
TazChan: Calma calma taz XDDD Kaoru-chan se dara bem nao se preocupe nao vou dexar ele se ferrar q nem a Hatori BIsco dexa no anime, eu sou legal 8D

trueyamigirlfriend: KyoxTama I ust love them, they are the cutest, loveliest, sweetest couple ever !! That is what I think at least lol XD. But don't worry, I won't let Kaoru be miserable. Anyway hope you enjoy this new chappie and please review!!

Satsukiyami: LOL I can see you are just as confused as me XD As time goes by - along with a lot of rpgs - I start to see the characters differently which delays my chapters and they take a new direction but a good one anyways. Hope you enjoy and review .

hearmei: muahuahauhau XD I don't like seeing Kaoru broken...but I had to watch the anime anyways u.û". I hope you like this chapter as much as you liked the last one and more - and please review!

Nekozumi-Hitachiin: Thank you for loving my fic and I know Kaoru suffering is bad but don't worry things will come together -.-". Read and review onegai .

KaitouDark93: This is your favorite? Really? - Well thank you very much \o/ I am very glad you like it, cause I love writing it. Please read and review.

RavenToriBlack: About the foorsome...er..." kind of difficult to happen in this fanfic but you surely gave me an idea XDDD as soon as I turn on the perverted side of me I will do it XD. Thanks for reading and reviewing pelase review this one too.

inuwolf04: -kicks Hikaru dead body- 8D muahuahau got what he deserved u.ú". anyway sorry for taking so long I have been having some problems at school and at home -.-" but I will explain them here. Thanks for reading and reviewing and please continue to R&R

...: angsty I know...I am so good at angst but I am trying to do well on other types of writing XD let's see how it goes ". I am glad you like my story and please continue to R&R

143: It's continued, sorry for the delay " please continue to R&R

planet na martian: I am happy that you think it is really good sorry for taking so long .-." . But here it is please R&R.

Lisa Lee: Thank you - i am glad you think so , please continue to R&R.

xfreaksomex: Yeah that is what I tried to show... Hikaru never realizes what he is doing to Kaoru. Anyway hope you like it and continue to R&R

mistic fox: I kniow TT I am sorry it took me so long I am going to explain after thanking all the reviewers. Thank you " please continue to R&R.

mikatsuki.arashi:Calm down woman ò.o! XDDD Just kidding, but don't worry Kaoru is not going to die -hopefully XD - I have never written a hit and run fic but you gave me and idea 8D, anyway XD hope you continue to read and review

People sorry for taking so damn long . School is killing me, I swtiched school and this one is 3766323 thousand times harder than the othetr one TT. Not only that but also a few family problems "" but you don't need to know about that ne? XD So here is the new chappie enjoy o/.

Home and a Promise.

Kyouya was suddenly brought back from his daze with Tamaki when a very rushed Kaoru almost fell on him. He looked at the boy who just ignored him and continued on his way.

Of course he knew something was wrong…and he knew with whom; so he looked at where Kaoru was sitting and found Hikaru looking just as confused but…His hands were on Haruhi's shoulders.

He sighed and picked his cell phone ignoring the blabbering Tamaki and the other confused hosts. Hikaru was already getting up to search for his brother, but Kyouya stood up and stopped him.

"LET ME GO!" He yelled getting the attention from absolutely everyone in that movie theater.

"No, he won't talk to you now. And please speak in a low voice we are not at the Club, people are trying to watch a movie in here.." He said in his cold tone, but in truth he was mad at Hikaru…He got involved with Kaoru and he knew what sort of pain he was feeling…he was human so he had to put the blame on someone.

He talked on his cell phone to his personal body guards, immediately they went looking for Kaoru…he would be found before he could even think of running away for good.

"Kyouya let me find him" Hikaru was half begging and half ordering him to get out of the way.

"If you get lost and he comes back what will we do and say to him? He will feel guilty…stay Hikaru." A soft, feminine voice spoke from behind him. He looked down at the cross dressing girl and Kyouya was sure that he would obey.

He was wrong.

He looked at Haruhi with a mix of anger and sorrow.

