Disclaimer: This story is in no way intended to infringe on any copyrights, It is a strictly a fan fiction. Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are owned/produced/merchandised by the following: TOEI Animation, Bird Studios, Akira Toriyama, Shonen Jump, Funimation, and others possibly not listed.

Warrior of Heart
By The Fan Fiction Nymph

xxxx Chapter 1 xxxx
A Small Blue and Green Planet

One year after the battle with Radiz in which Goku had lost his life…The Sayians had finally arrived. To what end though? Were they really interested in reviving their fallen foe or did they have other motives than revenge?

The three Space pods entered the atmosphere. They landed in the center of a large Earth city. Each pod producing its own creator in the dust of what had been a city. From the pods emerged three figures.

The second tallest of the group was the first to speak. "Hum, Earth was it?" Vegeta rumbled as he rose of the crater. A large, heavily muscled man followed behind him; his name was Nappa.

"Ri-ku!" Vegeta called out sharply looking around.

"Here." She replied coolly as he called her by her formal name. Rei was what she preferred to go by. She looked around slowly at the odd city. Tall white buildings, bridges and parks made for a pleasant look. Rei squinted trying to see what the people who inhabited this world looked like.

"Maybe we should greet the little insects?" asked Nappa. With a gesture he destroyed the entire city. Leaving behind only smoke and ash. "Wahaha-haha! A little too warm a greeting, eh, Vegeta?"

Rei growled, bothered by her companions outburst.

"You fool; did you forget why we are here already? Or is destruction the only thing your good for?" Rei asked in a bitterly sarcastic voice.

"You whore! Did you forget why you are here and the only thing you are good for?" Nappa yelled back at her moving as though he wanted to hit her. Rei winced anticipating the blow, when nothing happened she shrug and pushed her hair out of her face.

"End it there, Nappa…you'll destroy the sale value of this dust-ball if you keep messing it up." Vegeta ordered ending the squabbling.

"Good point! And before we sell anything – we are going to find those balls that'll get us a wish granted!" Nappa smiled a childish grin.

"Dragonballs… The one that killed Radiz will know where they are. And if it turns out one of those balls were around here, we may have to forget about our wish for eternal life…all because of your stupid greeting!" Vegeta growled making Nappa feel foolish.

"Urg! Your right! I wasn't thinking!" He apologized. Rei wondered to herself if he ever thought about anything.

"Just search for the highest power reading on this planet…He'll have to be the one who killed Radiz. Unless it's Kakarrot's son…" Vegeta smiled wickedly at his plan.

"Vegeta…there's something strange here…! There are readings over 1000! More than one of them! But how, in a backwater like this…?"

"Do not worry about it. They're not our enemies. Look for the one with the highest readings…there! Two high readings…! And close to each other…lets go, Nappa, Rei – and pay our respects!"

"Ho ho ho…this is great! The gravity's so low, I feel like I'm weightless!" Nappa chortled as they flew towards the power levels.


"Hahahaha-there are three mighty shrimps now!" Nappa said enjoying his own joke as they found the sources of the power levels.

"It seems they've been expecting us." Vegeta replied as the party landed on the ground. "Have you been preparing for us?" He asked the three strangers.

"How did you guess?" Asked Piccolo. "Lets, make this clear…what exactly do you want here?" Rei looked over the opposition. She smiled; she liked the voice of this one. Even though she would not be fighting she bet that he would prove to be quite formidable. There was something she liked about his stance, the way he held his shoulders.

"Ah, that voice. It was you who killed Radiz wasn't it?" Vegeta said sounding pleased.

"Thank You!" Rei waved over at Piccolo, smiling broadly at him. The jewelry, which adorned her jingled gently with her movement.

"Shut up!" Nappa slapped Rei across the face sending her back a few feet to land on her ass. She got to her feet and scowled at him before brushing the dirt off.

"Voice?" Piccolo asked.

"Didn't Radiz tell you? This also serves as a transmitter." Vegeta said mockingly as he pointed at the scouter on his face.

"He's a Namekien." Rei muttered as she sat down on a large bolder to the left of her company. She eyed his antennas and broad arms trying to remember what she knew about the species.

"Looks like it…not so strange he defeated Radiz then…" Vegeta reanalyzed.

"Namekien? I have heard they can do strange things! – even sorcery…"Nappa blundered on. Rei tuned them out finding the conversation lacking. She fiddled with her sparse clothes trying to adjust them to better cover herself to no avail.

