Title: It's Crazy, It's Irrational, But It's There

Disclaimer: Nope, I still do not own the show or the characters or anything.

Author's Note: Based on episodes 2.09 - Run Away, Little Boy / 3.01 - Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days

My vision is blurred as the tears cling to my eyelashes. I blink, and they softly trickle down my cheeks.

I feel defenseless, exposed, as I sit here, susceptible to any hurt he wishes to bring upon me. I know it, he knows it.

I stare down at the coffee I have been nursing, and wrap my hands around the warm ceramic mug. My skin tingles at the feel of a tear's landing.

My shoulders shudder as I try to ease my breath, I inhale deeply, and then sigh, finally confessing, "Chris is gonna have a baby with his girlfriend." The words hang in the still air, killing the deafening silence. "He's gonna marry her... and he's gonna be there for her while she's pregnant and he's gonna be there with her while her child grows up, and he's gonna be there for her while she does... whatever it is she does." I pause for a moment, admitting to myself and to Luke, "And I am in exactly the same place that I was in before."

Despite his current anger towards me, Luke lifts his head from his pad of paper, and manages to mumble, "Is that so bad? I mean, you got Rory."

I smile weakly, "Yes, I do."

"You got friends, you got a house, a job, apparently an iron stomach."

"No, it's not so bad. I'm lucky, I know. I just... I feel like I'm never gonna have it... the whole package, you know? That person, that couple life, and I swear, I hate admitting it because I fancy myself Wonder Woman, but... I really want it - the whole package." A barely audible sob escapes from within my throat. I shake my head and scoff, disgusted by my current state; needing comfort from someone I least deserve it from.

I'm out of my body for a moment, as I watch his actions. My lips slowly part and my eyebrows furrow in confusion, as Luke makes his way around the counter, slowly, and takes a seat on the stool next to me. When he speaks, I realize his voice has softened, "You'll get it."

I speak just as softly, "How do you know?"

"I know."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know, okay? I know."

I look down, slowly picking at the frosting on my donut, not really in the mood to eat. I stare blankly, lost in my own thoughts, before I lift my head and turn to him, "Are you good at dating?"

His forehead wrinkles from the change in conversation, "What?"

"Dating, do you have that down?"

He looks down, staring at his hands in his lap. His eyes wander deep in thought before he looks up at me, "Well, I don't know if I have it down. Considering I live with my nephew, I'd say probably not."

I smirk at that, and then admit, "I don't have it down either. I've never been very good at it really. I've never even really liked it. Too much 'what if'. I like things I can count on."

I notice a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "Why are you telling me this?"

I smile half-heartedly and sigh, realizing the randomness of the conversation. I look back down at the counter, "Because there aren't many people I can count on. I don't - I don't have very many people in my life who are in my life... permanently... forever. They will always be there for me, I will always be there for them, you know? There's Rory, and Sookie, and this town and... you." I shrug my shoulders, "I mean... at least I think I've got-"

"You do." I lift my head at his words, and then I see it. The crazy, irrational look that exists, there, in his eyes. His gaze is soft, resembling that of a vulnerable child's. He's no longer an irritable diner owner.

With our knees barely touching and our faces only inches apart, I feel my eyelids growing heavy. His sensual presence begins to overpower me.

I somehow manage to respond, "Good", the word leaves my lips in a whisper.

He leans cautiously closer to me, his gaze dropping to my lips. My eyes scan his angular features, his chiseled jaw and cheek bones, before I reach my hand out and gently grasp his.

The moments pass, and he continues to lean closer. His eyes meet mine again, almost uncertainly, like asking for permission. I answer his undoubted want, and lightly brush my lips against his, causing an electric buzz to pass through my body.

It wasn't like I ever imagined, kissing Luke. His lips pressed against mine so delicately, so timidly, for a moment I wondered if I was just imagining it all.

I break the kiss, remaining only millimeters away. His warm breath lingers on my lips, and my eyes flutter shut as he returns a tender kiss, soft and sensual. His gentleness is unexpected, as his hand caresses my cheek, causing my muscles to loosen under his touch.

We break apart, trying to regulate our breath. Desire flows back to me in an instant as I stare into the fathomless passion in his eyes. I capture his lips again, urgently, forcefully. A soft moan escapes from deep within me at the satisfaction of his tongue skimming over mine.

We stand simultaneously, and I link my arms around his neck. We break for air, only for a moment, before my mind overflows with lust as he pulls me into an explosive kiss.

His hands slip under my shirt, and I gasp at the feel of his skin brushing against my bare stomach. His hands make their way to the small of my back, my shirt bunched beneath my breasts.

I want to feel every inch of him upon me, inside of me, I want to touch all of him.

All because of a crazy, irrational look that exists in his eyes.