
I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight


Tifa rolled over in bed again, her eyes staring at clock beside her watching the minutes pass with unbearable slowness. The apartment was deadly silent, the children asleep and the streets deserted. Still the clocked ticked loudly as she lay alone in bed, waiting and waiting for him to return.


No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though


Beside her cupped hand her mobile phone lay as silent as the night air, she had rung him time and time again, but received no answer only being directed to the voice mail.

Although this was not the first time he had not returned, she could not shift the sense of dread that had fallen over her. She needed reassurance that he was alright, or better still for him to be laying here beside her.

Still even after all that had happened, the meteor and the stigma they still remained very much separate despite living under the same roof they hardly spoke nor saw one another.


Till now I always got by on my own

I never really cared until I met you

And now it chills me to the bone


There were so many words circling her head she had be harboring for many years, even as small children she had felt a certain pull towards him, though she fought to conceal it she was never sure if he felt the same way. She had dropped many hints during their childhood but none more then the near plea for him to stay when he announced he was leaving the village to live in the City.

She cried for weeks after he left and she feared that they would never meet again.

It's strange how life can throw two people together, how their paths cross and pass through so many difficulties. Even now it still sent shivers down her spine some of the images she has seen and the pain she had endured, yet throughout these he was near. Even if he wasn't in clear sight, he was there, somewhere in her heart.


How do I get you alone

How do I get you alone


She sat up suddenly her breath caught in her mouth as a deep rumbling sound of a bike's engine drew nearer.

Was it him?

Throwing the blanket aside she ran to the window and peered out into the gloom. Nothing moved, nothing stirred and the sound had faded.

Disappointed she let the curtain fall back into place and she returned sadly to her empty bed, her thoughts wavering between dream and reality.


You don't know how long I have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown


The house felt so cold and empty without him, even the children seemed to be less vibrant and energetic when he was gone. They all missed him, and in these times when the house lost it's warmth it was obvious they needed him, a father, a lover, a husband, a friend.



Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone


How can one man do this to someone?

How can he make such a difference to their lives?

Why can't these things be easy?

Her heart longed to be near him, yet there was something holding her back.

Were the both ready for the commitment?

Did they have the courage to ask the question?


How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone


The phone chimed on the bed beside her.


"Hey, it's me. Sorry it's late, there's been a slight hitch. The road was blocked so I had to go round. I won't be back to morning, so don't wait up."

"Alright, thanks for calling"

"See you later, bye"


How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
Alone, alone


"And Cloud…I love you"




Song lyrics: Alone by Heart.