Hey all, This is the first chapter of Progeny. Of course you'd never see Gibbs getting himself into this situation in the NCIS but here's what I'd like to happen if he did happen to. (I don't own the characters.) Read and review coz I'm not actually sure what the next chapter will include...
Abby sat on the soft spring grass in the green park beneath a tree. Shielding herself with a black lace parasol, skirt smoothed down on her legs, back against the bark. The day's paper was spread open on the ground before her but she wasn't looking at it. She stared out over the children playing, the watchful mothers, the quiet fathers and the gossiping girls. People watching was an interesting hobby but she wasn't doing that either. No, she was thinking. Using the cool fresh air as a stimulant, the environment to clear her head and the comforting surroundings to think through her latest dilemma. She was pregnant. That was also the best explanation for her lack of Caff-pow! No more caffeine, no more whiskey on a Friday night with Gibbs. Perhaps that was a good thing seeing as that was the cause of her pregnancy.
Friday nights had become a sort of ritual for Gibbs and Abby. Sitting in silence, curled up on the couch or working on the boat, drinking. Whatever they felt like doing was what they did. That's why she always felt comfortable there; she was not pressured to do anything ever. She was free with him and always safe. One of those nights had found them both with one too many whiskeys which turned into drunken kisses and fumbling around n the sawdust covered floor of his basement. The next morning they had both pretended that nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Gibbs made breakfast and he and Abby had spoken in soft tones about music and weapons and gunpowder. They never spoke about what happened but sometimes when she saw Gibbs staring at her she was sure that he was remembering, and she herself could not help but cast a half-smile in his direction at the thought.
She still visited his house on Friday nights because nothing had changed between them, but tonight was going to be difficult. She would have to tell him that she was pregnant. That they were pregnant. Seeing as they were in no way romantically involved she had no idea how he was going to react or what they were going to do. But as she thought about it she knew there was no way she could give the child up in any way, because part of it was Gibbs.
Gibbs had woken the morning after with Abby curled up on top of him, sleeping peacefully. Her head lay lightly on his chest. Resting his hands on her shoulders he realized what they had done. Gibbs was not a man who let himself get into such situations. Especially not with black-haired thirty or so years younger gothic girls whom he worked with. But he was also a man of honor and he would never mention that night to anyone even though he remembered every second of it very clearly.
Abby went back to NCIS after her lunch break on the grass and all was as it usually was until Gibbs came down to her lab and dropped a Caff-Pow! On the table beside her. She gave it a longing look and when she did not drink it Gibbs looked around the room and saw no empty or even half drunk caffeinated drinks. He gave her a calculating look as she rambled about something, avoiding his gaze. "Abbs." He said in a reprimanding yet concerned voice. Her motor mouth stopped moving and she looked up at him cringing slightly. She knew he knew that she was avoiding the drink for a reason. She remained silent hoping he'd forget it. "Abby, what's going on." He put a hand on her shoulder. She couldn't do anything but tell him now. She glanced over his shoulder to make sure they were alone. "Well, I was going to tell you tonight. But I might as well tell you now. Though I don't think there would ever be a right time to say this to you. I mean, I didn't even know until this morning otherwise you would have known sooner. I don't know how this is going to turn out because." Gibbs cut her off with just a look, but now he was more concerned then ever and he tightened his grip on her should her and placed his free hand on her other shoulder and lowered himself to her height. She looked at the floor, took a deep breath and looking straight into his eyes said the words that sounded so foreign to her. "I'm pregnant."
So... What is Gibbs going to say or how will he respond? In keeping with his character of course. What say you? R&R I need your help