"You don't understand…He…he is…" Hikaru seemed lost in his own thoughts. In truth no one really knew what to think or do…Kaoru might have gone to the bathroom, that is what any normal person would think. But Kyouya knew better. Hikaru also knew Kaoru better; he knew something was hurting his twin.

Before the discussion ended Kyouya excused himself, his body guards had already found Kaoru and were keeping him safe. Amazing how much drama the boy could do.

Kaoru didn't know why Kyouya sent his guards on him. He wasn't really going to run away or anything like that. He just couldn't sit in that chair and watch his brother make out with Haruhi.

Steps approached him and Kaoru knew it wasn't Hikaru, Hikaru would be running by now, looking desesperatly for him. He knew it was Kyouya, because the moment the body guards found him one of them was on the phone.

"I wasn't going to disappear you know? I just didn't want to stay there." Kaoru said, hair covering his eyes, arms dropped at his side, sitting on a bench. Kyouya sat next to him; he wasn't the touchy-feely kind so he had no idea what to do.

"I know…but your brother has no idea of even why you left. He wanted to run after you even though he had no idea of what made you leave." Kyouya said trying to make Kaoru a bit happier. But it didn't work.

"He wasn't meant to see me leave…I didn't want to interrupt them I just…I just couldn't be there." He whispered, Kyouya could almost see him trying to swallow his own pain. "I thought I could be there for him and face every thing, any sort of pain…I was wrong…" Kaoru whispered again as if Hikaru and Haruhi would pop out somewhere and hear him talking. Kyouya put a hand on Kaoru's shoulder; Kaoru put a hand on his as if trying to thank Kyouya for understanding.

"What is going on?" They heard a suspicious voice asking and immediately the hands were removed from Kaoru's shoulder. Hikaru approached them with a suspicious but also hurt look.

"I just couldn't breathe for a second and needed some fresh air Hikaru…that is all." Kaoru said trying to sound normal. Hikaru looked at him and then back to Kyouya.

"Fresh air huh? Are you sure that was it?" Hikaru asked looking at Kaoru suspiciously. Kaoru seemed mad for a while but when he saw Haruhi approaching Hikaru and holding his arm, all anger vanished and he returned to his usual – now sad – self.

"Yes." He said, looking down. Hikaru looked puzzled by his twin's behavior but did nothing.

All the others just stared at them with confused looks. So the trip to the movies had been a fail after all. Everyone went back to the front of the mall to their respective limousines. What an angsty afternoon.

Honey was almost crying, offering cake to everyone, Mori picked the boy and took him to the limo trying to consol the small boy. Hikaru and Kaoru awkwardly offered to drive Haruhi home but she declinied and decided she rather take a bus; so the twins walked back to their limo, keeping a good distance between them.

Kyouya was about to enter his own limo before he felt someone tug at his arm. He turned to see who it was and had to suppress a smile when he saw the familiar blonde, cutely blushed, not facing him.

"C-Can I stay at your house this weekend Kyouya?" Kyouya looked around, seeing no one was observing them, the driver had already entered the car. He quickly passed a hand through Tamaki's hair in a loving gesture a smile of pure happiness on his face, but as quickly as he did that he got back to his usual composure.

"You can." He said and was bombarded by hugs and kisses on his cheek from Tamaki. He entered the car, the blonde still clinging to him – not that he was complaining – and told the driver to take him home.

Truth was, home was much more home-like when Tamaki was there. When Tamaki was there Kyouya was filled with warmth and happiness and comfort. Things he did not usually have with his father or any of his brother's. Only his sister but she moved months ago to get married.

Taking Tamaki home was like going home for the first time…home is a place to be peacefull and happy and he only knew this thanks to his ami, his amour.

They arrived home, it was past dinner –thank God so he would not have to face his father till morning- so they went straight to bed.

They entered Kyouya's bedroom, yawning and stretching, it had been a long day and they were both tired. But before Kyouya could get his pajamas he noticed Tamaki was not beside him.

He looked behind him to find the blonde standing in the middle of the room, blushing again looking at everything.

