Warning: Conversation and understanding ahead. Lol. Language.

Pairings 1x2, 3x4, 5x no one Bwhahahahahahahaha

A/N: Yeah the ending is near...yeah...longest story yet...yeah...enjoy


Chapter 20: The Something is Nothing

"Please have a seat." Kyr said waving a hand, seven chairs appeared behind them and they sat. No one disobeyed the orders of a God, or the God rather. Kyr sat at his chair. "I understand that by now you are all confused, frustrated, and pissed off at me. But you must understand that this is how you five made us feel. This was a punishment that both should have happened and should not have happened." Kyr said, leaning on one side of his chair.

"I suggest you start from the beginning and don't leave anything out, Kyr." Heero said his glare in place. He wasn't just an elf here, he was a king, and he was a god, supposedly. He had nothing to fear from Kyr.

Kyr smile and nodded. "Yes, I guess that would be a good idea." Kyr snapped his fingers and a large bowl of water appeared in the middle of all of them. He waved his hand over the large bowl and the others watched to see what would happen. "It will be much easier to show you. You see you five, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei, were born here in Oleler, You grew up here. What I'm about to show you happened roughly a thousand years ago…."


Heero lay on his stomach over a small bowl of water. He looked utterly bored and yawned to prove it. Bare feet come into his eyes site and he looks up to see Duo standing over him, dressed in a black robe his hood drawn back, and his scythe hanging loosely at his fingers.

"What are you up to, Jhori?" Duo said with a smile and sat down next to him. Heero pushed himself up and crossed his legs.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." He said, then sighed and put his head in his hands when he saw the smirk pull on Duo's lips. "Okay, Okay, what do you want to do, you know I can't say no." He said. Duo hopped up to his feet and pulled Heero with him.

"Kyr has something that he's hiding and I want to know what it is." He said simply.

"Grim, you know that Kyr has a right to his own privacy right?" Heero asked being dragged along without really fighting it.

"Of course." Duo said easily waving off Heero's words. Heero rolled his eyes and went along.

-----(a few minutes later)-----

"What are you two doing?" Duo turned and put a finger to his mouth.

"Shh, look." He whispered. Wufei snuck closer to them and looked through the window with Heero and Duo.

"What in Hades name is that?" He said, Duo smiled.

"That, my friend, is Kyr's crown."

"I've never seen him wear it." Heero said.

"That's because it's made from Gundanium, if someone was to touch it they would have the powers of Kyr, he doesn't want anyone to have that much power in the wrong hands it would be devastating to the universe. Instead of ruling over Kelas you would rule over all the planets." Duo explained.

"How do you know?" Wufei asked.

"Easy, I've seen him use it. With it he calls the beast of the forces. Life, Death, Love, Peace, and War. There was also two extras, Justice, and Hate. They're beautiful metal creatures." Duo said.

"Are they gods?" Heero asked.

"More like…gladiators." Duo said.

-----(an hour later)-----

"Jhylaes, Vaeli, come on, we've got this cool idea." Duo said running past the two. Trowa spotted the crown of Kyr in Heero's hands as Heero and Wufei ran by. So he and Quatre stood and followed the three boys.

Soon they found themselves seated under a tree with Heero, Wufei, and Duo.

"Why do you have Kyr's crown?" Trowa asked.

"You know about it Vaeli?" Duo asked.

"Yeah, my father is Aries, Grim. Of course I know about it. He piloted one of the Gundam's." Trowa explained.

"Gundam's?" They all asked.

"Yes, Gundam's, the beast of Gundanium. The Gladiators to Kyr." He said. Duo nodded, he knew what they were. "Well their not a toy, we should not have this." Trowa said pointing to the crown."

"I agree." They all froze and looked up to see Kyr standing behind them…

-----(End flashback)-----

"So all of this is over a silly crown?" Duo asked. Kyr smiled.

"Yes, and no." Kyr explained. Heero sighed.

"I'm so sick of these double edged answers."

"I've already told you that we got the Fates to baby sit you five. With Treize and Zechs here were put in charge of protecting you five. Zechs being a Lightning Spirit and Treize being the God of Peace-." Heero laughed straight out at that. "-Yes yes I know, but in Oleler he was of Peace. Anyway's it didn't work however. The fates had other plans."


Treize sat in a chair drinking a glass of red wine, happily watching the five boys be bored out of their minds. He very slowly fell asleep, never to wake in Oleler again…

-----(flashback view change)-----

Zechs was walking along a long corridor headed for the main dinning hall of the Oleler Castle. He was late for the dinner, but had to take a few extra minutes talking to Past, Gyle, about some stupid dinosaurs issue, that he really didn't even care about. A shadow snuck up behind him and he turned to see who was there, chains wrapped around him and his electrical charge that sparked his lightening became his enemy, and he fell motionless to the floor, he too, never to awake in Oleler again….

