboy had never been very close, but he couldn't put Ponyboy through the embarrassment of having this conversation with anyone else. He'd waited until it was only the two of them home, as to reduce the awkwardness that the other boy might feel.

"Ponyboy?" Darry asked, sitting down on the chesterfield next to Ponyboy, who was reading a book. To Kill A Mockingbird, Darry read silently to himself and was slightly amused, but only for a moment.

Ponyboy glanced up, and then back at his book, making no effort to talk, only making the situation more awkward for Darry.

"Er… Ponyboy?" Darry tried again.

"Hi Darry," the answer came, slowly and quietly, before edging closer to the end of the couch. Darry followed, wondering if Ponyboy knew what was coming. He was looking awfully nervous…

"We need to talk," Darry said, upon which Ponyboy moved even further towards the end of the couch. Darry stood up and walked over, kneeling in front of Ponyboy.

"Okay…" said Ponyboy, standing up suddenly.

"Ponyboy-" Darry started but was interrupted when the floor squeaked under Ponyboy's feet as he walked into the kitchen. Darry followed and watched as Ponyboy cracked his toes. He could just see Pony's toes moving in his socks as he heard the noise.

"Ponyboy!" Darry said from where he stood in the doorway. "That's enough! That's what I'm trying to tell you're always annoying everyone cracking your toes!"

Ponyboy stared at Darry with a blank look.