A/N: Yes, it's a new story and yes, I'm trying to write an original spin on how the Titans got together. But before you run away, let me tell you that it won't be that bad… at least I hope it won't be bad.

The story will be divided into four arcs:

The first arc will have the title 'Air' and features the birth of Raven and Robin, their childhood together (yes, they will grow up together. How and why, you will see in the second part of the prologue :grins:), the beginning of their superhero career together with Batman until the forming of the Titans.

The second arc will be the 'Earth'-arc. It will deal with problems of the newly formed Titans and the meeting of Terra and her betrayal.

'Fire' will be the third arc and it will deal with Raven, her prophesy, Trigon and Arella… and Batman. (Probably Arella/Batman romance)

The fourth and last arc will be called 'Water' and will feature the end of the Titans and the conclusion to everything (hopefully).

It may sound a bit boring at first, but believe me, I have great plans for this and I really, really, REALLY want to write this.

Of course, there will be Rae/Rob-ness. It wouldn't be a story by me without Rae/Rob-ness, but there will be also mentions of Rob/Babs and Rob/Star and Rae/Flash and Rae/Jericho.
But the main pairing will be RaeRob. So, don't worry.

Btw, if you want a better summary for this story, look here:

http // alena-chan21 . livejournal . com / 6801 . html
(Of course without the spaces… :grins: )

This is an un-beta-ed version, but the beta-ed version will be posted soon. I'll the chapter to my wonderful beta, ChaiChi as soon as possible.
Dedicated to Aileene25… because she is an awesome authoress and a wonderful friend and because she encouraged me to upload this story and to keep writing RaeRob-stories.

Btw, check out her wonderful TT and RaeRob-stories. They are so great and if you like RaeRob, you love her stories.

So, what are you waiting for…?


Disclaimer: Not mine!

Arc One:


Part I

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3 am

New York

"Mrs Grayson, please relax. Don't push. Try to breathe…" the doctor said and tried to calm down the brunette woman.

"Darling… Mary, c'mon try to hold out. Inhale… exhale… don't push…" a black haired young man spoke holding the woman's hand.

"That's easy for you to say," Mary groaned in agony. "You aren't the one trying to push out a 7 pounds heavy human out of you… ahhhh…"

"Mary, are you alright?"

His wife glared at him with fiery green eyes, "Please, just shut up, John," was everything the young woman said through gritted teeth.

John smiled apologetically at his wife, his blue eyes twinkling warmly, "I'm sorry…"

"Okay, Mrs. Grayson, take a deep breath and push one last time." The middle-aged doctor informed the couple.

Mary grabbed her husbands hand and squeezed on his hand pain washed over her.

"Argh… aaaahhhhh…." She screamed pushing one last time before falling back onto the bed.

Slowly, Mary opened her eyes… just at the moment to see her baby open its small mouth and cry for the first time in its life.
A beautiful and relaxed smile appeared on her face when she saw her husband taking their baby in his arms.

"It's a boy, Mary… a little baby-boy…" John laughed happily as he gently laid their son in his wife's arms.

"He is so small… just like a little robin… my little robin," Mary whispered in awe.

Gently, she stroked over his forehead down to his small nose, "He's so beautiful!"

She looked up at her husband, "He has your hair," she said looking at the furry black mop a top of her son's head. "… and your eyes…" Mary added as her son opened his little eyes to reveal blue eyes.

"A new-born baby's eyes are always blue, Mary," John reminded her gently and laughed.

His wife shook her head, "He has your eyes." She said it again in such a serious and convincing tone that John couldn't help himself but to believe her.

"You should sleep, darling," he said after a little while. He could see how exhausted she was… even if she radiated happiness, but she needed her rest.

"No, I don't need to sleep. I-" she began to protest, but her husband cut her short.-

"I will wait here… with our son…" the black-haired man promised her and reluctantly Mary gave her son to his father.

But before closing her eyes, she spoke, "Wait, we need a name for him."

"We can name him later," John replied.

"No, he needs a name…"

"Alright, what have you in mind?" John asked gently rocking his crying son.

"Richard…" his wife suddenly said, "Richard John Grayson…"

The blue-eyed man smiled at his wife, "That's a wonderful name: Richard John Grayson," he looked down at his son and saw him closing his eyes.

"But you should really rest now, darling. We will both be here when you awake." John said with a smile.

And as Mary Grayson closed her eyes and drifted into sleep, she asked herself if there was anybody today who wasn't as happy as she was.


3 am



There was only silence.

And pain.

So much pain.

It hurt so much. Why did have to hurt so much?

She would have been able to endure the pain if there wasn't this unbearable silence. More than anything else she hated the silence.

No groan, no moan, no cry, no scream was allowed.

Only silence.



Don't scream…


Why can't this stop?

They should have let her die. It would have been better… better than this.

One last time… she had to push one last time and than it would end.

One last time-

Arella opened her eyes to the first scream of her baby.

One of the monks had cut through the umbilical cord and the black-haired woman could clearly see her daughter now.

She had violet hair and huge purple eyes.

Shouldn't new-born babies' eyes be blue?

But her daughters eyes were purple… they almost looked like amethysts.

Arella tried to reach out for her daughter. She wanted to hold her and to welcome her to this world: She wanted her daughter… no matter what.
But the monks blocked her way.

"I want my baby…" Arella managed to bring out.

But nobody seemed to listen to her.

"I want my daughter," she tried again and panicked as she saw that they were getting her daughter away.

"Where are you bringing her? I want to hold my baby." She almost cried… and still nobody was taking any notice.

"Please… no… don't go… bring her back…" Arella cried and trashed around. She tried to stay up to stop them from taking her away, but a voice stopped her.

"Arella, you know that we don't have another choice. It has to be done. It's for the best." A middle-aged woman in a pure white cloak with midnight black hair looked at Arella.
And as much as Arella loved and respected Azar, she couldn't let that happen.

"No, no… I want my baby… my little girl…"

Azar looked at her with sadness in her pale-blue eyes and before Arella knew what was happening, she felt her eyes closing without her will.

'No!' Arella silently screamed.

Before the black-haired woman lost herself to the darkness, she took one last glance at her new-born daughter.
'Raven…' was everything she could think, 'my little Raven…'

And then there was darkness and nothing more.

A/N: Yes, it's short, but then again, it's a prologue… hehehehe…

Anyway, whaddaya think?

Good Bad Medicore?

Tell me, tell me… tell me… I'm dying for comments… please…?

And I've given myself a deadline: I'll update this story, along with some other few stories, until next Sunday.
I'll do everything I can to achieve this… I promise.

And I'm really, really sorry for being so slow with updates, but right now I'm going to university and working in two jobs. I'm kinda busy and it's really difficult. But I don't what you guys to think t hat I have given up on my stories and RaeRob. I'm still writing and I still have lots of idea… I just hope that you will still read my stories.

And of course, it would make me so happy to see and read more RaeRob-stories.

Again, I'm sorry…

Yeah, so, read, enjoy, review, reply…

and take care and be safe and be happy!

Love, Alena.