Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed, nor any of its characters.

Fiction Rated: M – For mature readers only.

Summary: Wyatt is terribly in love with Chris and tries to find a way to tell him that. An adventure begins when the two brothers are sent to an unknown time and place. Will Wyatt express his love and will Chris accept it?

Author's Notes:
- This is a WyattChris slash story and it contains incest and scenes that are not suitable for everyone. If you don't like it, or if you're not allowed to read such things, don't read it.
- I've been inspired by others' stories with Wyatt and Chris as a pair and that's why I decided to write my own story about this. This is the first time I'm writing something like this, so please be easy on me.
- I've tried to make up all the love scenes between Wyatt and Chris myself. Sometimes I even reread other WyattxChris stories to check whether the scenes I wrote were a bit too similar with the ones in other stories. If they were, I changed them.
- English isn't my first language, so I hope you won't get too mad if you come across grammatical mistakes...

About the story: This story is WyattChris centric. Wyatt is eighteen and Chris is sixteen. They both live at the manor with their parents, Piper and Leo. However, Piper and Leo won't be very often in it (at least not for now). The characters of Phoebe, Paige, their husbands and their possible kids have been left out. Just imagine them being in a far far away country.

There will not be too much slash in the first chapter, although things like that will be mentioned.

I hope you're all going to like it...

From Brothers to Lovers

Wyatt sat on his bed. He was thinking about how his feelings towards his little brother had changed over the days, and that was probably even the only thing he could think about those days.

He had always been close to Chris. And both brothers enjoyed being together with each other a lot. Wyatt loved his little brother more than anything. He just never expected that it would become so strong one day, that it couldn't be called brotherly love anymore. He wanted to be so much closer to Chris. Not just as his brother, but as his lover, his soulmate. He couldn't remember for how long he had been feeling like that. He just knew that he had fallen in love.

He had told himself a thousand times that it wasn't right, because they were brothers. But his love towards Chris had grown so much, that he couldn't help it. He just couldn't stop thinking about him.

Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw Chris. Whenever he slept, he dreamt of Chris. Whenever he saw him, he felt like he was floating on a cloud. Whenever he touched him, he felt his heart beating faster and his breath quickening in excitement. If he only thought about Chris and imagined being with him, he felt the butterflies flying in his stomach, making him feel very happy. He could think about Chris the entire day without getting distracted or tired of it. He'd sink into his own little world during whatever moment of the day, and ignore everything and every sound of the outside world, just to think about the person he loved most.

There was just one little problem. Was Chris feeling the same way about him? Wyatt wasn't sure of that. He had been thinking of ways to tell Chris how he was feeling. But he was afraid that it would have pretty big consequenses for their bond, especially if Chris didn't love Wyatt the way Wyatt loved Chris. Wyatt sighed. What was he going to do? He knew for sure that he wasn't going to use magic. A person couldn't take the advantage of magic for something as important as this. But how was he gonna talk to Chris about this?

He got up from his bed. He put his hands in his pockets and started to pace back and forth in his room. Suddenly there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Wyatt?" came Chris' voice from the corridor.

Gasp. It was Chris. He felt the excitement taking over and he tried to control himself. 'Okay, calm down, Wyatt. It's not like you're meeting him for the first time,' he told himself. Why was he being so nervous?

"Wyatt, you in there?" Chris asked again.


Chris opened the door and entered the room, closing the door behind him. He had a textbook in his hand. "Please tell me you're not doing anything important at the moment," he said hopefully.

"I'm not.. What is it?"

Chris held his book up. "I have this very important Biology test tomorrow and I was kinda hoping if you could hear me out to see if I remembered everything.."

"Sure.. What subject is it about?"

Chris became somewhat unsure of himself. "Um.. Biological reproduction.." he said carefully, trying not to blush. (A/N: In case you don't know, Biological reproduction is the most famous part of Biology among the boys: How babies are made..)

Biological reproduction, eh. This could become interesting. Wyatt chuckled. "Give me that book," he said as he sat on his bed and gestured Chris to sit next to him.

Chris did what his brother told him to and plopped on the bed. Wyatt flipped through the book to the chapter Chris needed to know for the test.

"Hmm.. let's see.. Got it. How does the menstrual cycle of the females work?" Wyatt asked.

Chris looked disgusted. "Do you really have to start with that part of the subject?"

"What? Don't you have to know this for the test?" Wyatt asked playfully. "OK, I'll be easy on you," he said as he skimmed the pages of the book. "What is the function of Progesterone during a woman's pregnancy?"

"Oh, we don't have to know the hormones part for this test," Chris said.

"Okay." Suddenly Wyatt's eyes fell on one particular part of a page and he hesitated whether he was going to ask the question he had in mind or not. "Okay, um.. how does the.. ahem.. male sexual organ work?"

Chris started to explain everything the way he had memorized it. "Okay, let me start with the testicles. That's the place where sperm is produced and stored.." Chris went on.

