Ch.14: The End of the Demon of Fire

The Earth Demon struck out at Sparks first, lashing out his white fangs as he snapped his head towards Sparks. The snake missed by inches as Sparks took refuge higher above.

"Try agian hot shot," said Sparks in his comical tone.

The Earth Demon did just what Sparks thought it would do and dived for cover below. To the demon's surprise Sparks blasted out an enormous column of fire energy that made the Earth Demon slam hard into the ground.

The Wind Demon was up next to face Sparks. The giant bird's steel-sharp claws glinted brightly in the eerie light as it swooped down after Sparks. Sparks dodged and didn't suffer a stratch.

Suddenly Sparks eyes glowed blue and the energy he had absorbed from the Water Demon was finally starting to kick in. Considering that Sparks was the Demon of Fire and was now going to use the Water Demon's powers. Let's just say thing's were about to meet a catostrophic end.

With one last dive Sparks plumeted to the two demons below. The Monkey Team's mouths were agape with surprise, and thier eyes wide with fear. What was Sparks doing? He was going to get killed!

A bright light suddenly radiated from Sparks and covered everything. The Monkey Team, the demons, the city, I mean everything. The Fire Demon's blood has mixed with the Water Demon's and that power has been combined in a last ditch effort to attack.

Smoke was seen flowing upward from a large crater in the ground once the light had vanished. The demons and Sparks were nowhere to be seen.

"Sparks!" yelled Nova and ran over to the edge of the crater. The rest of the Monkey Team followed, praying that Sparks was alive.

Seconds passed and tears started to drip down Nova's eyes as she bent down near the edge of the crater.

"He can't be gone" thought Nova sadly "he can't be gone!"

A coughing sound from the over the other side of the crater suddenly caught Nova's ears. The smoke had lifted a little and you could see a tiny metal hand gripping the edge on the deep crevice. It was Sparks, he was alive!

The red monkey was back to his normal colors and was covered in ashes from the smoke around him. Nova imedatelly ran over to Spark's side before he lost his grip on the edge. The rest of the team quickly followed.

Slowly Sparks eyes opened to see his whole team staring down at him. He managed to produce a weak smile as he said " I'm sorry that I caused ya'll so much trouble the past few days,"

"It wasn't your fault Sparks" said Nova softly "it was Skeleton King and the Demons. They planned for all this to happen. There was no way for you stop it,"

Sparks placed his hand upon Nova's and said " At least not by myself. I had you guys to help me through this fight, as I always had,"

"We wouldn't have it any other way," said Chiro.

Gibson was busy observing the damage done to the city during the recent battle.

"Well I guess construction crews will be working double overtime to get this city back on it's feet," he said.

"Then let us help rebuild" said Antauri "until the next battle comes,"

"Watch out bad guys" yelled Otto "cause when you mess with Shuggazoom...,"

"You mess with the Hyperforce!" everyone shouted pounding thier fists into the air. With great big smiles shining on their faces, the Monkey Team went to rebuild Shuggazoom. 'Till next time.

The End