A/N And thus began the epilogue.

Reposted on March 5, 2007.


Harry lay on his bed people gathered all around him. Harry and Sirius adopted 3 other children besides Cera. Two boys and another girl.

Cera had married when she graduated from Hogwarts. Her husband was named Stuart Gregors and they had twin boys named Paul and Stephen. Cera was a successful wizarding Lawyer. She had never lost a case.

The boys that they adopted were named Benjamin and Zachary. Benjamin turned out to be just as gay as his fathers and was bonded two years after graduating from Hogwarts. His husband is named Matthew Williams and they adopted a son named Emrys.

Zachary married a muggle lady named Christine Medels. Zachary was a squib but Sirius and Harry loved him just as much as their other children. Zachary was jealous of Cera and Benjamin for awhile since they could go to Hogwarts and he couldn't. Then Harry and Sirius pointed out that he could be anything he wanted in the Muggle world. Zachary became a pharmacist in London and has been there since. Zachary and Christine were expecting their first child in a few months.

The last child Sirius and Harry adopted together was a girl named Jordynne. She was currently dating a man named Alan Collins. They had planned to get married within a year. Jordynne graduated from Hogwarts 4 years earlier.

"Don't cry for me," Harry said to the assembled group, "I'm going to go be with Sirius and my Parents."

Sirius had passed away in his sleep 10 years earlier.

"But we need you here," Zachary said, "I don't want my child to not know his Grandparents like I did."

"I don't intend to miss out on these things," Harry said, "But I am tired of this life," Harry took a ragged breath, "I am old and I have outlived my friends and those I considered family. I go to them now. I beg of you not to cry for me. I don't want you to mourn my death. But to celebrate my life. Celebrate all the time I have had with you. Whatever you do don't be sad for to long. Go on with your lives knowing that I will always love you," Everyone nodded their heads, "I have a couple requests before I go."

"Yes," Cera said, "What are they?"

"I want you to continue the names Potter and Black and tell your Grand children about us," Harry said, "I want my descendants to know what it is like to have family and to cherish it. I also want you to bury my next to Sirius and my parents."

"We didn't plan on burying you anywhere else," Zachary choked out from behind the tears.

"Thank You," Harry said, "It's almost time. I want each of you to know that I love each and everyone of you beyond reckoning and I always will. And I will be waiting for you in Heaven when you come."

Everyone chorused the "I love you". Harry smiled and gently closed his eyes never to open them again.

Harry opened his eyes to see a great white gate standing before him. He walked towards it and it slowly opened. Sirius, his parents, many friends and other family were waiting for him there, "Welcome home," Sirius said as he swooped down and pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug.

"It's good to be here," Harry said. Harry walked into the midst of the large crowd of people ad thought to himself, 'People do care about me.'

A/N sniff sniff honk Did you like it? It's over now. Sure most people will complain that I ruin a good angsty story but frankly I don't give a damn. I wrote it for me and that is all. So there. Complain all you want. I like Happy endings and I got it. And I finally got my pearly gates which nobody ever does when I suggest it. Please review though.