Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean and all related characters belong to Walt Disney, Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer.

Setting: Takes place right after Curse of the Black Pearl.

Characters: Norrington, Gillette, Groves, Anamaria, Murtogg, Mullroy, Marty, Will, Elizabeth, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma.

Parings: Will/Elizabeth, Norrington/Anamaria

Gentleman Pirate


"Lieutenant Gillette," Commodore James Norrington had called out to his first lieutenant when the younger man had barely waited for the gangplank to be lowered to run outside. "Where you think you are running off to in such a rush?"

Gillette paused in his gait, midway down from The Dauntless to the dock. "Commodore?" He lowered the one-foot that was still suspended in air and turned around to face James.

"That was a brash move," James folded his arms across his chest. "Did you forget you were still in uniform?"

"I am sorry sir," Gillette smiled sheepishly. "All I could think of was violets when we were nearing port."

"Violets?" James repeated.

"Catherine told me it was her favorite flower. I promised myself when we returned I would buy her a bouquet of violets for her."

"I know you are quite excited to meet with Miss Howell." It had been months since James had returned from the alternate reality, and like he had promised, Andrew had started to properly court Catherine Howell. "Lieutenant Groves and I are excited to return, but you do not see us forgetting proper protocol."

"Sorry," Andrew nodded and returned to the ship.

"Brash actions do not make us," James started his decent down the gangplank. "They are not suited for men of the Royal Navy, they are better suited for pirates and blacksmiths."

William Turner was standing outside of Norrington's house when he and Groves had arrived. The Young Blacksmith's eyes widened when he saw the two uniformed men.

"Good afternoon Mr. Turner," James greeted him. "I did not expect any deliveries from the smithy."

"I did come to deliver any ceremonial swords," Turner said. He did not even bother to smile or even greet them. "I have finished my work and I have come to walk Elizabeth home."

"And what makes you think she would be here?" Groves asked.

"She and her friend had been invited to visit by Ana-" Turner closed his eyes. "I mean Mrs. Norrington."

"She is already entertaining guests on your leave," Theodore smiled until James gave him a stare.

"Considering her condition I am not surprised."

"Yet you left her so you could chase after Jack," Turner said.

James chose to ignore him and opened the door. "As one of the owners of this house I shall invite you in both. I'll tell Christine to put on a pot of tea.

There was the scent of tea already brewing in the air, and something else baking in the oven, something delicious and James was certain he could detect the scent of cinnamon and apples. The food was appealing to both James's nose and his grumbling stomach but he chose not to walk towards the direction of the kitchen and instead went towards his sitting room where he heard the sound of not one or two, but three women laughing.

Anamaria's back was towards James when he had entered. He could see her dark hair coiled and coiffed and set into place similar to the hairstyles of the other women in the room. She seemed almost like a different woman to him: wearing dresses, staying home instead of accompanying him on his trips to perform as the Dauntless's healer. Then again he had caused her to be in that condition.

"They have returned," Elizabeth was the first to stand. She had a pair of knitting needles in her hand and she had set it and a ball of yarn on the table next to her chair before she stood up. "Will."

"Your father told me you are here," Turner said. "You were knitting?"

"Lenore was teaching both Anamaria and I how to knit."

"Father had made sure I had learned how," Lenore rose and greeted them all, but her eyes were on Theodore. "I love to learn, but teaching is even better." She had toned down her curiosity since she had come to live with Elizabeth. Governor Swann, with his large and warm heart, had read the letter and agreed it was best for the girl. James had hoped things have gone similarly for the other Lenore.

"James," Anamaria was the last to stand. She wore a dress that was loose for a woman her height and weight, perfect for the round bulge in her middle. She had grown larger since the last time.

"Ana," he was careful as he took her into his arms, but her kiss was fierce and he kissed her back, just as strongly. "I am here for good, until after our child is born." He married her after only a few weeks of proper courtship. His ship's chaplain had performed the rights. Elizabeth had loaned her a dress. It was only a mere month after Anamaria and him had spent their first night in bed as man and wife when she had begun to throw up in the morning.

"For how long?" Anamaria asked.

"Six months. I have already written to the Admiral and Governor Swann also doesn't want me to leave."

"I don't want anyone to leave," Lenore said.

"No one is leaving," James nodded towards both his lieutenant and Turner. "I was about to invite both Lieutenant Groves and Mr. Turner to join us for tea."

"The six of us together," Lenore clasped her hands.

"Together," James repeated while he stared into the eyes of his wife.

The End

A/N: I did a bit of a switch with Lenore of the real world flirting with Groves while the Lenore in the Pirate!Norrington's world was more interested in Gillette, and for three reasons, the first was that I didn't want both worlds too be too much alike, the second is in the prologue Andrew did find out Catherine Howell did fancy him and the third is the fact I want all my navy boys to find someone.


Ogreatrandom, thanks yeah now that the epilogue is being tacked on it is ending.

Spawn of Kong, It could be the reason why he lasted as long as he did in Tortuga, although I might get around to sequel for Gentleman Pirate someday, the muse has other plans for me.

Candidus-lupus-full Moon, Thank you

Captain MeraSparrow, thank you. The other side fic does sound like a great idea. Although my muse had given me an idea for sequel for my other Norrington fic. I will try to think about this idea.