Dude Looks Like a Lady

Chapter 1

By: Kigen and Usagi Youkai

Me and Usagi Youkai started a Zukka roleplay; a long one that revolved around Zukka, Sokka and him looking girly in a dress. And well, this was the result. The uncensored version will be put on adult fanfiction . net, under the name chu-leh. The censored veresion's still pretty graphic though.

Each chapter will have who played who at the top.

I was Sokka, Han, and Aang.

Usagi Youkai was Katara and Zuko.

Disclaimer: The yaoi fans only wished Usagi and I owned Avatar the Last Airbender. If we did, this would so be a special, secret episode; omake or whatever they're called.


Zuko was studying history at Sokka's house, sitting on the couch in the living room. The only reason he was there was because Aang had bugged him to join the study group; in which only he and Sokka were really studying. Aang and Katara had run off somewhere. He had a book open, wearing mostly black, his hair short, scar as usual and looked bored. "Why am I here again?"

"Cause Aang talked you into it." Sokka wasn't really paying any attention to Zuko, too busy trying to figure out his book report. "God I hate Tale of Two Cities." he let his head hit the desk.

Damn him and his begging eyes. Zuko shut his book, unable to concentrate any more.

Sokka sat up when he noticed Zuko shut his book. "I say we ditch studying and move on to something less brain rotting. Want something to drink?" Sokka asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"A coke." He rubbed his temples with his thumb and index finger.

Sokka returned and handed Zuko his can, opening his own. He raises an eyebrow at Zuko's temple rubbing. "Need some Advil or something?"

"I'm not use to cramming, I'm fine." he popped open his soda. "Your sister and Aang have been gone a while... you think they found a closet and made out?"

Sokka spats out his coke and burst into a fit of coughs. "Oh god ew! Bad mental images!"

Zuko grimaced, wiping off his shirt. "Watch where you spit, and I wouldn't doubt it. Aang always swoons over her."

"Aang's twelve, and Katara is my sister! I don't want to think about them doing... that." Sokka wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Besides, Aang's not allowed to touch Katara until their wedding night."

"Like they're going to listen to you."

"Then at least until Aang's sixteen... or twenty. At twelve it's just... ew..."

"Speaking of girls, when was the last time you had a date?" Zuko sipped his coke.

"For you information, not that it's any of your business; Suki and I went out just last week. What about you Mr. Tall, pale, and broody?"

Zuko shrugged. "I went out with Jin."

"Jin..." Sokka thought particularly hard, trying to remember. "Isn't she that girl that just moved in, like a month ago? What happened to Song and Mai?"

"You're kidding with Mai, right? She's one of my sister's friends so I won't touch her, and Song... she's way too danty for my taste. I heard that Ty Lee was stalking you. And that Princess Yue?"

Sokka leaned back and pulls what he believed to be a cool guy pose. "Guilty of both charges. Can't blame the girls though. I'm just that irresistible."

Zuko snorted, trying to contain a laugh.

"What's so funny?" a slight glare was directed at Zuko.

"Well, I have to wonder if they're attracted to other women." he took another sip of his soda.

"What?" he thought about it for a moment before the insult set in. "Fuck you!" he threw a pillow at Zuko.

Zuko laughed, blocking himself from the pillow. "What? I said nothing."

"Liar." he stopped for a moment to think of an insult, any insult. "At least I don't have Jet hanging all over me." Sokka insulted the only thing he could think of, Zuko's heteroness.

Zuko ignored that comment, saying offhandedly, "I heard that girls are often attracted to girly guys."

"Shows what you know. See this here?" Sokka pointed to his chest. "This here is 110 man."

"109.9 of it is a girly man."

Sokka puffed up, pissed. "Screw you."

"You wish."

Sokka sputtered, trying to come up with something and failed. "Jerk." he crossed his arms and pouted.

Zuko snickered. "I bet if you dressed up like a girl, the guys at school would jump you."

"Would not."

"Would too."

"Is that a bet I'm detecting?" Sokka asked.

Zuko smirked. "Why not? I bet that if you dress up like a girl, people won't be able to tell the difference."

