Hello! This is a Christmas Type story that I just made. I hope everyone likes it and I'll be updating again ASAP. The pairings will be Troypay, Ryella, Chaylor, Jelsei and Zeke/OC. If you don't like Troypay & Ryella... I don't think you want to read this... anyways, thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy it!

Christmas Surprises.

Sharpay & Ryan

"I can't believe Christmas is going to be here in 3 days!" A Blonde, about 5'3" told her brother as they walked down busy streets of New York City. Everything was lit up for Christmas, and most things covered in snow or ice. It was really a beautiful sight at night.

"I know, I mean… I haven't even finished my Christmas shopping yet!" The Blonde boy, next to her, said.

"Ryan!" The girl exclaimed, giggling a bit, "Why'd you put it off until the last minute… again?"

"Sharpay!" Ryan said, in an equal tone as the Blonde Girl, "You usually put your shopping off until last minute too!"

"Well… That's not my fault; I mean we've had so much work at NYU… It's hard not to!" Sharpay said, brushing some of the newly fallen snow off her fancy, black, winter coat.

Ryan simply nodded, "That's true.." he paused, "Say, why don't we grab our drinks at Starbucks then head to the Toy store to see what all we can find for gifts?"
Sharpay smiled, "That's the best Idea you've had all day! Come on let's go!" She began to run down the snow-covered side walk, even though she was wearing black, high-heeled dress boots, she could still go fast.

"Wait up!" Ryan yelled after his sister, quickly running after her. They continued to run until they reached Starbucks. Sharpay pulled open the door and stepped in to the warm building.

"Okay, you want the usual, right?" Ryan asked, following his sister in to the building. She nodded. "Okay, I'll order, you get the table"
"Kay!" Sharpay ran off to a booth in the back as Ryan went to order.

Troy, Gabi & Chad

"Troy! It's freezing here!" A Brunette Girl complained as She, Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth walked down the cold and snowy streets of New York City.

"Yeah!" Chad agreed, pushing a few snowflakes off his arm in a bored fashion, "By the way, what are we doing in New York City again?"

"When we asked Mrs. Evans where Sharpay and Ryan were… she said New York University… So considering we haven't seen then since a year ago... we came to surprise them!" Troy explained, with a sigh, "And Right now we're Christmas shopping"
"Wait…" Chad said, thinking over what Troy had said, "You mean you drug me across Country to find Sharpay & Ryan…. Even though we have no idea where they live at up here!"

"Uh… Well… I…" Troy started, knowing that Chad was half right, "You said you would come!"

"Well… That's because you said Taylor was up here visiting Kelsei, Sharpay and Ryan!" Chad argued.

"Aww…. You guys are so sweet! Coming all the way across Country to see the girls you love!" Gabriella said, laughing a bit. "Troy, we had no idea you loved Sharpay like that! And Chad, You're so obvious!" she smiled.

"I don't like Sharpay like that!" Troy argued, "She's just one of my best friends!"
"Sure…" Chad said, smirking, "Just admit it Dude"

"Guys, I do not like Sharpay like that" Troy insisted.

"Whatever you say, dude… But we all know you do!" Chad said. Gabi just smiled as Troy glared at Chad.

"Chad, Let's quit embarrassing Troy and go get some Coffee or something" Gabriella said, glancing at the map in her hands, "Starbucks in right around the corner"
"Yeah… Coffee sounds good" Troy nodded, glad that Gabriella had changed the topic.

"Fine… But this isn't the last you'll hear about it… Lover boy!" Chad said, smirking. Troy stopped and made a snow ball, aiming it at Chad's head. "Dude… Keep that thing away from me!" Chad said, spotting the snowball. He took off running down the street, Troy running after him.

"Guys! Turn left!" Gabriella shouted, as she ran after the boys. They quickly did so and ran down the block past the Starbucks. Gabriella stopped at the Starbucks, laughing as Troy managed to Hit Chad in the back of the head with the snowball.

A few moments later Troy came jogging back, laughing, "Sorry I couldn't resist" Chad walked back to.

"Troy's mean!" He whined, his hand on his head.

"You asked for it" Gabriella said, laughing at the two, "Now come on, let's go in and warm up!" Chad and Troy nodded then the three went in to Starbucks.

As Gabriella, Troy and Chad walked in to the Starbucks, Ryan grabbed the two drinks –one hot chocolate and one French Vanilla Cappuccino- and then went to the booth in the back of the room Sharpay was at. As Ryan sat down Sharpay grabbed the French Vanilla Cappuccino and began to sip it. Ryan smiled as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. "So…" Sharpay started, setting her drink on the table as she took off her coat. Under her coat she had on a glittery pink tank top and some fancy jeans. "What do you want for Christmas?"

Ryan shrugged. "I don't know…"
"Come on there has to be something!"
"Well… I would like to see our friends again…" Ryan said slowly, with a shrug. Sharpay simply nodded.

"It'd be nice to see them… but they're like 2000 miles away…." She sighed as her mind went off to day dreaming about a certain basketball player. They sat in silence drinking their drinks for awhile after that.

After getting their drinks –3 hot chocolates- Gabi, Troy and Chad went off to a booth in the back of the room. It was right next to Sharpay and Ryan's booth. 'What do you want for Christmas?' They heard Sharpay asked as they sat down.

"Funny… that sounds a lot like Sharpay…." Troy said in a low voice as he gestured to the booth behind him. Gabi and Chad nodded. 'I don't know…' "And that sounds like Ryan!" Gabriella said, a bit excitedly... She was whispering though.

'Come on there has to be something' came Sharpay's voice again. 'Well… I would like to see our friends again' 'It'd be nice to see them but they're like 2000 miles away…'

"Isn't Alberque like 2000 miles away?" Troy whispered, Chad shrugged and Gabi nodded as she thought it over.

"Ohmigosh, Guys! That is Sharpay and Ryan!" Gabi whispered, catching a gimps of Sharpay's face as she starred out the window daydreaming.

"Then should we say Hi?" Chad whispered.

"I thought we wanted it to be a surprise…" Gabi whispered slowly.

"We do… Which is why we're not going to say anything…" Troy said a smile forming on his lips, "We're following them, and then surprise them on Christmas Eve"
"So we're gonna be…" Gabriella started, but Chad cut her off.


"Exactly…" Troy said.

I know, Not the best chapter Ever, but bear with me. I'll update soon... depending on the reveiws amout. R&R please!