"Tamaki?" He asked not really knowing what was wrong with him.

"Won't it be awkward?" Tamaki asked looking at him and pointing to the bed. Oh…so that is what he meant.

"Only if you want it to be…nothing is changed…well something but I doubt that will change my sleeping habits…tonight at least it won't." He said containing a smirk; Tamaki blushed a darker shade of red but nodded.

Both of them just wanted to sleep asap, so they took a shower – one at a time – and went to bed. Kyouya was about to try preparing a separate bed, mattress anything, for him to sleep on so Tamaki would take the bed, until Tamaki suggested something better.

"What if we sleep on the same bed Mommy? It is what moms and dads do anyway…" He said, hugging Kyouya from behind while the boy tried to put sheets on the mattress that was on the floor, a big grin on the blonde's lips as he buried his head on his best friend's/lover.

"If that is what Daddy wants." Kyouya replied, trying – and failing – to contain a smile.

So both bathed, and changed into decent pajamas, laid on the bed, uncomfortable and embarrassing at first, until Tamaki boldly hugged Kyouya on the waist and buried his face on his best friend/lover's neck.

Kyouya smiled taking in the moment, hugging Tamaki back. He remembered that they have only been an official couple or whatever they were for a few hours, it all was so fast Kyouya had not thought it trough…he thought about everything that happened in that afternoon and felt at peace. Peace because now there was no secrets between him and the french blonde, not only that but also what he hoped and reamed had happened. And as he remembered everythign he wished Hikaru and Kaoru could have the same luck he was having…wished they could finally let go whatever is holding them back and be happy. Weird wish huh? Kyouya loves Tamaki, is there anything weirder than that?

There couldn't be a more awkward moment than the one they were right now. Both reluctant to look at each other's eyes, both trying to create as much distance between them as possible.

Kaoru didn't want to face his brother, or his mirror, for it would remember Hikaru's almost kiss. Hikaru didn't want to face Kaoru because it would remember the suspicious moment he caught his brother in with Kyouya and because he could swear that Kaoru was crying when he left the movie's and shamfully Hikaru didn't know why his brother was like that..

So they continued to ignore each other's presence, the broken world couldn't be more broken than now, Kaoru knew it was going to happen but Hikaru was seeing the distance between them for the first time.

He never noticed how Haruhi's words on that day – the day she told them apart – had affected them. He never realized how apart they had grown with time, and now he finally saw that he didn't know his brother anymore.

He finally turned to see Kaoru, his brother was resting his head on the seat of the limo, his eyes showed a distant expression and unfortunately Hikaru could no longer tell what was going on inside his brother's mind.

Kaoru…the one and only that ever truly got him was so far away and yet so close. They were sitting beside each other but their bond was no longer existent. Hikaru had no idea what was going on between Kyouya and Kaoru, and had no idea of how he was supposed to ask.

How did they reach this horrible situation? Why did he let it get so far? How come he didn't see the changes? Now he was here, staring at his twin wondering what to do.

But you see Hikaru was never a man of words, he was always more a guy of actions, he didn't like to think and wonder, that was Kaoru's thing. So now he would do things his way…he would act upon the way he feels.

He approached Kaoru who continued to look out the window not noticing – or pretending not to- his brother's proximity.

"Kaoru…" He whispered not really knowing what to say afterwards. His brother turned to look at him, a shallow smile and a lifted eyebrow.

He didn't truly know what to say, he didn't know how Kaoru felt or what he was feeling right now, he didn't know why he run away when he almost kissed Haruhi. He was sorry, sorry for anything he had done to hurt his twin, sorry for not being a better brother and not knowing what is wrong with him.

"I am sorry…" He said and hugged his brother, hiding his head on his brother's neck. He felt arms gently wrap around his shoulders as Kaoru hugged him back. He sighed; it had been a long time – now that he thought about it – since they had held each other like this.

He missed this, he missed being like this with Kaoru; just them, no one else, nothing else, no worries. He would make them close again; he would repair the broken world and built a better one. He will not allow them to grow anymore apart.

"Everything will be better Kaoru…I promise…"