disclaimer: characters who seem new are mine, old characters are not.
He had looked like a girl. He just had to come in last place. He just had to drink it. He dranked Inui's new made drink. He went home, and went to bed. Next thing he knows, he's a girl. Ryoma, was a girl. His hair has grown down to his hips, nice and straight. His eyes the same, yet a little more girlish somehow, and he also got...a chest. Good god, he was a girl. He looked at the time, it read 5:00. There was half an hour left before Momo-sempai would coem and pick him up. He had to hide himself somehow...but how?
He went straight into the bathroom, locked the door, and took out some wrappers, from god knows where. He wrapped it tightly around his chest to keep people from seeing that he has a chest. He couldn't cut his hair, there wasn't enough time. He did the only thing he could do to hide his hair, he put all his hair, in a bundle under his hat. He left his bangs out, so that wouldn't think that he had long hair. Suddenly, there was something calling him. He listened. It yelled "Hurry up, Echizen! Or I'm leaving you behind!" After he heard that, he hurried into his room, changed into his clothes, ran out outside to catch hs ride to school.
"Ne Echizen, is it me, or are your eyes more girlier." Momo-sempai said bluntly.
"Iie, it's just you." Ryoma replied.
"Oh, ok," replied Momo-sempai. Thank god he's an idiot, thought Ryoma.
When they arrived to school, they headed straight to pratice. When they got there, Eiji glomped Ryoma. "Kikumaru-sempai. Can't. Breathe." "Nya, Ochibi! You're so kawaii- eh? Ochibi, is something wrong? Your eyes look kinda girlish, and your hairs longer, and your skinnier then before, nya!" Said Eiji. Oh god, since when is he so observant.
" Uh...no it's not?," said Ryoma. Smooth move Ryoma, smooth move. "Nya! It is!," yelled Eiji. Eiji's yelling had attracted the Regulars, who were heading their way there. "Saa...What's wrong, Eiji," asked Fuji. Ryoma was now surrounded by the Regulars. "Nya, Ochibi looks like a girl! With his hair and eyes and he looks skinnier too, Nya!" Good god, kill me now, thought Ryoma. He did the only thing he could do in this situation, lie his way through.
" I don't look like a girl!"
" Do too!"
" Do not!"
" Do too! Do too!" Eiji accidently hit ryoma, which made him fall down, which made his hat topple over, which made his hair cascade down. "Itai...what are you all staring at?," said Ryoma. They were all indeed staring, for they were looking at a very feminine Ryoma. Eiji acted first, he did the only thing he could, he screamed. "Nya! Ochibi's a girl! Ahhhhhhhh!" Eh? what is he talking about? Ryoma tried to pull his hat, but instead pulled air. He ended up touching his hair. He looked around and saw his hat on the ground. Uh oh...not good.
He stood up, and looked at the Regulars. He said the first that came into his head. "It was Inui-sempai's fault!" They all looked dumbfounded. "Why is it my fault?," asked Inui. " You gave me your special drink because I finished last place yesterday remember?" " Oh...I must have given you the wrong one, the one that's still being tested on..." Inui replied. " WELL FIX IT! How long will it last anyway?" Asked Ryoma, irritated. "Maybe a month?" replied Inui. "A MONTH! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO LAST A MONTH?!" "Hmm, amazing. Echizen actually yelled. And gets more easily irritated as a girl, which went up by 1.5." The regulars team didn't know what to do. Tezuka knew what he had to do," Inui, 50 laps." "Hai Buchou," he replied, before taking off, leaving Ryoma there with the rest of the Regulars. "Echizen, you can take the rest of the day off, and go home." Said Tezuka. "Hai Buchou." Replied Ryoma, before walking off to go home.
When he got home, he had encountered, his baka oyaji. He kept on going on and on about who "she" was, if she was Ryoma's girlfriend, stuff like that, until Ryoma told him that it was him, and his senpai's drink made him this way. His dad laughed and went off and to tell Nanako, his cousin, and Rinko, his mom, while Ryoma headed to bed. Karupin seems to know it was him though, which was a good thing. Luckily tomorrow was a saturday, so he won't have to face his classmates and teamates.
The next day when he woke up, was because his baka oyaji told him to come down, that there's peole who wants to see him. Ryoma rushed down, didn't even bother putting on his wrapper, hat, etc. When he got down, it was the Regulars. "Echizen We're going shopping. We need to get you some new clothes." Said Momo-sempai. "Ugh, do I have to?" " Yes. You do, and hurry up. I want to get something to eat. I haven't eaten in the past hour." They waited for Ryoma to finish, and then they headed off to the mall. What fun will they have?
Vote for pairings:
Ryoma/Fuji, Ryoma/Tezuka, Ryoma/Momo, Ryoma/Eiji, Ryoma/Oishi, Ryoma/Kaidoh, Ryoma/Inui or pick a threesome, your own choice