AN: I do not own Teen Titans

Chapter 14

It had to have been a nightmare. It couldn't have been real. Raven found herself thinking these thoughts as she awoke the next morning. Did she really cry herself to sleep last night? Had Beast Boy really kissed her and then left to work for Adrienne? Did she still hold the mark of Scath on her back?

She shakily got up from her bed and looked in her shattered mirror. From the broken reflection she could see dozens of backs with a red marking on each one. It had happened. This was all real. She quickly put another fresh leotard on and ran to Beast Boy's room. He wasn't there. He was gone.

Raven slowly made her way into the common room. She knew that her friends probably didn't suspect a thing yet. Beast Boy never got up before nine thirty. And she knew that when they found out they would panic. The thought of them growing as upset as she was made her want to cry. They were all so happy right now, so unsuspecting. Today was going to be a very horrible day.

She found Cyborg cooking while Starfire fed Silkie in a highchair and Robin was eating his already made breakfast. They all smiled and wished her a good morning as she entered. She couldn't find the strength or the will to smile. She just sauntered over to the couch and sat down.

"You okay, Raven?" asked Robin.

Raven made no movement. She didn't want to lie and say she was, but she didn't want them to know that she was upset. She just stayed perfectly still. This did not go unnoticed by her friends.

"Uh, how's your head?" asked Cyborg.

Again, Raven didn't move. The last thing she cared about was her head. Nothing hurt more than the aching of her heart. She realized that she shouldn't have left her room. Why did she come out here at all? Out of habit she supposed. Well, she couldn't take this any longer. She silently stood up and made her way for the door, all the while knowing her three friends were watching her.

She had just made it to the steps leading up to the doors when Starfire stepped in front of her. "Raven, are you not feeling well?" she asked.

Raven just looked to the floor, glad that her hood covered her face. Oh, how she wanted to tell them. How she wanted to get it over with. How she wanted all of this to be some horrible dream!

"Raven, what's wrong?" asked Robin, joining Starfire.

Just as Raven began to lift her head up the room began to flash red and the siren went off. Cyborg was right on it and went to the Titans main computer to find out what was going on.

"There's some kind of disturbance downtown," said Cyborg.

"But, it is only morning," said Starfire. "The bad guys do not usually do the attacking until lunchtime."

"Crime never rests, Star," Robin sighed. "Cyborg, do we know what type of a disturbance?"

"Uh… nope," said Cyborg, shrugging. "Just says a general disturbance."

"Then let's go," said Robin. Then he realized something. "Where's Beast Boy? He usually gets here right after the alarm goes off."

"Bet the grass stain's still in bed," Cyborg chuckled.

"Shall one of us awake him?" asked Starfire.

"Raven, you wanna go wake him up?" asked Robin.

Raven bit her lip and remained motionless. The other three knew that there was definitely wrong with her. What it was, they weren't sure.

"Fine," Cyborg sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'll get him." And with that he marched off towards Beast Boy's room. Raven closed her eyes and concentrated, doing her best to block out the sounds around her. She didn't want to see Cyborg's confused reaction when he returned. She didn't want them asking her if she knew anything. She didn't want any of this!

Sure enough, two minutes later, Cyborg returned. "Uh, he's not in his room," said Cyborg.

"Then where is he?" asked Starfire.

Robin groaned and said, "It doesn't matter, we've got to get downtown. I'll yell at him later." And with that they headed for the garage, Raven trailing behind, her gaze never leaving the floor.

They made it downtown and quickly piled out of the T-car. They saw a few buildings were banged up and there was one on fire. The smoke stung their eyes and made it a bit difficult to see. Suddenly there came a large blast and the whole side of a building came tumbling down. The Titans took cover and waited for the smoke and dust to clear.

And as it all settled a figure emerged, walking towards them. They waved the smoke and dust away to see who it was. And who they saw shocked all but one of them. Beast Boy stood there, fists clenched, a wicked smirk on his face.

"Beast Boy?" said Starfire, confused.

"Yo, man, what're ya doin!" said Cyborg.

Beast Boy only smiled and whipped his communicator out of his belt. "Hey Robin," he called out and flung the communicator, letting it land at his former leader's feet. "I quit."

Those two words cut deep into Raven, but she kept telling herself that Beast Boy was being forced to say this and do these things.

"I've found a much more satisfying profession," he said, crossing his arms.

"Beast Boy, what's all of this about?" demanded Robin. "Look at the damage you've caused!"

"Oh, this is only the beginning," Beast Boy chuckled. "You just wait and see what we do."

"We?" asked Starfire.

"Oh, I didn't mention?" he said, evilly. He then put his pinkies in his mouth and gave a sharp whistle.

From the sky a figure slowly descended down, her smile outdoing even Beast Boy's. "Hello Titans," said Adrienne, touching down. "Hello Raven."

Tears immediately came to Ravens eyes upon hearing her voice again. But she knew better than to show Adrienne how upset she really made her. She just stared through the tears and focused her attention on Beast Boy.

"You're working with her?!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"Beast Boy, you must not trust her!" said Starfire. "She is evil!"

"Yeah, and so am I," said Beast Boy immediately turning into a T-rex and charging the Titans.

"Titans go!" ordered Robin and they attacked.