Sokka snorted, "Yeah, all girls at school go around with half of their heads shaved."

"I've seen your hair down. It doesn't make a difference with you."

"Fine. I bet that I can go one day, hair down, in a dress, and everyone'll know it's me."

Zuko grinned wickedly. "You're on."

"What do I get when I win?"

"Who ever wins gets the loser to do what ever they say for a full day."

"That doesn't involve public nudity or semi nudity." Sokka added. He shuddered at the memories of a past bet he lost to Jet.

"Fine?" he got up. "Your sister has dresses, right?"

"They're too small to fit me. Let's go to Suki's."

"No, she's one of the test subjects." he thought for a minute. "I guess we're raiding Azula's closet."

"I'm supposed to be dressing like a girl, not some freak!"

"But Azula's about your height. She has some normal dresses" he headed to the door. "Come on."

Sokka reluctantly followed. "But red and black aren't my colors!"

"I think red would be a good color on you." The two boys head towards Zuko's house, which was a couple blocks away.

Sokka continued to argue. "But blue goes better with my eyes!"

"Red goes better with your cheeks."

"I'm not blushing!" Sokka grumbled under his breath. "Next thing you know you'll make me wear makeup." Sokka froze. "Oh, hell no! Forget I even said that!"

Zuko was already grinning. "Too late. Azula has that too."

"Okay. I know, for a fact, nothing that goes with her ghost white complexion can go with my skin tone."

"We'll find something."

"But- but." he hung his head when he saw he was not getting out of it. "You're sadistic and I hate you."

Zuko laughed lightly to himself, making it to his house, which was really huge since his family was rich. "I hope she's not home tonight."

"Yeah, won't she notice her missing clothes and makeup and kill us in our sleep or something?"

"She doesn't really wear many dresses, and she has a whole dresser full of make up and stuff." he went inside, heading upstairs to his own room.

"But girls are neurotic about these thing. She'll kill us I'm telling you."

"I know my insane sister more than you, so just shut up." he pulled Sokka into his room. "Stay in here, I'll be right back." Zuko left to brave Azula's room.

Sokka flopped onto Zuko's large bed and pouted. "I hope her booby traps maim you." he muttered.

Zuko came back with a bunch of dresses on hangers and a basket of cosmetics. "Ty Lee is always playing dress up, we'll just blame it on her if it gets out of hand." he dumped the dresses on the back of his desk chair and set the basket on the desk.

"I refuse to wear pink." he pushed one gaudy, pink, sparkly dress to the side. "... What the hell is this?" he held up something red and furry. "It looks like something that died."

"I suggest this one first." he held up a red sun dress looking garment.

"That'd be great, if I had breasts." he gestured to his obviously flat chest. "Isn't there anything blue?"

Zuko rolled his eyes. "Azula would burn her closet of she had anything blue." he dug through the pile, finding a black mini skirt. He smirked and held it out to Sokka. "You have to try this one."

"No way in hell. My boxers are longer that thing."

"So take off your boxers."

Sokka stared at Zuko. "I didn't know you cared that way Zuko."

"Don't flatter yourself. But, I'd rather see you in it than my sister." he put it aside, knowing what he'd do when he won this bet. He picked up a long dark red dress, with long sleeves and a v-neck. "Try this one."

"I'm wearing this to school, right? I'm not wearing some prom dress to school."

"It's not a prom dress, it's a casual day dress."

"It goes to my ankles and has long sleeves. It's either a prom dress or a chastity dress. I'd rather wear the miniskirt."

Zuko smirked suggestively.

"It's against the dress code." he stuck his tongue out in victory.

Zuko sighed. "Fine, you pick something."

"Does it need to be a skirt? Can it just be girl clothes?" Sokka started to poke through the pile.

"Dress or skirt."

Sokka wrinkled his nose and looked through the pile. "Will this do your all mighty manliness?." he held up a black skirt, one that reached right above his knees and poofed slightly; and a short sleeved, deep red jacket and black tank top.

Zuko nodded. "Fine."

Sokka paused for a moment and thought. "Zuko, two questions, no wait, three."

"Ask away."