Wyatt looked at Chris who had memorized everything perfectly well and was talking non stop like an information providing machine. Wyatt stared at Chris' lips. He didn't listen to him anymore, he just kept looking and imagining how it would be to have his own lips sticked to those beautiful pink ones in front of him. He wondered how Chris tasted. Without knowing he licked his own lips. It looked like Chris' mouth was moving in slow motion. Wyatt squeezed his eyes a bit as he focused more on Chris. He entered his own dream world again.

"..when a man is sexually aroused.." Chris kept talking.

Oh God. Wyatt started to become hard as he heard Chris talking about that. He crossed his legs and held Chris' book on his lap in such a way that his erection wouldn't be noticeable.

"..he gets an erection. This is caused by the autonomic dilation of arteries that supply blood to the p.." Chris meanwhile talked.

Wyatt felt his "member" tingling. He was growing more nervous and was worried about what would happen if Chris saw it. He tried to relax so that his erection would go down, but having Chris next to him talking about erections and penises wasn't quite making it easy for him.

"Wyatt?" Chris asked after a while and clipped his fingers in front of Wyatt's face.

Wyatt snapped out of his day dream. "Huh? Oh.. right.." He pretended to be reading the book and thinking of what to ask next.

Suddenly they heard the sound of an explosion coming from the attic. The two brothers orbed out immediately.

When they appeared in the attic, there was a lot of smoke. Through it they saw the figure of their mom who was coughing and waving her hands frantically to clear the air in front of her.

"Mom? What happened?" Chris asked as he made his way to Piper.

"Nothing. Everything's fine. Just a backfired potion.." Piper said while she dusted her clothes.

"What kind of potion?" Chris asked curiously. He was the potions genius of the family and knew exactly everything that someone could know about them. He enjoyed making potions and talking to others about them. And he loved inventing new ones. He often had lots of fun with Wyatt when trying them out for the first time. They'd sneak to the Underworld and crack up laughing together when they turned malicious demons into the most ridiculous shapes and creatures imaginable. And it was also quite entertaining to try new potions on 'enemies' from school..

"I was trying to make a couple of potions to fill up our vanquishing potions collection in case one of those fellas from the Underworld decide to pay us a quick visit," she answered Chris' question and started cleaning the mess.

"Cool," Chris said.

Wyatt just stood there and watched his mother and brother talking to each other. He kept thinking about everything Chris had been saying in his room. The way he said it and not to mention what he was saying was turning Wyatt on. If it were to him he'd grab Chris tightly, kiss him fully on the lips and touch him wherever he could, but he knew that he couldn't do that. He really wanted and needed to be closer to Chris, mentally and physically. He was about to get crazy if he would have to wait much longer. He was losing his patience and his love and lust for Chris were growing stronger day by day. He needed to find a way to have Chris on his side, soon.

"Don't you guys have any homework to do?" Piper asked all of a sudden.

"Wyatt just helped me a bit with mine, but we're done," he said, glancing one time at Wyatt who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Okay, well I need to go to the club now. I think your dad is gonna be "up there" for a pretty long time, so you two be good. There's dinner for you in the fridge which you have to eat in about.. two hours. Don't let anyone in and if there's a demon attack, call for your dad and.."

"Mooom," Wyatt and Chris both whined.

"We know how to handle a demon attack and we're no ten-year-olds anymore who are going to be home alone for the first time," Chris resumed.

"Don't worry mom. We'll manage," Wyatt said smiling.

"Good. But if I find out that you've been sneaking out to the Underworld again, you're both going to be in big trouble.." Piper said. Chris opened his mouth to argue. "..even if it was only one of you who did it. So you two better take good care of each other," she continued before Chris could say anything.

With that Piper left the room. Chris started looking around and mixing some ingredients without any real purpose. They heard the front door being shut as their mom went away.

Wyatt sat lazily on a nearby chair and just watched Chris who was playing with herbs and potions like a chemistry teacher, while whistling one of his favorite songs.

Suddenly Wyatt saw that a very dangerous, explosive potion nearly fell from the table Chris was working at.

"CHRIS, LOOK OUT!!" Wyatt yelled as he jumped in Chris' direction. He wrapped his arms around his brother and pushed himself along with Chris towards the wall. Meanwhile the potion fell from the table. The vial broke when it hit the floor and there was a loud explosion. The potions table was completely destructed and big parts of it flew across the entire attic.

Chris was pinned against the wall and Wyatt still held on to him closely, protecting him from the flying ruins in the room that could cause pretty serious injuries.

They remained in that position for a couple of minutes. When Wyatt was sure that everything was clear, he pulled a bit away, but they were still standing in an embrace.

Chris got startled when Wyatt pushed him like that, and he was totally taken back by the explosion. He felt safe in Wyatt's strong arms though and he loved the fact that Wyatt was being so protective of him. Wyatt had always been like that.

Chris felt Wyatt pulling a bit back when everything was over. He expected Wyatt to release him from the embrace, but he saw Wyatt gazing into his eyes instead. 'What is he doing?' Chris wondered. There was something unusual about Wyatt's eyes and the way he looked. Wyatt's eyes sparkled and it looked as if they were trying to tell Chris something, but he couldn't figure out what.

