Confess of a Teenage Gangster

A/n: Please review!

In the morning, at the Townsville Dump…

When Aria woke up, she found herself lying on a torn up sofa of an empty trailer. She saw half-empty pizza boxes scattered all over the floor.

"Oh, God. I'm in Hell," she muttered under her breath. She sat up and limped her way out the door. She saw the Gangreen Gang beating up an old car. Ace noticed Aria standing at

the door.

"Hey, wanna join us?" he swung the bat at the door.

"Maybe. Is this all you guys gonna do today? Aren't you gonna do anything else…fun?" Aria got inside the car and rolled the window down.

"Ya know, our normal stuff: graffiti, robbing little kids, and going to de mall arcade."

"A'ight. Just one question. Why are you being nice to me? Aren't you supposed to be all big and bad or whatever?" Aria said. She must've asked a hard question because Ace kept stuttering.


"Accce likesss yousss!" Snake said, but got hit in the nose with an uppercut by Ace. "Ow."

Aria giggled. "You guys are crazy. So what're we gonna do first?"

"We gonna do graffiti—Gangreen style!"

"Okay, cool!" Aria smiled. The Gangreen Gang and Aria walked out of the Townsville Dump.

Later, in an alley…

"This place is so ghetto!" Aria said, watching the gang spray words on the wall. She noticed clothes lines stretching from one window to another. The windows had bars on them.

"Ain't ya gonna paint sumthin'?" Ace asked. He threw her a spray can at her.

She caught the can and began to spray paint.

They backed away from the wall to stare at each of their own masterpieces.

Ace looked at Snake's graffiti: Townsville Sucksss.

Ace smiled and moved on to Lil Arturo's graffiti: Gangreen Rulez.

Ace added a colorful "Yeah!" to the bottom of it.

He moved on to Grubber's: Thhbbbppt! Thbbpppppt! Phheeeerrrt!

Ace read Billy's: GRAFFITI –BIG BILLY.

He moved onto Aria's graffiti and froze.

"What da hell is dat?" Ace said, as his shades slid down his face.

Aria shamefully stood next to a I LUV BOYZ graffiti.

She noticed the expression on Ace's face and quickly wiped off BOYZ and painted BAD BOYZ.

Ace sighed. "Aight, dat's good enough. Let's go rob some kids."