She hated her wrists. Miles always held them in a vice-like grip as he raped her, which was often. She wished she could slit them – she was sure they would split like warm butter and then the blood would spill, like vintage Merlot out of a bottle. Miles was smart though – he wouldn't let her near anything sharp. He knew she was stronger than she looked. He remembered the Katie Bell of their Hogwarts youth…given the chance, he knew she would take her own life to escape him.
It was sadistic, but it gave him pleasure…knowing he had this hold over her. He had her…she was a caged animal that he could torture on an hourly basis, if it so pleased him…and it did so please him!
Katie couldn't touch her wrists. She would unconsciously rub them along the frayed denim dress she wore, hoping to scratch away the skin. She prayed for death. She wished she would loose her mind, at least that way she wouldn't have to think and remember all of the degradation heaped upon her by Miles for the past 3 weeks. If only Marcus…NO! NO! I will not think about him…he is forbidden.
"Are you even listening, you sniveling twat? We have much to do to prepare!" Mrs. Harrison screamed.
Katie nodded silently, inwardly hating the cruel housekeeper. Another Ball…another try to shove Marissa off on some unsuspecting wizard…Marissa was the last of Mile's sisters and quite possibly, the most vile. He was dying to get her out of the Manor.
The grand soiree was planned for this evening. The servants had been preparing for weeks. Katie's hands were raw from hand washing linens and her eyes hurt from sewing under weak candle light. She tried not to think of her easier, seemingly uncomplicated life with Marcus. Sweet Salazar…do you think he will be here tonight? Oh gods, I CANNOT let him see me like this!
"When your done here the Master needs to see you in his study," Harrison hissed as she left the laundry room.
Oh gods, I was hoping he would be too pre-occupied today…If only…no, NO, I won't thing about that.
"So, are done being a daft prick and going to finally admit that you miss Bell?"
"Fuck off Adrian," Marcus slurred. He swirled the amber liquid in his crystal tumbler a little too hard, and some sloshed onto his designer wool trousers. "Bugger," he growled.
"As much as I can't normally stand the ponce, I would say Ade is right," Ismene interjected, her long dark hair swishing over her shoulder. "You've been positively unbearable since you sent dear Katie away to that scumbag, and I, for one, am sick of it."
"Why don't you fucking leave then?" Marcus used his sleeve to mop up the mess on his pants. Stupid seer, why did I bring her here anyway…
"I would if I had anywhere to go, but sadly, I don't. Plus, I have to keep an eye on that sadistic bitch the Dark Lord has employed."
"Tut, tut, Gianna may be a bit off, but to hear you speak of her, one might think your jealous of her position," Adrian quipped.
Ismene stuck her tongue out at the younger man. "She's fucked in the head and you know it."
"Why are you two still here?" Marcus groaned. He looked around for more alcohol, but the bottle of Firewhiskey he had been nursing was empty. It seemed he spent all of his time drinking these days. It was a way to stay numb…it was the only way to stay numb.
"We care about your well-being."
"Eat shite."
"Now, Marcus, you are being completely abominable…in fact, you are beginning to remind me of your Mother," Adrian said.
"Oh leave him be, Adrian. If the stupid sod wants to sit and wallow like a dungbeetle for the rest of his days why not," Ismene interrupted in a haughty tone. "He's only taken the best thing that has ever happened to him and sent it to hell in hand basket. No wonder he doesn't sleep…I would be afraid of Bell's screams haunting me as well."
"You bitch!" Marcus was on his feet like lightning, the crystal slipping from his fingers and shattering into a million sparkling pieces on the polished wood floor. His wand arm swung up, pointed straight at his cousin's heart. Emerald eyes glared at one another.
"Well that's more like it," Ismene sneered. "Look at yourself, Marcus…take a good long look at what you have done. The truth sucks, doesn't it? You have sent Katie to Hades, but you have the chance to fix that, and if don't, may the Gods damn you."
"What are you talking about?" Marcus growled, his gaze never faltering.
"Put down your wand and listen, asshole." Ismene crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently while she waited for Marcus to relax. As his arm dropped, she crossed the room and poured herself a large glass of Madeira. "It's like this…Bletchley is in some serious financial difficulty. He's hoping to marry off Marissa to Evans de Pinkertain, who as you know, owes Flint Industries quite a large favor."
"Oh the thing for the guy that we had to go to South America for?" Adrian asked.
"Yes, that thing. By the way, I don't think you'll ever be welcome in Belize again," Ismene laughed. "Anyway, de Pinkertain is not at all interested in Marissa, but if you could bring him to point, and let Miles know that it was your doing, before the fact, then perhaps you could request he return Katie."
"Miles isn't that stupid. He must have more than one suitor lined up for Marissa."
"She neutered her last boy toy, Marcus…how many do you think are lining up for that?"
"And de Pinkertain?"
"Rumor has it, he doesn't mind rough play."
"There is rough and then there is rough," Adrian added, crossing his legs. Ismene and Marcus ignored him.
"So what, who even says I want Bell back here, or that she would come?" She wouldn't possibly after what he had done…how could he? How could he have sent her to that animal? He knew how Miles was…for Salazar's sake, how many messes had he had to clean up at Hogwarts to keep Miles from getting kicked off the Quidditch team, or worse, expelled. He may hate the bloke, but Slytherins always stuck together.
Ismene threw up her free arm. "UGH! Sometimes you are such an imbecile Marcus! Adrian, some help here?"
Brushing aside a stray lock, Adrian locked gazes with his best mate. "Truth is, you love Bell and she loves you…not sure why in blazes, but it's true. She's the best thing in your life, so you better go rescue her and beg for her forgiveness if you ever want to have a decent night's sleep again."
"Oh bugger," Marcus groaned, dropping to his seat and sliding his large hands through his hair. They're right…you know they're right. "How could I have been such an arse? No, don't answer, I know. Fucking temper…next time someone slap me?"
"With pleasure," Adrian and Ismene answered in unison.