Disclaimer: All Legal Drug characters (c) CLAMP
"Thank you for telling me. Good-bye," Kakei waved and began walking back to the dormitory, in mugh higher spirits. His good mood, however, evaporated as soon as he walked in the door.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Saiga demanded, shoving Kakei against the wall. Kakei gasped when his back hit the wall. His bruises were mostly healed, but that still hurt. Glaring at the taller man, he noticed that Saiga wasn't wearing his sunglasses, for once. In a moment he saw why: they were in a corner of the room, as if they had been thrown there in frustration.

"What is wrong with you? Let go of me," Kakei demanded.

"No. You are such an idiot. Are you a masochist? You're obviously a sadist but you must be a masochist as well. I told you to stay out of trouble, remember? And instead, you go and get yourself thrown out a two-story window! You could have died, you idiot!"

This was not how he wanted to spend his first night back. Kakei lashed out at Saiga. "You're one to talk. Every weekend you go out and party and drink until you can't even remember your own name and race people on the freeway to make a fast buck, so who are you to yell at me for trying to defend myself!"

"But that's just it," Saiga shouted back. "You don't defend yourself in the least. You get beat up at least twice a week. Defending yourself, that's a laugh! You either need a baby-sitter or a SWAT-man, I'm not sure which, but it's obvious you need some protection." Saiga's expression was taking on a different cast with some unknown emotion.

Kakei's eyes flashed and he opened his mouth to argue. Saiga saw and rolled his eyes, putting a large hand over the boy's mouth, muffling any obscene comments. They hadn't started out as obscene, but once Saiga covered his mouth, they sure turned out that way. Saiga listened as his mood changed to amusement as he deciphered what Kakei was saying in a calm tone but was pure venom. Saiga tsked. The blonde had such a guttermouth.

"Saiga, you adjective noun. Get your adjective hand off me right now or I will progressive verb kill you. You are being completely adjective stupid and I demand that you adjective let me go, now."

Having no desire to let Kakei hit him, which is what the blonde looked like he was about to do, Saiga did not release the blonde and instead reached up with his other hand to brush against Kakei's bangs. "Your hair is messed up."

"That is beside the point," Kakei snapped, his voice still slightly muffled. Saiga loosened up a bit so he didn't have to strain to hear what he said. Kakei took the opportunity to shove the offending appendage away from him. "The point is: why the hell do you care? It won't affect you if I die or whatnot, other than you not having to share a room anymore. So why do you care?"

As he spoke the words, Kakei tensed up. He really did want to know exactly what Saiga thought of him, in his own words. Whatever Saiga said would be the determining point in how Kakei would behave from then on. He would either indulge in the feelings that had been growing in him ever since Saiga had kissed him, or he would snuff them out like a candle. ...Somehow.

Saiga abruptly leaned forward and brushed his lips against Kakei's. He drew back enough to say, "I care." A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips at Kakei's shocked expression.

---If you do not like lemons, the chapter ends here---

Kakei stared in shock at the gesture, unable to comprehend what had happened. When it got through his in-denial brain what Saiga had said, paired with what he did, a smile touched the blonde's mouth... Although he blinked and hurriedly tried to cover it with a hand in the most casual way possible. Smooth. Saiga snorted and moved the hand away to capture the blonde's lips. He kissed them hungrily, wanting to taste more. No one tasted quite like Kakei... He bit down on Kakei's lower lip, earning a gasp. He bit down again, liking the noises Kakei was making. Not to mention the blonde's lips were petal-soft and just begging to be ravished. He pushed past the boy's lips without permission, deepening the kiss as he explored every crevice of Kakei's mouth. His hands were busy as well, roaming the blonde's slim body, checking his injuries as well as just for the sense of touch. Kakei shivered as Saiga's hands glided over his skin, igniting his flesh.

Saiga smirked at seeing Kakei's eyes beginning to cloud over with lust, and helped it along by kissing the sensitive spots on that long, pale, delectable neck. Kakei moaned softly, turning his head to the side, unknowingly giving the dark-haired male more access. Saiga took the opportunity to attack the blonde's neck ruthlessly, nipping and grazing it with his teeth until all Kakei could do was writhe and squirm against the wall. For once, he was not in control, although he didn't mind much in this particular situation, because his head was feeling pleasurably hazy. He couldn't assume control if he tried. He felt Saiga pulling on his shirt, and then yanking it over his head, messing up his hair in the process. Kakei watched Saiga's eyes as they raked up and down his form. Kakei felt himself grow hot under his gaze, but didn't think any more about it when Saiga leaned down and kissed the blonde passionately, twisting and twining their tongues together. Kakei bit back a moan, trying not to seem so awfully... uke-ish.

