A/N: The birth of a new fanfic… yay! This one is a Tsubasa and Fullmetal Alchemist crossover (some crazy idea that I thought of before I went to bed one night). This is my fourth fanfic, so I hope it won't be too bad. The first chapter is actually a prologue, and if you think this story is a good enough idea, please tell me and I will continue it.

Two worn-out hands caked with chemicals and burns worked in a dimly lit room. The large rectangular working table near the wall was cluttered with alchemical instruments. It was dark. Apart from three small candles that were rapidly burning out and a small shaft of moonlight slipping through a hole in the wall, there was not much light. Papers, books, flasks, and chemicals were strewn everywhere. One word described it all: chaos.

But to the person inside that room, nothing mattered. He was almost at his goal… he was so close he could taste it on the tip of his nonexistent tongue. His hands worked unceasingly, fueled by his one and only ambition.

His one and only crazy ambition.

Just thinking about it made him giddy. He let out an inhuman cackle that resounded emptily through the room. Sure enough, the chaos was his, but not for long. Revenge tastes sweet, he reminded himself.

"Dirty military bastards," he hissed. By the time he was done, they would be the ones drowning in chaos. By the time he was done, he would be able to taste again, and touch, and smell…

The large and bulky figure clanked as he moved.

The candlelights flickered as he rested his eyes on a certain object on the table. It lay there, apart from the chaos. It was special. It was his inspiration. It was sacred.

It was a book. And next to it was a feather.

The feather glowed with power.

A/N: Tis short, but that's why I uploaded two chappies at once! Read on!