ff-kh-luvrgrl: o.o my lil' sis is gunna kill me... hey, i never said i was gunna do chapter 2 of The Boy Next Door NEXT!!! ((hides))

((head pops back out))

oh, yeah, and I am finally doing this (I've had this idea for a while) because I FINALLY got around to saving a script of FFXII onto the laptop! Yay!


((Paine comes out, dragging Baralai behind her, who is in chains))

Baralai: hey! you can't do this to me!

me: i already did. now do the disclaimer.

Baralai: ...

me: Paine! the pokey-pokey stick! ((dramatic music))

((Paine pulls out an old stick from out of nowhere. it's extremely unfrightening.))

Baralai: ((screams like a little girl)) NOOOO!!!! FF-KH-LUVRGRL DOES NOT OWN FFXII IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND--

((Balthier pops in))

Balthier: HEY!!! you said I could do the disclaimer!

me: ... I did?

Paine: do the damn warning then.

Balthier: yaoi, lemon (yay!), and probably cussing. read and review!!! ((looks around)) now, where's Vaan?...


me: oh, and this is slightly AU; Balthier and Vaan used to know each other, but they haven't seen each other for a while.


---Chapter 1: Meeting, Vaan's POV---

Vaan grabbed the shining stone, only to be startled by someone's voice.

"Quite a performance."

Vaan whipped around, looking at the man. He looked a lot like him... But Vaan hadn't seen him in two and a half years...

"Who are you?"

The man looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I play the leading man, who else?"

A Viera woman appears from behind Vaan, but he doesn't notice her, as he's still looking at the man.

"Fran, the Magicite."

Suddenly, another voice joins in, and Vaan notices the Viera for the first time.

"Now then, I'll take that."

Vaan held it close to his chest, covering it with both hands.

"No, you won't! I found it. It's mine!" ((A/N: Good logic!))

"And then when I take it from you, it'll be mine," the man retorts.

The Viera - Fran - walks over to the man and stands next to him. Suddenly, the three hear soldiers coming.

"Exit stage right," the man says, and starts to leave, his Viera friend following him.

"The Gods do not smile on us."

"I like it better that way," the man says as he disappears from Vaan's sight. Vaan stands there for a few minutes, remembering.

"Really?" said the silky voice. An almost-15-year-old Vaan nodded eagerly. His 19-year old friend smiled softly at him. "Well, if you're sure..." With that, the brunette's lips cover Vaan's. A few seconds later, he pulls away. "Well?"

Vaan hugged the man tightly, burying his face in his chest. Suddenly, a thought occurs to him. He pulls away, asking his friend, "Does this mean we're going out?"

"Do you want it to?" Vaan nods, and the brunette's smile widens. "Then it does." Vaan just blushed and hugged him again.

Shaking his head, Vaan's mind returns to the present. He runs outside an exit, and sees a couple of guards on the move. He retreats, and then makes his way to the top of the stairs. He looks down, and sees a battle below him.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly, a large airship above him fires a cannon, and the ground beneath him explodes. Even though he is on a bridge, the force of the explosion throws him backwards.

"The Ifrit, eh? Impeccable timing. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were waiting all along."

Vaan looks over, startled, and sees the man from earlier. The airship fires another cannon, triggering another explosion. Vaan tries to escape from the man, who gives chase.

"Stop running!"

Fran lands a hoverbike in his path, effectively blocking his exit. He turns, only to see the man slowing down. The man then holds out his hand.

"End of the line! You have something that belongs to me."

Something behind the man catches Vaan's attention. He looks past him, and sees Imperial soldiers starting to run towards them. The man, noticing Vaan's gaze is not on him, turns his head and sees the soldiers.


One of the soldiers yells, getting the others' attention. "More this way!"

The man turns back, yelling, "Fran! Let's move!"

He starts sprinting toward Vaan, then grabs onto his waist and jumps onto the ledge.

"Off with you!"

The man drops Vaan off the ledge, and then jumps straight towards the vehicle, which is now under them, thanks to Fran. Vaan screams as he falls, but then the man grabs his hand, Vaan's body literally hanging on air.

"Let go of me!"

"Keep this up and I will!"

The Viera, meanwhile, seems to be having difficulties driving the hoverbike.

