Disclaimer: -I hate disclaimers sooo much- Obviously I don't own Pokémon. I don't even own the computer I'm typing this on.

Note: I've been toying with this idea for a Pokémon fanfic for a while. I feel bad that I've been neglecting my Sonic fic, but I just don't want it to suck! sniffle What's an author to do? Sigh Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Like I said, I've been thinking about it, and I really like the ShūxHaruka pairing. They're so damn cute! I couldn't decide whether I wanted the opening to be a beach scene or snow scene. Both could make for a great transition. I think I've settled on snow. And I'm not sure if I want this to be more than just a one-chapter story. I guess I'll just have to see who reviews. I just really needed some good pretty people pairings in my life. I'm such a glutton for pretty things!


Cold air whipped past Haruka's face as she ran across a snow-covered field. It was so beautiful, she noticed, and her clumsy footsteps were wrecking its peaceful blanket of tranquility. But it was so cold and she was late. The others were expecting her and…


Haruka was stopped dead in her tracks. She flailed her legs in vain as she was hoisted from her feet and onto someone's shoulder.

"Shū!" Haruka wailed, glimpsing a lock of emerald hair.

Only Shū would have the audacity to whisk her away when she was clearly in a hurry.

"Sorry Haruka," he said, not sounding very sorry indeed. "You have to come see this. I think you'll love it."

"Humph," Haruka began to pound on his back. "I'm late! I'm meeting people!"

Shū smiled, thanking God that she was facing behind him and couldn't see. Her persistent beating was causing no effect on him. In fact, he thought it was kind of cute. She was cute. Her smile, her eyes. He could remember back when they were younger, when they first met. She didn't mean anything to him except a good battle. Now, seven years later, she meant the world to him, whether she liked it or not.

"Since when do you care about things I like?" she spat, still determined to free herself from his grasp.

Shū chose not to reply. As smooth and quick thinking as he was, even this question caught him completely off guard. Instead, he walked briskly onward, Haruka still in tote.

Haruka was beginning to become quite irate. Not only was she going to be incredibly late for her meeting with Satoshi and the others, but she was also risking Shū discovering how she felt. Contrary to popular belief, Haruka avoided him because she was afraid of how he felt about her, not because she didn't like him.

She thought about how much Shū changed over the last few years. He became much taller and stronger, of course. His face had become more mature, and certainly much more handsome. Just thinking about Shū caused her to feel heat in her cheeks. She wondered what he looked like underneath that jacket he always wore. She daydreamed about him sometimes, wishing that her dreams about them could come true. Of course, she told herself that it was never possible. The two of them would never be more than just friends. Or whatever they were.

From the short glimpses she caught while hoisting herself up from his shoulder, she noticed that they had gone into a cave. The path to their destination was dimly lit, and she wondered what he could have wanted to show her in such a dark place. However, when he finally put her down, her eyes widened.

"It's beautiful," she breathed.

The two were standing in a small field in he back of the cave. The ground was covered in white snow and icicles hung from the ceiling of the cave. Any light that made its way into this secluded area sparkled through the icicles, giving the large room a shimmery glow. Haruka had never seen anything quite as beautiful.

Shū smiled. Her soft voice gave him chills. It was enticing. She had certainly developed into a good-looking young woman. Her hair had grown out and she curled it every morning. Since coming back home, she put more effort into her appearance. Instead of her old red jacket and bandana, she chose to sport tighter jeans and a t-shirt as usual attire. He had to admit, it was pretty sexy.

He watched her as she ran out into the center of the field. She held her arms out and spun around, laughing. Dizzy, she fell to the snow, still laughing. She didn't seem to care that snow was incredibly cold and that she would ruin the gorgeous sweater she was wearing. "Dry-clean only" meant nothing to her right now.

As she lay there, still giggling to herself, he approached her, holding his hand out. She took it and he helped her off the ground, pulling her up to his body.

"I thought you'd like it," Shū grinned.

Haruka's breath became shallow, "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful," he breathed, stroking her hair with his free hand. "I can't believe it took me so long to tell you."

Haruka went bright red. This was happening so fast. She was confused, but giddy with excitement. Was he teasing her? Surely he wouldn't have gone out of his way this much just for a joke. She wanted so badly for this to be real.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" he asked, descending himself down to the snow covered ground and pulling Haruka with him.

As she was whisked to the ground, she shook her head, "No. You've never said anything remotely like that."

He was lying on his back, with Haruka lying face down on top of him, "Well, it's true."

He pulled Haruka in for a kiss, holding her waist against his while running his fingers through her hair.

Without thinking, Haruka pulled away.

Shū stared at her perplexed, "I'm sorry. I just assumed… I mean, the way you acted. I didn't think."

She shook her head and pressed a finger lightly against his lips, "It's not that. I'm in love with you, Shū. I was just afraid… that this was some sort of joke. That you were teasing me."

Shū's features became stern, "I would never joke about this."

Haruka smiled and shook her head, "I know. I should have known better than not to trust you. Not after seven years."

Shū smiled as she rested her head against his chest. He stroked her back, taking in just how this moment made him feel. She felt the same way about him as he did about her. He couldn't even begin to describe how good he felt.

"I love you," Haruka murmered. "I have for so long. I never thought you would ever love me back."

He laughed. Never love her?

"How can I not?" he asked. "You're perfect."

The two blushed, thinking about their brand-new romance.

"Hey," he said, sitting up and pulling her to a sit as well, "didn't you have friends to meet?"

Haruka smiled and gently pushed him back into the snow, laying herself down next to him. She planted a kiss on his cheek and snuggled into his shoulder.

"They can wait."


What did you think? I have some ideas for a plot if I were to continue, but I think adding on might ruin what I have here. Normally I hate my work, but I'm fond of his one. I thought it was cute, exactly what I was going for. Reviews are appreciated! Thanks!