A/N: Alright I'm going to slowly repost a select few of my Harry Potter Fan Fics. The ones I really like. This might take awhile but there won't be that many. So no worries. This will be the first one I repost so enjoy.

Chapter 1

Harry stared dejectedly out the Gryffindor 7th year boys' dorm window. He had been receiving threats from many people all over Britain and he just learned the truth. Apparently everyone thought that Harry had become the next Dark Lord. Everyone in Gryffindor had turned against him. This was in fact the last night he would stay in Gryffindor Tower. He was moving to private rooms because of the attacks on him from his ex-friends and classmates.

"That's gratitude for you," Harry said to himself, "I only defeat Voldemort and now everyone turns on me. And to top it off. To get private rooms was the only time Dumbledore has talked to me. And Sirius has ignored me. I don't see any reason for my life anymore. In fact I doubt anyone would notice if I ended it now," Harry got up off the window sill to go and make sure he had everything packed up, "No, I won't do anything. Perhaps Sirius will come around. I can only hope for that."

Suddenly the doors of the Dorm burst open and Seamus strutted in, "Oh so you're in here Potter," Seamus sneered, "Not with your Slytherin servants?"

"Go fuck yourself, Finnegan," Harry snapped as he picked up his trunk.

"I'd rather go fuck Sirius," Seamus said with a smirk, "In fact. I believe that I am going to propose to him as soon as I graduate. And the first thing to go is you. I can be very convincing and I am sure that Sirius will not want the Dark Lord running around his house."

"No," Harry said, "Sirius would never do that to me."

"And how would you know," Seamus asked, "You haven't talked to him in such a long time. He's changed quite a bit from the man you knew. He has never talked about you. I don't even think he knows you exist anymore."

"You're lying," Harry snapped.

"We'll just have to see," Seamus said as he left the room.

"Sirius would never forget about me," Harry said.

'How do you know?' a voice said inside his head, 'He hardly looks at you and the only time he speaks to you is during class. He still hasn't thanked you for freeing him and retrieving him from behind the veil.'

"No," Harry said out loud, "Sirius cares for me. He wouldn't do anything like what Seamus says."

'We'll see,' the voice said.

Harry got to thinking, "He hasn't been to see me. He didn't even talk to me when we won the Quidditch cup. Maybe he doesn't really care about me."

Harry sat on his bed and pulled a small book out and started to write in it:

May 24, 1997

Today has to be the worst day of my life. Not only do I officially have the entire school hating me. But now I learn that Sirius basically doesn't care for me. I see no reason in ever telling him about me feelings for him. It won't do me any good. He loves Seamus. Not me. I am going to hold out another day to see if he comes around. If not than I don't see any reason to keep living. The one thing that kept me alive throughout the entire war was that Sirius might reciprocate my feelings. Or if he didn't that he might actually give me a better home than the Dursley's. Please let him come around. I love him so much and I can't stand to see him like this.


Harry put his journal back into his trunk and lies down on his bed for the last time and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Harry was abruptly woken up by a lot of loud noise. Harry grumbled as his housemates woke him up.

"Dark Lord coming," Someone shouted as Harry got out of his bed. He groggily got dressed and picked up his trunk and drug it out of the room amid cheers that he was finally leaving.

Harry followed an overly grateful house elf to the rooms that were set up for him, "Thank you, Tolly," Harry said to the Elf.

"Tolly is very glad to be able to help Master Harry. Dobby always said how kind and good Harry Potter was. What other students do is bad," Tolly said.

"I know," Harry said, "But there is nothing we can really do at this moment. I'll just graduate and leave all of them behind. Perhaps it would have been better if I left Voldemort alive."

"Oh No, Harry Potter," Tolly cried, "No. The Dark Lord is supposed to be dead. Would Master Harry like to know what Tolly thinks?"

"Of course Tolly," Harry said.

Tolly blushed, "Tolly thinks that other students and wizards are just afraid of the power that Harry Potter possesses. They is also jealous. So they is making you out to be evil so they can bring you down and make themselves feel better. Tolly thinks that Harry Potter should not let this get to him."

"I wouldn't be," Harry said, "If Sirius were here with me. But he hasn't said a word to me in almost 4 months. I'm beginning to wonder if he even cared for me in the first place."

