DISCLAIMER---If I owned Sam and Dean Winchester do you think that I would honestly have this much free time to write fanfic? Alas, the Winchesters are not mine and neither is Supernatural. But please humor my imagination.---

SUMMARY---Set directly after Croatoan. We all know that the demon has plans for the children with gifts, but now we come to know that there may be some people out there that don't fit the demon's pattern. It breaks pattern with brothers...---

----------------Updated more frequently YAY!----------------

Sam didn't begin to stir until about an hour later. God his head hurt. He groaned in pain. "...Dean..."

Dean reached out a hand, "Hey, how ya feeling Sam?" He shot a glance at his brother while driving.

"...Ugh..." Sam groaned again and lifted a hand to his head, "...I'll be fine..." Sam suppressed a wince. "How far?" he swallowed.

'Pshh... Liar,' Dean thought. He knew that Sam's visions caused him more pain than what he was showing. "About half an hour, just try and relax."

"She's doing it again," Sam said trying to mask the pain. Dean just looked at him as if to say 'go on.' "She's going after Ash next."

"Well that's just great," Dean said sarcastically.

"It gets better," Sam replied.

"Oh yeah, how so?"

"She also murdered our laptop that tracks The Demon, she seemed to know what she was doing too," Sam looked over.

"Sonuvabitch, well that sucks, without that thing and Ash we can't-"

"Track The Demon? Yeah, I know." Sam said.

Suddenly it was quiet in the Impala for a moment.

"Hey Sam."


"What I said about being at the hotel in half an hour," Dean paused eyes set on the road, "Make that ten minutes." He pressed on the accelerator and the Impala took off down the road.


Sam had rarely seen Dean drive that fast. As promised they were at the hotel ten minutes later and checked in at record time.

"So I figure we should stick around the hotel and rest for a few minutes before we go," Dean said.


"Well, for one you look like crap and need some rest. And two, I don't want to just walk in if she's about to start..." Dean trailed off. "Look, I'll call The Roadhouse and see who picks up, you go on inside," He tossed Sam the room key and pulled out his phone.

"Alright, see you inside," Sam turned and left slowly. He was really tired deep down from everything and the pounding in his head hadn't stopped yet.

Dean flipped open the phone and called.

"Harvell's Roadhouse, this is Jo,"the voice said.

'crap crap crap crap crap,' Dean thought, he was only going to call and hang up to find out who answered. He hoped it would either be Ash or Ellen... well... mostly Ash so he could get more information.

"Uh... Hello?" Jo said after the silence on the line.

"...Oh, uh... hey, uh... Is Ellen there?" Dean asked trying to hide who he was.

"She can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" She asked.

'Damn,' Dean thought, 'Try Ash.' "Oh... Uh, could I talk to Ash then?"

"Ash?" Jo asked puzzled, "He's asleep. Who is this?" She was clearly starting to get annoyed.

"It's uh... no one, I'm no one," Dean hung up the phone. "Well that was helpful," he said to himself.


Dean entered the room to find Sam already laying on the bed farthest from the door, flipping through the channels absentmindedly.

"Well?" Sam asked.

"Well what?"

"You know what Dean, what did you find out?" Sam sat up.

"Jo's people skills on the phone are zero to none."

"What did she say?"

"Well, apparently Ash is asleep and Ellen can't come to the phone," Dean paused, "Do you think she lied?"

"I don't know Dean, I mean, it sounds believable but she may just be-"

"Covering her ass? Yeah, I'd say it's possible," Dean interrupted. "So how do we know if it's the truth?" Dean asked hoping that Sam really did know.

"We don't. I mean, ok Ash asleep isn't that unbelievable."


"And Ellen does own The Roadhouse, she could be busy with something else," Sam reasoned.

"Well, only one way to find out for sure Sam."

"How's that?"

"Let's go, we're paying a visit." Dean tossed his keys up and did a one handed catch before starting to leaving the room, "Come on Sammy."

"Hey Dean..." Sam hadn't moved off the bed.

"What?" Dean paused his movements.

"There's something we should talk about before we go do this," Sam went into his 'let's have a talk' tone.

'Oh God, not now,' Dean thought. He knew what Sam mean. 'Play dumb, maybe it's not what you think,' Dean hoped. "What's that?"

"Dean, we need to talk about what-," Sam cleared his throat, "What you've been keeping from me."


"No Dean. I can't do this. You're the one person I can trust and you lied to me?" Sam stood up.

"No Sam it's not that, it's just-"

"No excuses Dean. Dad said something to you... about me, and you kept it from me. How can I trust you if you keep things like that from me?"

"I'm sorry Sam. I told you I can't..." Dean turned away.

Sam paused, "It's not just Dad's death is it?"

"What?" Dean was startled at the apparent change of topic.

"Dad's death bothered you I'm sure, but it's bigger than that. This is what's been really tearing you up isn't it?"

Dean stood silent.

"Why don't you just tell me Dean? I mean, your mood shifts with the wind man."

The motel room was eerily quiet. Dean finally turned to face Sam with pain in his eyes.

"Before Dad died, he uh," Dean looked down at the ground, searching for an answer and back up at Sam, "He told me to watch out for you."

"And?" Sam asked.

"That's what I'm doing," Dean opened the door, "Let's go." The matter was no longer up for discussion.


"I said 'Let's go' Sam," Dean's tone was suddenly harsher.


The ride in the car was quiet. Dean didn't even put in a tape, he was obviously pissed.

Sam stared out the window and turned when he thought he heard Dean's voice. "What?"

"I didn't say anything. You hearing things Sam?" Dean questioned.

"No, no, I just thought I heard you say something," Sam was now looking at Dean.

'...I can't think of anything to say to you...' Sam heard Dean's voice again, but this time he knew he hadn't said anything because his mouth didn't move. Sam's eye's widened in shock.

"What?!" Dean said after getting creeped out by his brother's staring.

"Uh... nothing," Sam said turning to the window. Now was probably not the best time to reveal that he'd just heard his Dean's thoughts.


"I am not," Sam countered, not realizing he was replying to a thought.

"What's that?" Dean said.

"I uh,... nothing."

"Whatever... you sure you're not hearing things?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Sam laughed it off.

But Dean instantly knew better. 'This is going to be a whole other talk,' Dean thought. And this time, Sam didn't hear it...



Sam: Why didn't you tell me?

Me: I was gonna, but I found a better way to kill two birds with one stone later MUHUHAHAHA.

Dean: So what exactly does this mean?

Me: (evil grin)


AN: I know, I'm evil. But hey, there's a new power to play with! They WILL get to The Roadhouse next Ch. I promise.

Reviews make me write and update faster!