-1Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing nor it's characters and as much as I wish I did I do not. However I do own this story and may someday make money on the story, probably not, I will not make money on it with the GW characters, so don't sue. Because you isn't getting' squat.

Warnings: AU, OOC, abuse, slavery, NCS, Fantasy, Lemon, Angst, and a bit of sap.

Parings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xM, 13x6

Summary: Demons are starting to rebel against the Elves and Humans. Two demons in particular are causing utter chaos in the Kingdom of L-One. King Heero Yuy sends his best tracker Wufei to catch them.

Gami1x2: I know I write a lot of these stories, or at least similar, but there my favorite type, because your free to write about anything you want, you are free to create words, and events, and control a whole universe if you wished. I am trying more serious ones. Shadows in Red was serious but no one red it so I took it down, but I'll try again later. Anyway on with the story…

ScythedWing: Oh, Oh, I love this story….

Shinii2x1...Why because you almost in every chapter miss violent.

ScythedWing::Laughs like an Insane person:: Shinii and Gami take a few steps back.



"These wars have to stop." Came the voice of the old King. He was standing and his hands where on the table. He looked at every individual in the room. Every seat full of Elves, Dwarves, Pixies, Fairies, Forest Creatures, and Humans. All of there kingdoms at some sort of war with each other. This was a meeting for peace. A meeting to stop all violence amongst the kingdoms of this small planet. "Our people are dieing, and all we can do is keep them battling with creatures that are stronger then them." The King who spoke was Human and he was not stupid.

"I agree. We don't want to keep this going. We have better things to do, raise our families and our lands. If this keeps up we'll not only kill each other, but we will kill our home." This one was elf. His son sat next to him and nodded.

"Then we will write a treaty." A pixie added. There where shouts of agreements.

The young elf stood and addressed his elders.

"Am I the only one here who has noticed that the Demon King decided not to attend?" He asked. There was a murmur amongst them.

"The demons, something must be done with the demons." A fairy added. Another group agreement.

"Each Kingdom has different rules, and beliefs. I think it would only be fair to allow each Kingdom there own ways of taking care of this issue, and if the need was ever to rise that a kingdom needed the assistance of another, then if they could they would help. But I think this is an issue that may one cause more fighting if we try to decide on any one punishment." The king elf said, again the group agrees.

And with the demons situation taken care of the Peace Treaty was set into motion. The Kings and Queens of the Kingdoms spent a good week locked in decisions over the treaty, every little detail being worked out to it's fullest potential. And it was added that if an issue should arise that the nations would get together and talk it out, and deal with it through words not violence.

As the elders talked, Heero Yuy sat silent. He didn't like the idea of this Peace Treaty. None of the Kings even mentioned what would be best for the people. In fact there subjects were never mentioned other then that fact that the war was killing them and it needed to stop. Heero also felt that the demon 'problem' had been taken care of a little two easily.

Heero stood and left the room, they were signing it as he closed the door. None of them caring as he left.

"A bunch of old fools." Heero mumbled.