"One, where are shoes that go with this outfit? Get me high heals and I will kill you. Two, do you even know how to put on makeup? And three, what about my breasts, or lack of them I should say?"

Zuko smirked. "Azula has a closet of shoes. Makeup will be trial and error, and if you're that worried about boobs, you'll get a bra."

Sokka's face dropped. "A bra?" he squeaked.

"You asked. You try those on." Zuko pointed to the clothes. "I'll get the shoes."

"Get me heals and you're dead!" Sokka grumbled and removed his clothing, pulling the girl clothes on. He's more than grateful that the skirt is long enough to cover his boxer and he doesn't have to run around commando in a skirt.

Zuko returned with some black dress shoes. "Maybe we should go to the store for a bra and underwear."

"Don't you think it'd be weird for two boys to be shopping for lingerie?" he was wearing the outfit, but his hair was still up.

"It won't look weird for a girl dragging her boyfriend along." he went over to Sokka, pulling Sokka's hair out of it's tie.

"Wait a minute! I only have to wear the dress one day, at school. Shopping and going on a pity date with you wasn't part of the deal!"

"It'll be practice. I doubt anyone will take a second look at you." he gave Sokka the shoes.

Sokka looked down for a second and noticed something. "Umm... Zuko?"


"Girls don't have hairy legs... do they?"

Zuko was silent, feeling awkward for a minute. "I'm uncomfortable lending you my razor." he was thoughtful a moment. "Azula has Nair though, I've seen it around..."

"What's Nair?" Sokka asked. He had never heard of it.

"Liquid hair remover."

"Why don't I like the sounds of that?"

Zuko grinned, pushing Sokka towards the bathroom. "It'll take 5 minutes"

Sokka looked warily at the bottle as though it was going to attack him. He hesitantly opened it. "Oh, gross. This stuff smells like rotting watermelons! Oh, there is no way in hell I'm putting that gunk on me!"

"Then I'll do it if you're going to be such a baby about it."

Sokka grimaced as Zuko puts it on his legs, lifting the skirt so it doesn't get dirty. "Ew... How do you take it off?"

Zuko ran his hands shamelessly up and down Sokka's legs. "Wipe it off with a damp towel."

"Get it for me."

Zuko smirked. "You like me touching you or something?" He grabbed a towel.

"You wish. I can't stand up with goop on my legs or I'll get the skirt dirty. And I'm not putting on the mini skirt."

"Fine, fine." Zuko eventually got all the Nair and every hair off Sokka's legs. He ran a few fingers down Sokka's smooth skin. "You really do have girly legs."

"Shut up." he touched his own leg. "That feels weird." Sokka stood up and took a few steps. "Really weird."

Zuko stood up. "Now to the store if you don't have any other complains."

"Fine." He walked with Zuko out of the house. "I still say people are gonna think I'm a boy with some sick hobby."

"We'll see." They headed to the local clothes store for simple under garments.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." he grumbled as he hung his head in embarrassment and shame. "I can't believe no one's called me a sick freak yet."

Zuko snickered, whispering to Sokka. "I think that register guy is checking you out."

Sokka looked up, a look of horror taking over his features. "Oh gods no." he immediately started to hide behind Zuko. "Let's leave. Now."

"Nope." he moved and slide his arm around Sokka's waist, leading him to the lingerie.

"No, you don't understand. That's Han!" Sokka hissed.

"So? If he says anything when we get up there, we'll see if he recognizes you."

"You don't get it do you?" Sokka continued to hiss. "He's a sadistic creep who wants my ass. Seeing me in a dress is just going to give him something else to jack off to!"

"We'll see." Zuko said as they entered the underwear department. "Take your pick."

Sokka's face was beat red. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this." he picked one bra randomly. "If he jumps me I'm so blaming you."

"Pick underwear too."

"Why? I have the bra." he waved said item in Zuko's face.

"You're not wearing boxers under a dress."

"Why not? Suki does sometimes."

Zuko raised an eyebrow.

"I heard her telling one of her friends! So let's just go and pretend this never happened."

"Nope, we're going all out for this, otherwise there was no point in using the Nair."