"What's going on, Fran?"

"I don't know. It's not heeding me!"

"I don't have time for this!"

Vaan suddenly realizes he's starting to fall again.

"I-I'm slipping!"

The man quickly looks, fear appearing in his eyes. His other hand reaches toward Vaan and he grabs onto Vaan's hand, holding with both hands, keeping Vaan from falling any more.

"Not good!"

The look in his eyes reminds Vaan once again of him, when his brother, Reks, found out...

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Reks' usually calm voice roared. The two sprung apart, eyes wide. Reks looks livid as he runs toward them, and Vaan steps in front of his boyfriend in an attempt to stop Reks from hurting him.

"Reks, stop! He wasn't hurting me!"

"No, only MOLESTING you!"

"NO, HE WASNT!!!!" Vaan, screamed, effectively stopping Reks, who had a confused and concerned look on his face.

"Vaan, maybe I should go..."

"Yes! Leave! Now!" Vaan glared at his brother, then turned and grabbed the brunette's arm. The brunette had a look of indifference on, but Vaan knew him well enough to see the hurt in his eyes.

"Don't go, Balthier, please. Reks is just mad because I didn't tell him about you!"

Reks makes a noise of disbelief, and Vaan turns back to him. Reks stares at Vaan, hurt.

"Is-is he your- your boyfriend, Vaan?"

Vaan holds his head high, hoping his brother will forgive him. He takes a deep breath and then replies.

"Yes. Yes, he is."

Vaan returns to the present just in time to see the ground rushing up to meet him. The man is still holding his hand.


When Vaan wakes up, he is back in the Garamsythe Waterway. The Viera - Vaan forgot her name - moans, and Vaan stares at her. He'd never seen many Viera this close before! (There weren't many in Rabanastre anyway.) She lets go of her head, looking a little confused.

"What happened? Our hover didn't just drop - it disappeared."

The man shakes his head. "Bah. Forget it. Even if we could fly... The Ifrit's playing with fire, and I'd rather not get burned. We'll go the old-fashioned way."

He looks at Vaan, who is still staring at the Viera.

"Not many Viera where you come from, thief?"

Vaan starts, and looks at him. "It's Vaan. Sorry."

Vaan thinks he sees a flash of recognition at his name, but he decides he must've just imagined it.

"Well, Fran is special... in that she's deign to partner with a hume."

The Viera turns to him. "Oh? Like a sky pirate that chooses to steal through the sewers?"

Vaan's eyes widen, something the man does not miss. "Pirates? You're sky pirates? So you have an airship?" Maybe it is him... It sure looks like him... Kinda...

"It's Balthier," the man says, standing up. Vaan's heart leaps at this, and sets his mind on talking to Balthier - as soon as they are alone. Until then, he will act as if he just met him, as it seems Balthier is. His heart pangs as he thinks this. Why would Balthier act like that? But, then again, he did leave without saying anything - just left a note, saying goodbye, so that Vaan wouldn't think he had been captured or anything. That had been six months before Reks died.

"Listen, thief- Vaan. If you ever want to see your home again, you do exactly as I say. Myself, Fran and you. We're working together now. Understood?"

Yup, that's my Balthier. Vaan catches him glancing at the Magicite, and he holds it close again.

"Don't even think you're getting this."

Balthier starts to walk past him.

"The thought never even crossed my mind."


A little while later, they hear what sounds like a fight. They run into the next room. On a ledge above them is a woman, surrounded by imperial soldiers.

"Now we have her!" one yells, but she cuts him down, and he falls from the ledge.

"Who would be next?" The woman yells, but the Imperials continue advancing on her.

"Close ranks! Bring her down!" The soldiers close in on her, and Vaan runs to right below the ledge.

"Jump down! Hurry!"

The woman jumps down into Vaan's awaiting arms, and he gently sets her on his feet.

One of the Imperial soldiers sees them and alerts the others; "She's not alone!" ((A/N: umm, duh?))

"Our ranks grow by the hour," Fran states.

"And our troubles with them," adds Balthier, obviously unhappy.

Four Imperial soldiers attack them, and the party defeats them with ease. When the battle is over, Vaan turns to the woman.

"You all right?"

"Thank you," the woman says quietly.

"I'm Vaan. And this is Balthier and- hey!"

