Sam's POV

Since my first wedding dress was destroyed by Olivia at the wedding, Daddy had to go buy me a new one. This one was even lovelier. It was a floor-length gown with lace sleeves. It also had little roses on the collar. I felt like a princess when I wore it. It's also nice to know that Olivia won't be back again. At least I think so. But now since my leg is crippled, I have to have my sister help me down the aisle. Everyday I wished that this whole thing never happened. And then me and Daniel would be able to have children and live a happy life together. Now that's all changed.


I stand in front of my mirror in my gown. Today's the day that Daniel and I get married. I twirl around to see what happens. But it's hard to because of my leg. Catherine slips into my room quietly and watches me twirl. When I turn around, I see a little girl there. She runs over and hugs me.

"Sarah, I don't want you t' go!" she cried

I knelt down. "Catherine, you know I'll still be 'ere. I'll visit you many times."

"But it won't be the same."

I sighed. "No, no it won't be. But wha's life wit'out taking chances, huh?" I smiled and she smiled back. "Besides, I'll still be wit' you. In your 'eart." I hugged her again. "Now you run along and get dressed. The ceremony's in an 'our." She ran out of the room and down the corridor. I slowly brushed my hair with the brush Mum gave me. I sighed.


A half-hour later, Fee came into my room and told me that the carriage was here to take us to the church. I quickly grabbed my coat and veil and was in the carriage.

"My, my, wha's the 'urry? We still 'ave plenty of time." Fee said

"I know, but, I'm jus' anxious."

"Tha's normal, sweetie. You'll be fine."

The rest of the trip was silent. When we got there, I hopped out of the carriage and ran into my changing room. My bouquet was sitting on the table. I threw down my jacket and put on my veil. My hair was already curled perfectly and my teeth were white. I looked gorgeous. But something was missing.

"Sarah, the ceremony's not fo' another fifteen minutes. Relax." Fee exclaimed

I fell back into my chair and almost fell asleep. "Uh, Fee?"


"I think my leg needs to be rebandaged."

She groaned and rebandaged my calve. "Anything else?"

"No, tha's it."

"Alrigh', then. I'll come get you when we're 'bout t' start."

"Alrigh'. Tha' sounds good."

She left. I quickly pulled out the little knife that was in my coat pocket and made tiny slits on my wrists. A little blood trickled down but it was barely noticable. I cleaned them off and put on my gloves. Fee came in again.

"Back already?"

"We're starting."

"Alrigh'. Coming."


Danny's POV

I watched Samantha walk down the aisle gracefully. Although she did trip a few times. Mostly because of her leg. I didn't care about that. She was just the most beutiful thing I'd ever seen.

"...Do you, Daniel Fenton, take Samantha Manson to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I looked at my bride. "I do."

"And do you, Samantha Manson, take Daniel Fenton to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I threw my arms around Samantha and kissed her deeply. She threw the bouquet behind her and guess who caught it? Samantha's sister, Elizabeth Jane. She turned about three shades of red.

I whispered to my new wife, "I can't believe we're finally married."

"Me neither."

I kissed her again. The I took her hand. We ran out of the church into the carriage to begin our new life, as husband and wife.