"Fine." he picked up a pair of panties randomly. "These aren't going to be comfortable." he whined.

"Its not suppose to be." They headed to the counter, whispering, "Remember, high voice if you talk."

"I'm not talking." he hid his face in Zuko's shoulder.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" Han let his eyes run up and down the girl's body. She was a pretty thing, if not a tad familiar to Han.

"Pretty much." he set everything down, arm comfortably around Sokka's waist.

Han smirked. "Pretty girl you got there." he began to scan the items. "Any chance she's unattached?"

Zuko grinned. "Nope, she's taken." he held Sokka closer to him.

Sokka blushed deep red and grumbled something under her breath.

"Too bad. Feel free to call though if you ever find yourself wanting something better." Han all but leered at the girl. "You're total's $7.40."

Zuko paid for the clothes. "Yeah." Han bagged it and they left the store. "A bit full of himself, huh?"

"You have no idea."

Zuko couldn't help but snickers. "He bought it, and that was without makeup."

"Doesn't count. I didn't speak and he didn't see my face. These clothes completely hide my figure. All someone has to do is hear my manly voice, or see my studly face to know I'm a guy."

"We'll see tomorrow." they headed back to his house, his arm still around Sokka's waist. Zuko laughed lightly to himself. "Manly and studly..."

"Yes I am. Why are you still clinging to me?"

"Why aren't you shoving me away?"

Sokka shoved Zuko away harshly out of spite. "We're letting Katara in on this right? She'll know right away it's me."

"Lets see." they turn around and head to Sokka's house. "Maybe she'll know how to work makeup."

"Hardly. She never wears it. Do I have to pretend to be a girl?"

"Yes, we're going to test your sister and Aang if he's still there. And even if she never wears it, she's bound to know something about it."

"Fine. So what am I gonna tell the teachers when a 'girl' appears instead of me, and goes to all my classes?"

"That you're visiting your boyfriend for the day." Zuko pointed to himself. "And can't bear to stay at home while you're on such a short visit."

"Won't Mai try to gut me on the spot if I say that? And what about Jin?"

"Mai won't try anything, and I only said I went out with Jin, I didn't say we were going steady."

"Fine. What's my new name?"

Zuko thought for a minute. "Shoko."

"Shoko?" Sokka snorted. "Why don't we just call me Soklina and make it even more obvious?"

"You got something better?"

Sokka tried to think of another name. "Not really... But I even on the rare chance I do end up looking like a girl, I'll still look like me."

"Don't flatter yourself, you always look like a girl."

"I DO NOT!" he shrieked, rather high pitched. Sokka took a few deep breathes than said calmly. "If someone asks, we'll just say Shoko and I are cousins or something."

"We'll just say that you're from the Water Tribes, that's all they need to know."

"Not everyone in the Water Tribe looks the same." he retorted as they reached his house. Opening the door, he saw Katara's and Aang's shoes by the door. "Katara and Aang are home."

"So I see." Zuko stepped inside. "Let's see if they recognize you."

Sokka snorted. "Just you wait and see your little plan crash and burn."

Aang looked up as Zuko and Sokka entered the room. "Hey Zuko. Who's your friend?"

Katara looked up as well, frowning. "And why are you bringing her here?"

Zuko smirked. "I just thought I'd stop by and introduce you guys to Shoko." His arm went around Sokka's waist again.

Sokka was beat red in embarrassment, not saying anything.

"Hi Shoko. I'm Aang, and this is Katara."

Katara didn't really like the fact that Zuko is showing off his girlfriends; but she nodded, being polite. "Hello Shoko."

Sokka was unable to contain it any longer. "Okay, that's not funny! You're not supposed to go along with Zuko, you're supposed to ask my why I'm wearing a dress!"

Katara was confused, truly confused. "What?"

Zuko laughed, unable to contain himself.

Aang tilted his head to the side in cute confusion. "Sokka, is that you? Why are you wearing a dress?"

Sokka shoved Zuko away. "I can't believe you two are going along with Zuko!" he waved his arms in the air.

"Sokka, why are you wearing a dress?" Katar was agitated because she doesn't know what's going on. "And what do you mean go along with Zuko?"

