Fire Can't Love Ice
Summary: Bobby carried John out of the rubble of Alcatraz and saved his life. He tells John why he saved him but John doesn't feel the same way. Set after X3. Eventual Iceman/Pyro slash
Disclaimer: I don't own X-men. I'm sure it's obvious.
My cycle of OTPs has finally circled back to Bobby and John, and it's even during a period of time when I feel creative and productive. This is truly a rare event. So I'm taking advantage of that to finish my fics on hiatus in this fandom.
I edited the old chapters of this fic. Anyway, feel free to re-read the whole thing. ;D
Keep in mind I starting writing this in high school. A lot has changed since then and I would have written this whole story a lot differently now. I made Rogue such a bitch and I feel so bad for it. xD And John is way different than I would have written him nowadays.
Thank you for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoy. Please read and review. Feel free to bitch me out about the long wait, but I hope you like the story. Also, I'm sorry about the ending. omg
I plan on working on Have You Tried Not Being Gay? sometime soon. I hope that I can maintain this OTP at least long enough to write a new one-shot or something too, so look forward to that.
Chapter 5: Bad News
Two months had passed since Bobby and I had started dating. Nevertheless, as much as I wanted to, I still hadn't gotten used to us being together.
I fell more and more in love with him, but there was still something holding me back. We had, only months ago, been bitter enemies, after all.
I wasn't some lovesick girl, falling headfirst into a blind romance. I was St. John Allerdyce, and this was Bobby fucking Drake. Just because we loved each other, that didn't make the situation any less crazy.
Bobby had tried several times to get me to open up and touch him more, but I just couldn't do it. It was too awkward.
Until one random night we were fooling around.
"Can I?" Bobby asked as we kissed, indicating that he wanted to take my shirt off. I nodded.
"Just... down to our boxers this time," I said slowly. Bobby nodded understandingly.
We both took our time removing each other's clothes. Our lips barely parted as we lazily tossed each removed article of clothing onto the floor.
I panted into Bobby's mouth and moaned as he grinded his hips down into mine. He had me making noises I didn't even know I could. I mean, sure, I'd gotten some before, but never with another guy. I had always been the one in control in the past.
But then I did something I never thought I could do.
I finally gave in.
I let him kiss me. I let him touch me. I stopped thinking. My head cleared of all the nervous feelings and uncomfortable worries about being gay.
And the weird thing is: I loved it.
Even though I was the one who told him to take it slow and just stay in our boxers, it was getting more and more difficult to care about my previous inhibitions.
Bobby rubbed his hand against my erection, and he played with the waistband of my boxers, but he kept his word and didn't go any further than that.
"Off," I grunted. He pulled back and stared at me in disbelief.
"But you said-" I groaned and ground against him.
"I don't care," I panted. "I want you." I grinned playfully. "I want to try touching you too."
He smiled at me when he realized that I was serious. "Alright, but if you change your mind I'll stop. I promise." I nodded. I knew I could trust him.
He leaned down and kissed me slowly. His hand slid lower and lower. His thumb hooked into my waistband and...
"Oh my God!"
Our lips shot apart, and the person we least wanted to find us stood in the doorway.
Bobby scrambled off me.
Shit. Did we forget to lock our door?
"You," Rogue grumbled accusingly. "I can't believe it. You stole my boyfriend?!"
"What the fuck, Rogue? Ever hear of knocking?" I shouted.
"I can't believe I went to you for help and asked you if Bobby's cheating on me when it was really you this whole time!" I rolled my eyes.
"You're not dating him anymore. He's not cheating on you," I said monotonously. It was like talking to a brick wall.
"Rogue, please, I-"
"Bobby, he's brainwashed you or something. You're not gay. I know you're not." Bobby sighed.
"I don't have to explain myself to you," he said. "I broke up with you. I don't love you. I love John. Please just leave us alone. I wish you all the luck in the world finding someone else."
Rogue glared at me. "This is all your fault," she muttered.
She raised her hand to slap me. I expected just a quick sting on the cheek, but that didn't happen.
I shuddered. I had felt this weird sensation before.
The life was being sucked out of me straight through her fingers.
When I blinked back into consciousness, I was in the infirmary and Bobby was gripping my hand.
"Hey," whispered Bobby. "How are you feeling?"
"Fantastic," I grunted with a bitter laugh. "My head is pounding. How'd… things go after I passed out last night?"
"Actually, that was three days ago," Bobby said.