She studied the small bald man who was next to speak.

"You…you know about the dragon balls?" asked Kuririn a small bald man in an orange outfit.

"Why else would we bother with this dump? Hand them over! Bring on all the Namekiens you can find! They're just slugs to us!" Nappa laughed in his overconfident voice. Rei shot Nappa a questioning looks knowing full well who the powerhouse here was.

"Heh…thanks to you, I suddenly have a much better insight into my ancestry…alas for me however I did not make the dragon balls. My specialty is combat. As you will see. Now…who is a slug?" Smirked Piccolo as he took a battle position.

Vegeta glanced back at Rei and then to the challengers. "We will be acquiring the Dragonballs today – this is your one chance to cooperate. I even may offer a trade…" He motioned for Rei to come stand by him. With a disgusted sigh she obliged, but the Earthlings did not seem to understand what he was offering. They appeared intent on a fight.

"If you wont give us the information on the dragon balls…we'll just have to beat it out of you!981…1220…1083…Fools! D' you think you can challenge us with power levels like those?"

"Nappa, take off your scouter."


"These slugs vary their powers to suit the battle. Those numbers are worthless."

"Yeah…that's right…that weakling Radiz probably got himself killed because he depended on the scoters numbers-and got caught off guard."

"'That weakling…'?" muttered Piccolo.

"Weakling he says…?hehe, heh" Kuririn said confidently.

"Why don't we see what they can really do? Then we'll ask them about the dragon balls again…hey Nappa…weren't there six seeds for cultivars left?" Vegeta smiled cruelly.

"Hehhehhehheh…you like to play games, don't you Vegeta." The three muttered about cultivars, wondering what they were. Nappa brought out a jar with some seeds in it, shook it around and planted them in the ground. Rei stood back as the fight would soon begin.

"They'll grow well in this soil." Nappa reported. By the time all the seeds were covered with soil, the ground where they were planted began to move. Six cultivars rose out of the earth, shaking the soil off of them. Rei thought they resembled cabbages that got breed with frogs.

"I-I don't like the look of those guys!" said, Kuririn not liking the looks of the Cultivars either.

"Those three. They are your targets." Vegeta told the cultivars. They quickly turned their attention to Piccolo, Gohan and Kuririn.

"Wha-?"Muttered Kuririn turning around. "Tenshinhan! And Chaozu!" he cried happily, as they landed next to him. Rei smirked at the strange assortment of men there were on this planet. Three eyes, two eyes, no hair, green; each was more different than the last.

"Sorry I'm late!" Yamcha said, landing next to Gohan.

"Yamcha!" Kuririn said, his hope rising.

"They keep coming, don't they?" Nappa asked.

"Like a swarm of gnats…" Vegeta smiled darkly.

"Weren't there supposed to be two Sayians?" asked Tenshinhan as he smiled at his comrades.

"Maybe you should complain," suggested Kuririn smirking back at him.

"Six of them…the same number as these cultivars…how perfect! How about if each of you fight one at a time? For sport!" Vegeta's eyes gleamed in the sun.

"A game? Absurd! Quit playing and get this over with!" Piccolo yelled.

"No, this could work for us! Goku's not here yet…" Kuririn insisted.

"Fine I'll go first. Come at me." Tenshinhan said.

"I think the cultivars'll surprise that little man! Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Nappa.

"…You take this one. Give him everything." Vegeta ordered.

"T-Tenshinhan! Good luck!" Chaozu cried.

Rei shook her head sadly, afraid that they would fail, knowing that without this 'Goku' they probably would. She turned away from 'battle' watching, She had seen this and variations of it so many times before. They never stood a chance, however most times they but unsuspecting victims. She tried to interest herself in the nearby vegetation.

It seemed like a very pleasant planet she decided. The red rocks cropping out of the earth and the green grass were a nice contrast. There were even several flowers blooming close by near the tree that served as her shade.

Rei was drawn back to the battle when Vegeta suddenly killed the cultivator, while it was getting back up.

"V-Vegeta…why?" Nappa asked.

"The earthling already had him beaten. It would've been a waste of time." then turning to the cultivars he said, "Your comrade under estimated his foe…didn't I tell him to go all out? Who'll be next? This time—hit with everything!" Vegeta ordered.