Balthier has turned and started walking away, but pauses, waiting. Vaan turns back to the woman.

"What's your name?"


"Amalia, huh? Nice to meet you."

"There were others with me," Amalia states quietly.

"I'm sorry," Fran tells her.

"No..." Amalia begins, and the magicite in Vaan's hands starts to glow quickly, radiating a bright light. Vaan looks at it in surprise, and Balthier walks over to get a closer look, interested.


"Oh, now isn't that impressive." Balthier leans closer to Vaan, who steps back, holding the Magicite close once again.

"I'm afraid the jury's still out on that one," Balthier replies.

"You stole that?" Amalia demands.

"Yeah!" Vaan replies enthusiastically.

"Have you finished? When the guards don't report in, they'll come looking for us." Fran says.

"If they aren't already," Amalia replies.

"You should come with us. Rather than being by yourself," Vaan suggests, and he could swear her heard Balthier sigh disappointedly.

"Very well," Amalia replies, then walks past the others and begins to lead the way.

"What's wrong with her?" Vaan questions.

"You have a lot to learn before we even get started on your thievery," Balthier says, an eyebrow raised.

"What's that mean?" Vaan asks, and Amalia stops ahead of them. They soon catch up to her.

"The situation requires I accept such help I can find. Though it be from thieves. I shall accompany you until we find my companions. No longer." Amalia states firmly.

"Let's think of her as a 'guest', then," Balthier suggests. At Vaan's questioning look, he continues," Unlike Fran or myself, our 'guest' probably won't be taking orders from anyone anytime soon. And she'll leave when she pleases. So, we keep to our affairs and she to hers. I doubt we'll find her wanting in valor... being such an upstanding member of the Insurgence."

"Resistance," Amalia insists. After a moment, she speaks again. "Well, what are we waiting for?"


After a long, tough battle with the Firemane, Vaan is ready to get back home and relax. Relax and confront Balthier. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if he'' be getting his wish granted anytime soon.

"Stay where you are!"

The group looks up. They have already been surrounded by a large group of Imperial soldiers on the upper floor; the soldiers are accompanied by Vayne Solidor. Amalia starts toward him, but Balthier grabs onto her, holding her back. When he sees this, Vaan feels a pang of jealousy.

"Now is not the time."

The Imperials approach them, and soon they are standing in Lowtown, under arrest. Their hands are cuffed.

"They're the thieves who stole into the palace. Is that what the commotion last night was about?" someone in the crowd asks.

"They think me some common thief," Amalia states disbelievingly.

"Better than a common assassin," Balthier tells her.

An Imperial soldier starts pushing Amalia away from the others.

"These people have done nothing. Release them," Amalia orders.

"What are you doing?" Vaan asks her.

"Don't interrupt me. I'm thinking."

Vayne Solidor crosses his arms and walks away. Very soon, Vaan hears a familiar voice call out.


Penelo pushes through the crowd, trying to get to Vaan.

"He didn't know what he was doing! You have to let him go! You have to!" she pleads. The guards keep her at bay, and she struggles against them.

"Penelo! Sorry. That dinner'll have to wait." Vaan says apologetically.

"I told you!" Penelo yells.

"That's enough!" an Imperial soldier states, and then hits Vaan on the head, effectively knocking him unconscious.


me: -

yay! done with chapter one!

(and about 3/4 done with chapter 2!)

don't worry; you won't have to wait for chapter 2 at all; I'm posting them together!

(Chapter two is basically the same thing, except from Balthier's POV, so there's a bit different, and the chapter doesn't end right when Vaan is knocked unconscious by the soldier.

Actually, this chapter was supposed to be both Vaan and Balthier, only it would stop when they fell unconscious. However, I had to leave for Tae Kwon Do, and when I got home, I just picked up where I left off, (I had just finished Vaan's part) and continued on. When I realized what I had done, i just decided that chapter two would be Balthier's POV, and Vaan would get this whole chapter to himself. I'm hoping to post three or four chapters, but i dunno.

oh, and they will most likely not be one character's POV for the whole chapter, but if it is, they probably won't be in order. (like, for example, there might be a Vaan chapter, then three Balthiers, then Vaan, then a Balthier, then two Vaans, or something like that) I have no idea how long this story will be.