-----(Flashback view change)-----

Heero practiced with his swords with Joniz. He wasn't as good as the Fate, 'yet'. He still had a few tricks he wanted to learn from the fate. But today was not the day, as Joniz caught Heero's sword in his sleeve, and stabbed Heero threw the stomach. Heero blinked a few times, pulled the sword out of his flesh, and tried to say something to Joniz, but only chocking noises were heard as he fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

-----(Change View)-----

Duo slept soundly in his bed, snoring slightly, and completely unaware of his surrounding. Gyle stepped out of the shadows, dagger raised in his hand, ready to stab Duo threw the chest, he swung down but a hand caught his wrist.

"You're a fool." Duo whispered in the darkness. "You can't take death, life." He smiled. "I'll be back and I will crush you." With that Duo let go of Gyle's hand and kept smile as the blade of the dagger slide into his heart.

"I would like to see you try, Grim." Gyle laughed, but Duo's blank eyes said nothing in return, but the laughter that filled the room was not Gyle's.

-----(change view)-----

Trowa was reading a small book in his room. He didn't notice the shadow behind him, not until the blade was already deep in his neck. The blood trailing down his neck and chest like a small river. He watched as his eye site began to fade, the only thought going threw his mind was of the blond boy he would be able to say good bye too.

-----(Change View)-----

Quatre ran threw the halls as fast as he could. His arm dripping blood, from a deep knife wound on his shoulder. Something wrapped around his ankles and he fell to the ground with a hard thud and tried to gather his breath as he turned onto his back and looked down the hall. He kicked frantically at the chains around his feet to get them loose. But it was no use, they wouldn't loosen up. There was a sudden shadow over him and a knife plunged into his chest. Quatre screamed out, but the sound was cut off as blood filled his throat and mouth.

-----(change view)-----

Wufei slept in his own bed, undisturbed by the fire that engulfed his room until it was too late. He didn't fight it but waited for death to over take him with sad eyes and a pained body. He didn't miss the shadow disappear from the room and the flames finally claimed his life.

-----(End flashback)-----

"Did you really have to show us our own death's." Quatre asked. He was a little sour now, and a little green in the face. Trowa wrapped an arm around him protectively.

"Yes, I think you disserve to know what happened. The fates were punished to live on Kelas for the duration of a human life, but they managed to obtain their power when they were reborn and pass as elves. They fooled the elves into thinking they were the elders of the race and became the rulers of Kelas, more then once. We also decided to have you seven reborn on Kelas as a punishment for taking the crown. It would have been easier to let you grow up there, where you wouldn't be bored."

"No, but we would still be tortured. I lost everything. My parents, my family, my friends, my life. Living on Kelas was pure hell for me." Duo said a glare in his eyes.

"Well Duo, it was your idea to take the crown." Kyr's pointed out. Duo just sighed.

"Well it's over with know right, so nothing to worry about." Duo said sarcastically.

"Exactly. You seven are home know. Your punishment is over." Kyr said.

"So being reborn was a punishment to us too, what did we do?" Treize asked.

"Oh know, you two got killed because of the fates, you have to be reborn in Kelas then return here, that's why you were both born as kings, it wasn't a punishment."

"Then what was Heero's punishment?" Duo asked, a little jealous that Heero had been born a king.

"Heero wasn't born a king he was born a prince, he had to spend his life in boring meetings and endless parties. If you knew Heero, Duo, you would understand that any social event is pure torture for Heero." Heero nodded in agreement.

"So all of this was a big punishment plan gone all wacky because of the fates?" Wufei asked. Kyr nodded.

"Like I said before. This is really stupid." Heero stood and started walking away.

"Heero, where are you going?" Duo asked. Heero looked at him with a small smile.

"I'm going to be bored." He said simply. Duo laughed, stood up and ran after him.

"Let's go be bored together, I have a few ideas." He said with a sly smile.

"Heero is right you know?" Trowa said to Kyr. "If this was a punishment, it was stupid." He stood, grabbed Quatre's hand and followed his brother and Duo out the door.

Treize laughed lightly. "Funny, I got the feeling you had this planned all along." He smiled and also left. Zechs following happily.

Wufei looked at Kyr with a lifted eye brow. Kyr just smiled knowingly to him.

"Treize is right." He said, Kyr simply nodded and disappeared. Wufei laughed lightly and walking out of the room, to start…or continue his new life, which ever it was.

-----(End chapter)-----

This is the end of the story. I'm one chapter short sorry. There may be a Teaser off this later with Heero and Duo and a very Sexy Lemon. So keep an eye out for it, it'll be a seperate story.