1Not Mine.

Rated M

A/N: Hope you all like this story as much as you did 'To forgive'.

Chapter 1

7th Year

Sept. 19

Harry sat in the corner of the Room of Requirement. He'd been here since dinner and would stay here well into the night. How was he going to stay at school without Dumbledore? Every time he saw that tower... he just couldn't deal with this for a whole year!

And to make his life even more a bloody living hell!- Snape was now Head Master! And Draco was Head Boy!

This was his only time to himself. Lupin was teaching again and had talked Snape into moving Harry's room so he didn't have to deal with the constant questions of his house mates.

Yeah, he was depressed. Had been all summer. If something didn't change, he was willing to slice his wrists just to ease the pain.

Ron and Hermione didn't bother him, Ginny hadn't even looked at him, and nobody would come close to him. He was actually thinking he'd be better off with Muggles! At least they didn't hide their feelings.

"I just want out!" Harry screamed as he punched the cold stone floor. A fiery pain shot up his arm and to his neck. If he could've cried, he would have, but there were no more tears left to fall...

If he could just have more time alone he could calm himself down a little. But even if he did, it wouldn't help. Tomorrow everyone was being re-sorted. Snape had come to the conclusion that some students were in the wrong house. Harry wasn't sure why it made him nervus but it did. Something just felt wrong. But he'd have to wait until tomorrow... Right now it was time for sleep...

Sept. 20

The hat had sang it's song and now everyone waited.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw his classmates move to he front of the Hall. It wasn't until he heard his name called that he realized the sorting had begun.

Slowly, Harry walked to the hat and let it be placed on his head. A soft whispering voice spoke in his ear.

"Ahh, yes. I remember this talent. Mr. Potter, it is hard to feel so much pain come from someone so pure. But I see a light. A door has opened for you. A way for you to find peace. It's right here in your mind. Can you not see it?"

"Tell me how. I'll do anything."

"Become a Slytherin..."

"No! I'm not... I'm different...!"

"This has nothing ti do with the Dark Lord. You are no longer welcomed in your house. But the Slytherin's have been thinking about your situation."

"Like who!?" Harry whispered.

"Mostly... a cute little blond. Even Snape has asked about you."

"I don't want to..."

"Trust me." The hate hissed "The fate of this school rests on you finding love and peace."


And to watching students and staff, the hat yelled. "SLYTHERIN!"

A/N: I hope you all like this and will come back for a second chapter. Just so you know, I won't update without at least 3 reviews. So review and I'll write more. Thanks and I hope you all liked it.