Saiga smirked at the smothered moan and became determined to make Kakei be more... vocal. Kakei saw the smirk and shivered agreeably. The movement in turn caused Saiga to moan slightly into Kakei's mouth, amazed at how much he liked the vibration, feeling himself grow harder. "Let's move this somewhere more comfortable," Saiga murmured suggestively in Kakei's ear, licking the pale shell and blowing in hot air afterwards. Kakei gasped deliciously, turning Saiga on even more. At this point, the dark-haired male wondered if they would even make it to the bed. Turning back to kiss and nip at Kakei's virgin flesh, Saiga decided the bed would be best, however far away it was. (A/N: It's like four feet away, lazy ass...)

Saiga picked Kakei up and the next thing the blonde knew, he was on his back on a dark flannel bedspread mixed with white sheets- Saiga's unmade bed. Feeling the bedsprings bend as the other came onto the bed, Kakei's gaze blinked to Saiga's. He saw lust and passion burning there, and shivered under the intensity.

Saiga wasted no time in attacking the blonde's bare flesh, nipping and licking and eliciting various delicious noises from the boy writhing below him. The older male's nimble fingers then danced down the blonde's torso, tracing every curve. They halted at the waistband of Kakei's jeans as Saiga undid the button. Saiga slipped a hand inside Kakei's boxers, and Kakei gasped. Saiga pulled down Kakei's boxers and jeans, and Kakei kicked them off along with his shoes and socks. Then the brunette took him into his hand and moved his hand up and down, and Kakei fell back onto the bedspread, all rational thought blown from his mind. Saiga ran his hand up and down Kakei's shaft slowly, teasing him. He fingered the head lovingly and moved down to take a quick lick at it. By this point, Kakei was full-out panting.

"You are having far too much fun with this..." Kakei said grumbled, his face flushed. Damn Saiga and his teasing.

"And you want to have fun as well, right?" Saiga said in a low voice before engulfing Kakei completely in one swift movement. Kakei gasped loudly and arched his back. Saiga had to hold him down by his slim hips to keep Kakei from activating his gag-reflex. When he had him under control, his tongue ran along the underside of the blonde's erect member before coming up to lick at the slit where pre-cum was beading. He smiled a wolfish grin. He thought again that no one tasted as delicious as Kakei. He took at quick glance at him. The blonde had his head thrown back on the bed, thin chest rising and falling with his pants. It was music to Saiga's ears. He left the strained member to kiss Kakei passionately. Kakei tasted himself on the brunette and wrinkled his nose, finding it odd but slightly erotic. All of a sudden, three fingers were placed on Kakei's lower lip.

"Suck," Saiga commanded softly. Kakei, comprehending even with his lack of experience, took the digits into his mouth and began to suck on them, licking in-between them and coating them thoroughly with his saliva. It was all Saiga could do not to grab the blonde, flip him over, and take him right then. He pulled his wet fingers out of Kakei's hot mouth and started to kiss Kakei to get his mind off of what he was about to do.

Kakei felt a slick finger probe his puckered opening behind him and stiffened, glaring at Saiga. Saiga shrugged in an apologetic sort of way and captured Kakei's mouth with his as he slid a finger into Kakei. The blonde bit his lip. Saiga leaned back to massage his injured lip a bit with his tongue before going in for another kiss. "That wasn't nice."

"Neither was what you did," Kakei said, a little hoarsely. His member was strained and aching for attention; a spring of pleasure was coiled in his stomach, and he was waiting for what would happen when it released.

"Don't worry- it gets better," Saiga flashed a carnivorous grin. He slipped another finger in and made scissoring motions, trying to warm the blonde up.

Kakei was about to reply with a smart remark when Saiga brushed something inside him that made him arch his back in pleasure. Saiga smirked. He had found Kakei's prostrate. Kakei moved around, trying to get Saiga's fingers to touch that spot inside him again, practically impaling himself on the brunette's fingers. The sight made Saiga groan, and realize that two fingers would have to be enough. He leaned down next to Kakei's ear. "I can't wait anymore."