"Master Black is caring lots for Harry Potter," Tolly said, "Harry Potter is just not realizing it. When Master Black comes to kitchens he is always talking about Harry Potter."

"Really?" Harry said his mood cheering up.

"Of Course," Tolly said, "Tolly must be getting back to kitchens to make breakfast. Tolly thinks that Harry Potter should go talk to Master Black."

"I think I'll do just that," Harry said, "Thank You Tolly. If Sirius won't talk to me. I will talk to him. He can't ignore me if I start the conversation."

Tolly blushed a deep crimson, "Tolly must be leaving," And with that Tolly vanished with a resounding pop.

"That elf is definitely going on my Christmas list next year," Harry said, "Why didn't I think of that? I'll go talk to Sirius before he goes to Breakfast."

Harry got up from his seat and walked towards Sirius' quarters. Him and Remus had been teaching Defense against the Dark Arts. Well Sirius was the one doing all the teaching now since Remus was not able to walk. During the final battle Remus was hit in the lower back by a Severing charm. His spine and spinal nerves were severed and mangled beyond repair. He was now a paraplegic. He didn't mind it. He had a nice woman to take care of him. He and a lady names June Faraday had gotten together and were expecting children.

Harry almost bounced down the halls. When he reached Sirius' quarters he heard two people talking inside. He recognized one to be Sirius and the other to be Seamus.

"Oh god," Sirius said, "So good."

"I was wondering if I could have a word with you about Harry," Seamus said. Harry froze with his fist poised to knock on the door.

"Yes," Sirius gasped as Seamus did whatever it was that he was doing in there.

"He has been acting odd and I was wondering if you could magically disown him," Seamus said.

"Yes," Sirius said absently and passionately. Harry's eyes welled up with tears, 'So he doesn't want me,' Harry thought.

Harry ran from the room as fast as he could. Had he stayed he would have heard Sirius repeat the words "Yes" and "More" about a dozen times.

Harry threw open the door to his rooms and sat on the bed. He pulled out some Parchment and started writing:

Dear Sirius,

By the time you read this I will be dead. I know you don't want me so I will save you the time and embarrassment of having to magically disown me. I heard you and Seamus this morning. Anyways I am writing this to tell you a few things before I die.

The first thing that I wish to tell you is that you will be getting every bit of gold from my vault and the Potter vaults. I had a will made before I went into the final duel with Voldemort. I am leaving you everything.

Secondly I wish you much happiness in your future with Seamus. You two sound beautiful together. And with all the money you had from your family, from me, and from the ministry you should be able to both live a happy life.

And the last thing I wanted to tell you is that I love you. Not as in a father-son relationship. But as a lover would. Nobody loves you as much as I do. Well apparently Seamus loves you more and you love him more than me since you agreed to get rid of me.

Anyways I shall just say my goodbyes now. If you could say goodbye to Ron and Hermione for me. I would be grateful.

Farewell, my beautiful Sirius. May your life be full of happy memories and lots of love. If you wish to pay your final respects to me you can find my body at the bottom of the Astronomy Tower. I will be jumping at Sunset tonight.

Love always, even in Death,

Harry James Potter.

Harry had tears streaming down his face as he wrote the letter. He folded it up and placed it in an envelope. He also placed the necklace that Sirius had given him at Christmas. He figured that a family Heirloom should stay in his family. He wrote Sirius' name on the package and walked from the room. He walked to Sirius' quarters and slipped the letter under the door. Sirius and Seamus were still at it.

Harry walked out of the castle and down to Hagrid's hut, "Hello Hagrid," Harry said once Hagrid opened the door.

"Oh," Hagrid said, "Hello Harry. How you been?"

"I've been better," Harry said.

"I hope you've not been letting those rumours get to you," Hagrid said.

"No of course not," Harry said.

"Good," Hagrid said, "Would you care for a spot of tea?"

"Yes, please," Harry said.

"Do you still take cream and lemon in your tea?" Hagrid asked.

"Yes," Harry said back, "I've got a gift for you Hagrid. A Going Away Present since this is my last year here."

