Disclaimer: I do not own FMA….cries like a baby

Title: Welcome Home

Pair: RizaxEd (hints of RoyxEd)

Summary: Ed's gone for three years and when he finally returns, what will happen when an unexpected surprise is awaiting him?

Okay, this plays around after/during the movie occurred so (spoilers some) but I changed some facts about the movie and the after events. So be aware that there are changes but some facts are still here. Sorry if the ranks I give people are their true ranks, I am not sure what everyone is after/during the movie.

Warning: hints Yaoi, M/F, language

Welcome Home

By: Kumiko

Chapter 10

Hours went by without any news from inside the hospital room other than the occasional screams. Then it went quiet, without any noise for a moment. Everyone stood up in anticipation of what might happen. A baby's cry rang out from the other side of a door, bringing smiles to everyone's faces. Along with the one baby's cry came another, a higher pitched scream. This second cries brought looks of shock to everyone who was waiting outside the room.

The door opened and Ed stepped out, holding a baby wrapped in a blue cloth. A smile was on his face as well as tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Ed, are you okay?" Winry asked, touching his shoulder and looking at him.

All he could do was nod, still looking at the son he held in his arms.

"Nii-san, what's his name?" Al asked, rubbing the baby's head. "He looks so much like you."

"Allen," Ed managed to say, he was still amazed that it was his son that he was holding. "Riza has Alianna with her."

"You had twins?" Mustang, Al and Winry asked at the same time.

Ed nodded, looking up at them.

"Congratulations, Fullmetal," Mustang said, smiling. "Welcome to adulthood."

Sticking his tongue out at Roy, he turned to go back into the room. "You can come in and see her."

When they all went in, Hughes stood in the doorway with a small smile on his face. Not only had Ed witnessed Elyisa enter this world but now he had witnessed his own children being brought into the world. He hoped that this would straighten Ed out enough to know that he had a family to protect.

"Hello, Hawkeye," Winry greeted, walking over to the bed to look at the baby. "She's beautiful."

"She looks like Ed," Riza said with a smile. "They both do."

"They will grow up to be real pains then," Mustang chuckled, receiving glares from both parents at his statement. "What can I say; the habits of the parents may rub off on them."

"I think they will grow up to be great people," Al stated as Ed handed him Allen to hold. "It's so good to know that these two will grow up with good parents."

The six of them joked around until the nurses came and took the two babies away to sleep in the nursery. It wasn't too much longer that Riza fell asleep and the others decided to go home for the night. Ed stayed longer than the others, just to watch Riza sleep.

Two months later

Riza stood at the altar of the church in a beautiful wedding gown. The back of the gown was bare except for the laces that held it tight to her slim body. As for the skirt, the cascaded down to the floor elegantly shaping her lower half. A pattern sewn on the front of her gown put a lovely touch to the slim shape of her body, with the straps of the gown going around the back of her neck.

Her lovely blond hair was pulled back away from her face into a small bun on the back of her head. Long, curly bangs fell down around her face, shaping it beautifully. Ringlet curls fell down off the bun on the back of her head, sparking with the glitter that Winry had sprinkled upon her hair.

Beautiful was a word that hardly described the way she looked. She only wore a faint shadow of make-up; she wasn't one to wear much otherwise.

The wedding was huge with almost the entire military from Central showing up to congratulate the new married couple. After the babies were born it really wasn't a surprise that the two decided to marry but everyone knew that they were going to be very happy. Winry and Al sat in the pews, holding Alianna and Allen so that they were able to see their parents at the altar. Mustang sat with the other higher-ups in the military off to the right side of the church. The fighting had ceased in East, allowing Breda, Fury and Havoc to attend the wedding. Everyone was happy for the new couple.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony…" The minister read to the two as they stood looking at each other.

"Do you Edward Elric take Riza Hawkeye to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy?" The minister continued.

Now, Ed and Riza stood facing one another, with Ed holding her hands. "I do." He slid the ring onto her finger, smiling at her.

"Do you Riza Hawkeye take Edward Elric to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy?" The minister said, now looking at her.

Riza smiled, small tears filling her eyes as she slid the ring onto his finger. "I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the minister said, closing his book. "You may now kiss the bride."

With that, Ed pulled her to him and kissed her hard and passionately. Cheer echoed through the pews as everyone stood to cheer for the Fullmetal Alchemist and the sharp-shooting Hawkeye.

The End

AN: thank you everyone for reading my story and I hope that you all liked this! Please review this and tell me how much you liked or didn't like this! I would very much appreciate this! Personally I love this story, and I will continue to write fanfiction for you all! Thanks again! Arigato!
