Sam's POV

I look in the mirror. I see a face. But it isn't mine. It's more beautiful than mine would ever be. I run into the washroom and splash water on my face. I look up. The face is still there. It's no use, I thought. It will never go away. I drag myself back to my vanity and pick up my brush. Mother gave me it for my sixteenth birthday. It's made out of pure silver. Mother is so generous when it comes to gifts. I stroke my wavy, black hair with a sigh. "I'll never be ready for the wedding," I cried. The truth is, it's my wedding.


My name is Samantha Jolie Manson. I live in a beautiful mansion on the countryside of England. I'm twenty-three years old. Mother and Father expected me to be married years ago. But I never wanted to settle down just yet. But now I am engaged. My fiancé's name is Daniel Fenton. We love each other deeply. I can remember the night he proposed to me perfectly:


One year ago...

Daniel and I were walking through my father's apple orchid. It's really lovely there at sunset.

"Daniel, this night has been very lovely." I say, with my hands around his arm

"Not as lovely you are, love."

"Oh, stop! You!" I say, laughing

"I can't believe it's been twelve years since we've met."

"I know. Time flies when you're in love."

"I second on that, pet." He kisses my head.

"You're too kind."

"I know."

We walk on a bit. I hold his hand.

Suddenly, Daniel stops in his tracks, but I continue to walk on.

"Uh, Miss Manson?"


"I want to ask you something."

I walk back to him. "Alrigh', I'm listening."

Daniel takes my left hand with both of his.

"Samantha Manson, will you marry me?"

I smiled. "Of course."

Daniel smiled too and kissed me. Our first kiss together. It was so exciting.



Danny's POV

I sit in my room worrying about the wedding.

"What am I going to do? I know I'm going to mess up!"

"You'll do fine," my sister Elizabeth says, standing in my doorway

Elizabeth is my little sister. She's eighteen. Her long, brunette hair flows as she walks towards me. My little sister stands behind me and puts her arms around my neck. I kiss her little hands. She laughs.

"'ave faith big brother."

"You're right."

"Of course I'm right. Mum and Dad said that I'm always am."

I stand up, smiling. "Stop being such a snob, Elizabeth Annabelle Sarah Fenton!" I laughed out

I grab my little sister's waist and she bursts out laughing.

"You're such a fool Daniel!"

"I know you are, but what am I?" I said as I started to tickle her

Elizabeth is laughing out of control. It's really funny.


I finally let her go. She walked to the doorway.

"Also, you might want to wear your trousers outside of your underpants at the ceremony. Right Daniel?"

These are the little things that bug me about my little sister. She's always right, no matter what.


After I rearranged my clothing, I sat down on my bed. I picked up Mum's copy of A Christmas Carol. She loved to read it to us during Christmas. Now Jasmine Rose reads it to us. Mum and Dad left us their mansion in east London after they moved to Yorkshire. As I skimmed through the pages, I heard a creaking noise. Like the one that came from doors. I looked up. A girl was standing at my door in a gorgeous white dress. She had beautiful locks of brown and gold. Her eyes were cascading pools of blue. Suddenly, it hit me. I knew who that girl was.

"Olivia?" I whispered

The girl ran. I chased after her. After an hour of chasing her, I lost her. Then I heard the sounds of someone crying. I walked towards the noise. It grew louder and louder. At the end of corridor, I came to a door. I listened through it. Someone was crying in there. I slowly opened the door. There was a man sobbing over the girl in the white dress. Except now, her dress was stained with blood on her chest. Also, there was a bloodied dagger in the wall. Someone had just murdered that girl.


I crept in slowly. The man picked up the girl and was still crying over the lifeless body. He lifted his head. I could recognize his face. It was me! Soon, I heard a voice, telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes. My sister, Jasmine Rose, is sitting next to me. Shaking my arm.

"Daniel? Daniel? Are you alright?"

"Yes, Jasmine, I'm fine."

"You gave me an 'uge fright, little brother. Don't wander like that anymore!"

"Jasmine, I'm twenty-three. I can do what I want."

"Alrigh'. Enough fighting. 'ow did you get 'ere in the first place?"

"Olivia was 'ere."

"Danny, I—"

"She came to see me again. She still loves me."

"Daniel. She—"

"I must find her! I need to tell her that I still love her too!"

"DANIEL!! ENOUGH!!!" Jasmine shouts, "Daniel, Olivia's dead. There's no way that she could've been 'ere."

"I saw 'er. I saw 'er being murdered. That 'orrific night."

Jasmine took my hand. "Little brother, Olivia was murdered five years ago. I know that you've been through a lot, but you're betrothed now. To Samantha. You love her. You can't turn on her now. Your wedding is in a week!"

"I know. But Olivia was going to be my bride first."

"Daniel, I know you loved 'er a lot, but, it's time to let go. She'd want you to."

"She would. But I'll still love 'er no matter what. But Samantha will always come first."

"That's my little brother." She wraps her arms around me.

Tears are still falling from my eyes.

"She died on our wedding day. She left us there, she never even came into the room."

"Danny, I'm so sorry." She too started to cry.