"A gift for me?" Hagrid said, "You're the first person to ever give me a gift. Thank You Harry."

"Oh it's nothing," Harry said as he accepted the tea that Hagrid offered to him.

Hagrid opened the package and looked inside, "Harry, isn't this the statuette that Sirius gave to you?"

"No," Harry said quickly and spilled a bit of tea, "I found another in Hogsmeade just like the one that Sirius gave me. I thought you might like on too."

Hagrid pulled a statuette of a wolf baying at the moon with a dog sitting behind it, "Thank You Harry," Hagrid said, "It's beautiful."

"Well I better be going," Harry said, "Lots of Homework to do. Better get started," Harry placed the half finished cup of tea on the table and got up, "I'll see you later. Goodbye."

"Bye Harry," Hagrid said suspiciously.

Harry walked down to Hogsmeade towards a quaint little house on the outskirts. He walked up to the door and knocked gently. A voice from inside called, "Come In."

Harry walked inside the house, "Hello Remus," Harry said in the most cheerful voice he could muster, which wasn't very cheerful.

"Hello, Harry," Remus said as he wheeled his wheelchair into the living room where Harry was waiting, "Is something wrong? You don't sound like your usual self."

"Oh, it's nothing," Harry said, "Sirius is just acting like his usual self."

"I see," Remus said, "I'll have to talk to him about that."

"No, don't," Harry said, "It's fine."

"So what brings you down this fine afternoon," Remus said.

"Just to talk," Harry said.

"Anything in particular you would like to talk about?" Remus said.

"I was thinking we could talk about my parents," Harry said, "That is if you want to."

"Of course I will," Remus said, "What did you want to talk about?"

"The year when they had me," Harry said.

"Ah," Remus said, "Those were happy days. When you were born James was beaming for almost a week straight and bragging to everyone he met that he was a father," Remus sighed, "Those were good days. Sirius was proud of you as well at that time. He almost passed out from shock when Lily and James made him your Godfather. He didn't think he was ready. But the first time he got stuck babysitting you he swore that he would care for you always and nothing would ever get between you two ever," Remus looked up from his reverie to see Harry crying, "Are you sure nothing is wrong, Harry?"

"Yes I'm sure," Harry said, "I better be going. Thanks for talking with me. Goodbye."

"See you later, Harry," Remus said.

Harry got up and left the room, "That kid is acting very strange right now. I better go talk to Sirius about this," And with that Remus wheeled out of his house after telling June where he was going. June was a stickler as usual and wouldn't let him leave for awhile. So by the time Remus was finally out of the house it was about an hour to sunset.

Remus knocked on the door to Sirius' rooms, "Come in," Sirius called from inside.

"Sirius," Remus said as he opened the door, "Harry has been acting rather odd lately. Oh, did you know you had a letter pushed under your door?"

"I do? Well I better read it," Sirius said.

"How are things with you and Seamus?" Remus asked, "I can assume that you haven't told Harry anything yet so you are still with him."

"I don't want to ruin what Harry and I had before," Sirius said, "So that is why I don't intend to tell him anything," Sirius got out a letter opener from his desk and slit the letter open, "Oh its from Harry," Sirius said as he recognized the handwriting. He started to read it and paled from the first sentence, growing paler and paler as he read on.

"What Padfoot? What is it?" Remus asked as he saw his Friends frightened face.

"But-but-but-but I never agreed to do that?" Sirius said.

"Didn't agree to do what?" Remus asked.

"I couldn't have," Sirius said, "I better go talk to him. He's usually thinking in the Astronomy Tower right?"

"Of Course he thinks there," Remus said, "You should know that. Haven't you been talking to him? He told me that he goes there."

"I haven't talked to him since he pulled me back from the veil," Sirius said with his head hanging down, "I didn't want to accidentally blurt out anything and ruin anything. I'll be back after talking with him."

"I'll wait here for you," Remus said, "You don't mind me reading your letter do you?"

"No not at all," Sirius said as he exited the room. He walked up to the Astronomy Tower trying to think of what to say to Harry to ease his thoughts. He opened the Astronomy Tower door just in time to see Harry jumping out the window.

AN: This just seemed like the best place to leave off. Hope you liked the first chapter.