Kakei nodded wordlessly, and Saiga bent the blonde's knees and spread them apart wide. He positioned himself between Kakei's legs, and made the first thrust, quickly covering the blonde's lips with his own. Kakei screamed into his mouth as tears squeezed out from his eyelids. Saiga kissed him long and hard, passionately, getting Kakei's mind off the pain, trying not to dwell on how beautiful and unearthly Kakei looked when he cried. After a few moments, Kakei broke the kiss. "Okay," he whispered hoarsely. Saiga smirked one-sidedly and began to move. He pulled out slowly, then pushed back in, starting out slow. Kakei pressed his fingernails into Saiga's back, urging him forward. Saiga picked up the pace, and changed the angle slightly. When he thrust back in, he hit something that made Kakei see stars. He gasped and arched his back. He wanted to feel that again. "Saiga..."

Saiga pulled out and pushed back in, hitting that same spot over and over again, making Kakei want to scream in pleasure. Then Saiga grabbed Kakei's neglected member and began pumping it in time with his thrusts. The amount of pleasure overloaded his senses, and Kakei came in waves of pleasure. "Saiga...!" He rode out the waves of pleasure, basking in the intensity. Feeling Kakei's hot inner walls contract around his length was too much for Saiga, as the blonde was already unbearably tight to begin with, and he came as well with a groaned "Kakei!", collapsing on top of the blonde, his face buried in the area where Kakei's neck met his shoulder. He pulled out of Kakei and cleaned them both up with a spare sheet before resuming his position near Kakei's neck, the soiled sheet having been chucked onto the floor. They both lay still for a while, listening to the pants of the other as their breathing gradually returned to normal. Saiga started playing with Kakei's flaxen strands and kissing Kakei's neck gently, and Kakei smiled, just the corners of his lips tilting upwards. Saiga saw and kissed the corner of his mouth. That wasn't enough for Kakei, and the blonde caught his lips in a sweet kiss. Saiga smirked at Kakei's newfound boldness, and pulled the pale youth to him, curling his taller form around the smaller, lithe form of the blonde. He pulled the blankets over them and wrapped an arm around Kakei's waist. "'Night Kakei," he murmured.

Kakei snuggled back into the older man's chest, liking the warmth he gave off. Warmth... and protection. Someone to protect him. Someone to be a 'we' with, not just 'I' or 'me'. Someone to not be alone with. The arm across his waist, though, that was all possessiveness. He liked the feeling, actually. It was comforting. He would tolerate being comforted, he might not even mind, might even like it, if it was Saiga who was doing the comforting. Big, strong, and very very warm Saiga... He let his eyelids close. "'Night... Saiga."

uke: the submissive partner, as opposed to the dominant partner. Personally I've seen 'tachi' & 'seme' used as the dominant term and 'uke' & 'neko' used for the submissive term.
Author's Hype:

I realize it took hella long to update, and it sounds really lame to say 'sorry', but sorry anyways. First I tried to get my grade up, and it went up, but then it dropped, and then I did a musical and oh wow you really don't want to hear about this do you. The point is that up until the past week I had zero time. I'm sorry, I actually have a life, outside of writing. I have homework and drama and a huge load of other stuff to do. I know, it's a huge shocker, but I do, lol. I'm about to do cheerleading try-outs as well, which will be uber fun, I'm sure, haha.
Probably the biggest reason it took so long was: This was my first lemon. Yeah... It seems kinda long for a first lemon, but I didn't want to half-ass it. I had a huge case of lemon-writer's-block, and it drove me insane. I don't get it- when I write lemon-rape-scenes, I'm completely fine, but ask me to write a 'nice' lemon, and it takes me months. What's up with that? Then tonight I was just all 'okay I could go to sleep at nine-effing-pm, which is unheard of, or I could finish this thing once and for all' so obviously I chose the latter. My lemon-writer's-block went away, somehow. Don't ask me how or why. If I knew, I could sell whatever did it and become the wealthiest writer ever, I swear. Richer than J.K. Rowling. She might even buy my antidote, if she plans on putting a lemon in Harry Potter... XD Wouldn't that be hilarious? Oh, hey, tell me what your favourite pairing(s) in Harry Potter are, if you decide to review, okay? Just curious.

This chapter is the official end of Dorm 216. Got it? However, I'm going to continue to post chapters to show the transition from the younger-Kakei's personality in this story to the personality Kakei has in Legal Drug. These chapters will not be full-out sequels. Maybe you could call them sequelettes. Ficlets. Whatever. I'll probably get really good at writing lemons by the time I finish this series, which I doubt will be any time soon.

Ja ne-