I looked at Bobby expectantly. I needed a lot more information than that.
"Alright," he sighed. "I... I got so mad at her. I thought you were gonna die," he whispered. "I tried to throw her off of you, but she refused to let go. She held on to you as long as she could. I ended up freezing her whole body and ripping her off you."
I stared at him wide-eyed. I never expected that. "Is she alright?" I asked.
"She's recovering in the other room," he explained. "She woke up before you, and I had a long talk with her. I don't think she'll bother us again."
I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Well I'm glad all that's over." Bobby rolled his eyes.
I paused, before asking the question that both of us were nervous to hear out loud: "…how did she have her powers back?"
Bobby was silent. I could tell he knew, but he didn't want to answer me. There was something he was hiding.
"Bobby?" I demanded. "Tell me."
"It's… all over the news," he muttered. "The 'cure' for mutants… it's beginning to wear off for some people. It's not permanent."
Everyone in the whole school knew about what happened by the time I was let out of the infirmary. The hallways were abuzz with gossip.
Some people laughed and told rumors about the fags who'd been caught fucking on campus. Others sighed and shook their heads, unable to believe that Bobby would cheat on poor Rogue.
However, it seemed that, no matter how juicy the rumors about us were, the news about the cure was even greater.
It wasn't just Rogue. Within a week, several others who had taken the cure regained their powers. The media was in a panic. Every channel on TV was reporting stories on the cure and speculating about what that meant for the future of American politics.
There were already rumors that Magneto had gotten his powers back and he was recruiting for the Brotherhood once again.
I was aware of Bobby's eyes watching me every time the subject came up. He never said a word, but I could see the worry on his face. He was so afraid that I was going to leave him to join the Brotherhood once more.
I kissed Bobby on the way back to our dorm, unconcerned about who saw us in the hallway now that everyone in the school knew about us. I felt his lips tremble and his hands shaking in my own.
This couldn't go on any longer.
"Bobby, we need to talk," I sighed as I unlocked the door to our room and walked in. He flinched.
"About what?" he asked in a small voice.
"You and your overwhelmingly obvious fear that I'm going to leave you to join the Brotherhood again," I said simply. Bobby's eyes widened at my bluntness.
"W-well…" He sighed too. "Are you…? Going to leave me, I mean." I was silent.
My silence said enough.
"Listen, John. I know you want to make the world a better place for mutants. I understand wanting to change the world. I don't… agree with your methods, but… I understand." He looked desperate. We both looked into each other's eyes silently. "But I love you," he said. "I don't want you to go."
"Bobby…" I said slowly. "I… I love you too; but… I can't… I can't just give up on my dreams because of you. You say you understand, but you don't know what it's like to be hated. You have family and friends. All I have is you." I stared down at the ground, my jaw tense. I tried to hold back tears. All of my feelings for Bobby hit me like a wave. I realized just how much he meant to me.
But that didn't matter now.
"We both knew from the beginning that this wouldn't really work," I mumbled, looking anywhere but at him. "We're too different. We just don't fit together… Fire can't love ice, Bobby." I was lying through my teeth. My voice was shaking, but I don't think he noticed.
"Fuck that!" shouted Bobby, who hardly ever swears. "We fit together perfectly fine in the last couple of months. This time with you has been the happiest of my life. Why is it so different now? The Brotherhood can go on without you. The X-men can go on without me. Let's just… graduate from our fucking classes, get out of here, get jobs, and grow old together. Because, honestly, when I look at my life and what I really want, that's it. To be with you."
My heart was beating erratically in my chest and I was trembling just like him; but I don't think he noticed.
"Fine. I won't go," I said. He looked at me disbelievingly.
"Really?" he asked in a small voice. "You'll stay with me?"
"Yes," I whispered. "I love you." I leaned in and kissed him. All of the doubts and discomfort that I had before were gone. I was his.
And that night, as we kissed and sucked and caressed each other, I became his completely.
The next morning when Bobby woke up, he was alone.
I wasn't there to see his face when he realized I was gone, but I often imagine it. I imagine him sleepy and confused, still naked and covered in the many hickeys I gave him to mark him as mine while I am gone.
But then his eyes finally rest on the note that I left him and reads it in a hurry. He doesn't believe it at first, he cries.
In the note, I told him the truth: I would always love him, and when what I need to do is finally over, I hope it won't be too late for us to be together again.
What I said to him earlier wasn't true: fire can love ice. As I left the love of my life to become his enemy once again, I swore that one day I would come back.