Beast Boy whipped around and whacked Cyborg out of the way with his tail, but this allowed Robin time to shoot a bird-a-rang with a line attached around his legs, attempting to trip him. Beast Boy tumbled to the ground, but quickly turned into a snake and slithered out of the rope. Once he was free he turned into a lion and pounced on Robin, pinning him to the ground.

Starfire threw starbolts at Adrienne who gracefully flew out of the way, then sent an energy blast back. Starfire was hit and sent right through a building as if it was nothing. She fell to the ground on the other side, where she stayed down. Raven quickly went to her aid to see if she was okay. She'd been knocked out cold.

She then heard something snickering behind her. She slowly turned and saw Adrienne, who smirked and flew at her.

Cyborg punched Beast Boy, who was now in a raptor form, and sent him stumbling backwards. "Come on, B, we know this isn't you," said Cyborg. "You're not evil!"

Beast Boy turned back to himself and smirked. "Wanna bet?" he laughed and turned into a bear, tackling Cyborg. As he did, Robin jumped on his back and did the same to Beast Boy. The three boys were in one large headlock, stumbling about until finally they crashed into a building. The three were sent through a store shop window and their scuffle continued inside.

Adrienne came closer and closer to Raven. "Oh, are you upset?" she teased. "I know, it's not fair. You're little boyfriend doesn't like you anymore. Which is why he's mine."

Raven clenched her teeth and stared at Adrienne with pure hatred. Her eyes turned black and she picked up a lamp post, throwing it at Adrienne and attempting to bend it around her like a restraint. Adrienne used her own powers to toss the lamp post flying away and skewering another building.

Adrienne then pushed all of her energy at Raven, wrapping it around her so that she could not move. She slammed her to the ground and kept her pinned there. Adrienne smiled and flew over to her. Raven struggled to get free, but couldn't.

"It really is a shame, you know," said Adrienne, kneeling down next to the pinned down Raven. "You and I have such similar tastes. Perhaps, in another time, we could've been friends. But, alas, we're not. So, goodbye… for now." And with that, Adrienne placed a hand on Ravens head and she immediately fell unconscious.

Adrienne stood up and felt quite proud. She looked up to see where Beast Boy was. He slowly emerged from the building he and the other two young men had fallen into. He had a few scratches and was covered with dust. He coughed a few times and brushed himself off.

"Did you defeat them?" she asked.

"They're down for the count, if that's what you mean," he said, bitterly.

"Uh ah, you have to be a little more cheerful when delivering news like that," said Adrienne.

"Oh, yeah, let me jump and skip about it," he said sarcastically.

Adrienne sighed and said, "We really do have a lot of work to do." Then, behind Beast Boy, she saw movement. "Beast Boy, behind you!"

Beast Boy turned just in time for a bird-a-rang to hit his face. One of the points slid across his face, cutting it deeply diagonally from the bottom of his right cheek, across his nose, just missing his eye, and finishing up a half inch above his left eyebrow. Beast Boy yelped and held his injured face. Robin stood behind him, leaning up against a wall of the building, looking badly beaten up.

Adrienne frowned and lifted her hand. She grasped Robin's mind and knocked him unconscious, just as she had to Raven. He gave a small groan and fell to the ground. She quickly went to Beast Boy, who was in pain. She gently took his hands away and looked at the wound. A scar was sure to be left behind.

She frowned and said, "We're done here. They got the message."

"What about my face?!" said Beast Boy, blood dripping down his face.

"I'll take care of it once we get out of here," she said. She then opened a portal, grabbed him, and stepped through. It closed behind him and the two were gone.

That evening the battered up Titans sat in the common room, going over what had happened over and over in their minds. All but one. Raven was in her room, lying on her bed; mourning. She knew that this was going to be a horrible day. She sat away from the others. She couldn't get the image of the 'evil' Beast Boy out of her mind. Not because of how malicious his grin looked, but how sorry and sad his eyes had looked. She knew the others hadn't seen it, but she had. With every blow he delivered he had apologized.

"Beast Boy… he is… bad now?" asked Starfire.

"Looks it," said Cyborg.

"Why would he join Adrienne?" asked Robin, as he paced back and forth. "After all she's done. After what she did to Raven! He decided to just give all of this up for a life of crime?"

"This… this can not be," said Starfire, feeling very confused. "Beast Boy is our friend, correct? He would never…"

"He did," said Cyborg, plain and simple. "He attacked us, with Adrienne's help."

"But what if she was forcing him?" asked Starfire. "Surely that must be it."

"Even when Slade was forcing me to attack you guys, I didn't try to leave you for dead or kill you," said Robin. "He tried to disassemble Cyborg and he went for my throat. My throat!"

"I am sorry, but I can not accept this!" said Starfire.

"It's not easy for any of us, Star," said Cyborg. "I can't even imagine how hard this must be for Raven."

Robin thought for a few moments then sighed. "Well, we can't jump to conclusions just yet," he said. "This is somewhat like what happened when I or Terra worked for Slade. Beast Boy deserves a second chance. I just hope he takes it."

Raven let the tears slowly drip down the side of her face as she lay. She was staring out of her window, taking in the beauty of the city at night. Millions of lights glistened and glittered like diamond necklaces had been laid upon the buildings. She closed her eyes and let more tears escape.

'Beast Boy, wherever you are, I hope you know that I will keep my promise,' she thought. 'No matter what.'

To Be Continued…


(And No Flames!)

SEQUEL- Voiceless, She Cries: Part Two