"Zuko bet that if I wore a dress to school, guys would jump me and no one would be able to tell. And you two," Sokka pointed to Aang and Katara, "must already know about the plan and are playing along to torture me!"

"Congratulations on winning the bet Zuko!" Aang shot Zuko a big smile.

Katara started giggling at the thought of her brother wearing a dress to school.

"It's not funny!" Sokka yelled.

Zuko grinned. "This bet is as good as won."

"No it's not! I'm telling you, no one is going to believe I'm your girlfriend!" he waved the arm with the bag a little too hard and the panties flew out.

"Sokka? Is there something you're not telling us?" Katara looked at her brother, slighlty horrified.

Sokka turned bright red. "It's Zuko's fetish! I tried to walk out, but no. He made me get a bra AND the panties!

Zuko ignored Sokka, looking to Katara. "But anyways, we've got everything but a makeup person, and since you're the only actual 100 girl here, we were wondering if you could help."

"I am not a girl!" Sokka yelled.

"You're half way there." Zuko shot back.

"Clothes do not make me a girl!"

"Right, you're already half girl."

Sokka's face turned bright red and he sputtered.

"Um, Sokka. Why are your legs smooth?" Aang asked.

Katara burst out giggling. Zuko was grinning.

"Because girl's have shaved legs, and Zuko's gonna need all the help he can get in making me look girly."

"But you already look like a girl..." Aang pointed out.

"Told you, even Aang can see it."

"Because you have him in on your little scheme. You called them when you were getting the dresses, or the shoes, didn't you?" Sokka's mind began to run wild with all the possible conspiracies.

Zuko sighed. "You'll just have to see for yourself tomorrow. And if you'll excuse me, I'm going home to clean up so Azula doesn't kill me." He pointed to Sokka. "I'll be walking you to school tomorrow, good night." Smirking, he gave Sokka a quick butt pinch before leaving the house.

"Pervert! Did you see that? He PINCHED my ass! The fucking pervert! I'm going to, going to... Katara, why are you looking at me like that?"

Katara smiled, shaking her head. "Oh, nothing."

Sokka breathed a sigh of release. "Good. For a second there I thought you were going to makeup me or some other girly thing."

"Oh, that reminds me. We have to practice tonight if you're going to be dating Zuko tomorrow." Katara stands up and takes Sokka's hand, dragging him to her room to get her girled up.

"No, no! Aang, help me!"

"Sorry. Uncle Gyatso's here to pick me up. See you at school tomorrow Shoko!" Aang grabbed his bag and ran for the door.

Katara waved when Aang left. "Now, what color lipsticks do I have..."

"You can't be serious. And I thought girls used lip gloss now, and not lipstick."

"We'll try out both." Katara dragged him into her room.

Sokka was sat down on Katara's bed as she got her makeup. "I'm telling you Katara, this isn't going to work."

"Oh, it will. I got my work cut out for me."

"I mean, seriously Katara. Just look at how manly I am. No one's going to believe that I'm a girl, no matter how much makeup you put on my face."

"To tell the truth, you don't need that much, only a few touch ups. And you haven't seen yourself in that dress yet, have you?"

"No. But I already know it hides my figure. Besides, one look at my studly face and they'll realize I'm a boy."

Katara rolled her eyes. "If anything, it shows off your figure and you don't have a very manly face. You pout too much."

"I do not!" He pouted some more, until a missed fact registers. "Hey Katara?"

Katara didn't look up as she dug though her bag. "Yeah?"

"Um... This is so weird for a guy to ask his little sister... How do you put on a bra and make it look like you have boobs?"

Katara smiled, a bit embarrassed. "We'll work on that later, but I suggest something round and squishy. We'll find something to fill that shirt."

"All right." Sokka squeezed his eyes shut tight. "I'm ready. Do your worst."

Katara smiled. "Ok, you asked for it." She went to work.


So, did everyone enjoy that as much as Usagi and I did writing it? Sokka seems to know a bit too much about girl clothing and habits. Next is school.

Thanks for reading and please review.

Ja min'na-san.