"Let me do it. I'll teach them that playtimes over." Nappa said confidently with a chuckle.

Rei ignored Vegeta's remarks and paid little attention to them. She did not really want to watch, she wanted to fast forward time so that she would not have to wait, unable to do anything. She hated feeling powerless.

Her attention was drawn back to the fight, when one of the cultivars, fighting Yamcha self destructed it's self. Killing Yamcha.

"Heh. Now that's more like it." Vegeta said smiling sinisterly. Rei shook her head, but took the moment to admire the strange Namek. She wondered what he was doing on a planet so far from his home. The more she watched the green man the more she assessed that he must be a prime specimen of his species for she had never found herself attracted to one of them before.

"Yamcha!" yelled Kuririn running over to his limp body." He's…dead…H-he knew this was going to happen…that's why he wouldn't let me do it…how am I going to break this to Puar and Bulma?"

"Settling for a draw! This is pathetic!" complained Nappa.

"Pickup your trash, little man!" Vegeta said mockingly.

"Shut…your mouth! Get back all of you!" he yelled to his friends. And proceeded to blow all the cultivars up, with a ki blast. Leaving only one, and the Three Sayians. Covering them in a cloud of dust.

"Heh, heh, heh…you did say you wanted playtime to end, didn't you?" Kuririn yelled, pleased with his work. Rei stood up dusting herself off, he had included her in his little ki blast and though she was unharmed she was rather irritated at the annoyance.

"Excuse me! Bald man – I am not here to be a target!" Rei yelled at Kuririn who looked taken aback.

"Leave the woman out of this, let us warriors decide her fate." Vegeta growled.

Kuririn and the others simply looked confused but he nodded. Rei wondered for a moment if the earth warriors really understood what Vegeta had meant by that comment about her 'fate'. She smiled bitterly knowing that if that was going to be a bargaining piece in getting them to give them the Dragonballs she had better be prepared.

"I do not want to be a bargaining piece anymore…" Rei muttered to herself and the hot sun. No one paid any attention, but someone's ears twitched in response.

"Haw, haw…now it's time for the real thing. Let, me do it. I'll kill all five at once." Boasted Nappa.

"…as you will." Vegeta nodded.

"Heh, heh, heh…thanks for letting me have the fun…"

Rei's face fell, and she closed her eyes. Knowing what would happen next. She did not even look up, when Chaozu self-destructed himself, trying to kill Nappa. She simply sat there with her head bowed and eyes closed, waiting for it to be over. Silently she made a prayer to her Gods for the swift passage of their souls. Rei was tired of people dying…

"Heh, heh, heh…what a waste…you still don't get it do you? All right…first three-eyes…then the runt! Don't worry…heh…you'll all get your turn…! Don't worry about your friend. You'll see him soon-in HELL!" Nappa assured him.

"You'll pay for this!" yelled Tenshinhan.

The silver collar around Rei's neck suddenly began beeping, drawing attention to herself. She glanced over at Vegeta, who simply scowled. Pressing a small engraved button on the collar she answered "Rei here."

"Rei, I require your services." A cold voice said. Vegeta and Nappa snapped too when they heard the voice over her transmitter. They stared at her waiting for the voice to continue almost standing at attention.

"Freiza" They muttered. The Z-fighters watched Rei not fully understanding this pause in the fight.

"Did you hear me Rei? You are to return to headquarters immediately."

"Sir, I -." Rei argued.

"Rei! Did you not hear Lord Friza?" yelled Nappa as he moved to slap her again.

"Stay out of this!" ordered Vegeta as he knocked his hand away obviously bothered by this intrusion.

"Rei are you disobeying an order? You remember what happened last time or do you need a reminder?"

"No sir."

"Lord Freiza," Vegeta interrupted. "With respect sir, Nappa and I require Rei's services here."

"Vegeta if I believed you truly capable of utilizing Rei's services I may consider, but until you grow a pair she is of more use to me!"

The transmition ended. The z-fighters were silent watching curiously.

"You better get going Rei." Vegeta scowled looking somewhat insulted from Freiza's remark.

She nodded as she rose up from the ground. And flew back to her pod almost relived to not have to witness the end of another planet and race. And yet enraged at the knowledge of what awaited her at head quarters. "See you soon ..." She whispered as she closed the door to her pod.

XxxxxEnd ChapterxxxxxX