"Wyatt?" Chris whispered, hoping to snap Wyatt out of his trance with that. What he didn't know, was that that was arousing Wyatt even more.

"Chris.. are you.. are you okay?" Wyatt asked in a longing manner, his voice almost trailing off in excitation and desire for Chris. His eyes were still fixed on Chris' and he didn't blink one single time. His heartbeat quickened and he took long, slow breaths, enjoying every single moment of the state the two brothers were in.

Chris didn't know what to think of Wyatt's behaviour. His brother was acting so strange. He wasn't used to any of this. The way Wyatt asked him that.. it almost sounded romantic. Wait, romantic?!! What the hell was going on!! And.. HOLY SHIT!! Was that Wyatt having an erection against his thigh??!!!!! Chris had never been that astonished in life before.

"Uhmm.. yeah.. I'm.. um.. okay, I guess," Chris stammered nervously. He started to feel very uncomfortable. One arm of Wyatt was around Chris' shoulder and his other hand was on Chris' waist. His body tingled in the places where Wyatt touched him and that made him feel rather uneasy.

Wyatt still didn't let go of Chris. He loved holding him like that. Smelling Chris' scent and feeling his breaths brushing against his neck was absolutely sensational. He felt the urge of kissing his little brother wherever he could, but he tried to suppress his feelings, which took him a lot of effort.

Suddenly Chris felt a wave of pure disgust and repulsion washing over him. He couldn't think properly, but only imagining Wyatt having sexual feelings for him made him feel very sick. They were both males and not to mention brothers!! He wasn't sure whether his doubts about Wyatt were true, but still he felt like throwing up. Chris swallowed hard.

"Wyatt, it's over now. Can you please let me go?" he asked carefully, his voice almost cracking.

Wyatt finally let go. Chris looked at the state of the attic. He had the feeling that Wyatt was still looking at him, but he refused to look back. He didn't know how to act in front of his older brother anymore. Chris fidgeted his fingers and wasn't sure whether to start a conversation or not.

Wyatt noticed that Chris seemed nervous. "You can go to your room and continue your studies. I'll take care of this mess," he said calmly.

Chris nodded without looking at the older witch and left the attic.

Wyatt worriedly watched his little brother walking away. What if Chris found out his secret? What if he knew the truth, but wasn't ready for it yet? What if that had scared Chris anyhow? Wyatt had probably given away a lot by merely looking him in the eyes. He had the feeling that he had made a huge mistake. He felt afraid. Afraid of losing Chris. Of losing not just the one he loved most, but also his brother. 'Oh God.. Please help me,' he thought. 'I need him.. I really do.'

Chris let himself fall onto his bed. He was lying on his stomach and opened his textbook, hoping that he would be able to forget the incident in the attic, but it was difficult. It was something he never expected to happen. The way Wyatt looked at him, the way he talked, the way he held him.. It was not right.

He went through the pages of his Biology book to the one he still needed to memorize. On the bottom of the page there was a small article about homosexuals, which reminded him once again of his brother's possible feelings towards him.

"Ugh." He closed the book immediately and shoved it away from him, causing it to fall from the bed on the floor, but he didn't care. He buried his face into his pillow.

He thought about what had happened over and over again, and he kept telling himself that it wasn't true, but he simply wasn't able to convince himself. Everything else was telling him that it was true. Did Wyatt really love him more than just as a brother? How was he ever going to be able to act like he usually did in front of Wyatt again? He didn't even dare to look at Wyatt anymore, let alone be close to him. He really didn't want to lose his older brother. His mind was so messed up at the moment. He felt dirty and worried at the same time..

About an hour later Chris woke up because of a knock on the door.

"Chris?" Wyatt called from outside the room.


"It's dinner time," Wyatt said.

"I'm not hungry," came Chris' voice, muffled because of the pillow in which his face was still buried.

Wyatt's anxiety grew worse. He didn't really feel like eating either, but he was concerned about Chris and mostly their relationship. "Come on Chris. Mom's gonna be upset if we don't eat. You know that."

"I don't care, I'm just not hungry," Chris repeated as if being stubborn.

Wyatt slowly opened the door and poked his head inside the room. "Mind if I come in?"

Chris didn't answer or move. Wyatt entered the room and walked towards Chris' bed.

"Do you.. um.. do you wanna talk about what happened upstairs?" Wyatt asked cautiously.

"There's nothing to talk about, Wy," he kind of lied.

Wyatt wasn't sure of what to say next. "Okay, well.. I'll be in my room. You know where to find me if you need anything.."

He left the room and closed the door. Chris heard the sound of Wyatt's footsteps fade and of Wyatt opening and closing his bedroom door.

Chris sat up and glanced at a framed picture on his night table. He took it and kept looking at it. The picture had him and Wyatt in it. It was taken on his fourteenth birthday. His eyes brimmed with tears and a sob escaped from his mouth. Was his brotherly relationship with Wyatt ever going to be the same as before?

To be continued...