This is really short...I was planning on making it longer, but I got let me know if I should write a little more or not! Please review so I can make future stories better!

Rock Lee is dancing.

He is dancing and does not realize it, for in his mind all he sees is himself training and himself getting stronger. He does not realize that his movements are as fluid as the wind itself. Smooth. Clean. Radiant.

He is one with the forest, the trees and the light. He is, after all, the beautiful green beast of Konoha, as vibrant as the foliage around him. He is still young, still brimming with the fire called youth, but there is an emptiness within him that no amount of youth has been able to fill. He questions the emptiness occasionally, but is never able to make any sense of it. It bothers him only for a minute, just a minute, before he dismisses it as nothing and goes back to pummeling the tall tree trunk in front of him.

He does not know that someone is watching.

In a nearby tree, a familiar face stares down at the training boy. His brimming white eyes are piercing through the branches, slender veins exploding at their sides. He doesn't need the Byankugan to look at Lee, but to him, the view is much more rewarding while using it. Neji watches as Lee sidesteps into a Konoha Whirlwind attack, his legs moving with more grace and agility than Neji can comprehend.

Neji used to dislike Lee. He was too comical, too awkward…Too much of a loser. Neji never wanted anything to do with the boy clad in bright green spandex, who insisted on doing that 'nice guy pose' every time something went to his liking. Now, he found him powerful. Handsome. Graceful. He certainly wasn't a loser anymore, that's for sure.

Lee is now pummeling the tree trunk with his fists at a rapid rate. Shoot, Neji thinks. I only want to see his legs moving…

Lee stops. He is panting heavily now, his warm breath making white wisps in the chill evening air. Neji watches him fall backwards onto the ground, his bandaged hands coming to rest behind his head. His face is dripping with sweat, and his hair, usually plastered to his head with that unnatural metallic sheen, is moving more freely. He sighs and closes his eyes, enjoying the still of the forest around him and the breeze rushing over his body, cooling him off.

In an instant, he feels a presence above him, but it is too late. Neji already has him pinned down, his hands holding down Lee's arms with more force than Lee had anticipated. "Neji…" Lee manages to choke out the other's name while staring into the glimmering white eyes. A blush starts to cover the tip of his nose and expands onto his cheeks. Neji continues to hold Lee down while analyzing his confused face.

"Why do you work so hard?"

It isn't presented as a question, but rather, a command. Lee doesn't know how to respond at first, and can only blush some more. Neji's face is only inches away, after all. But would he accept his answer?

"Neji…I work hard because it is the only thing I have. I have no ninjutsu or genjutsu I can use, so I work hard to make my taijutsu the best it can be. By becoming stronger, I hope that…"

"That what?" Neji glares.

"That…that one special person will notice…me…"

Crimson covers every inch of Lee's face now, and Neji knows. Even so, he still asks.

"Who is that special person?"

"Y…you, Neji…"

Neji smirks. "Thought so."

It's all he needs to hear before leaning down and planting a sweet kiss on Lee's lips.