Disclaimer: I do not own Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I just enjoy trio smut.

Third Time's The Charm

By Spikescrypt

"You two are going to be the death of me." Hermione sighed contently from where she was lying in between her two lovers. They had just finished another vigorous shag session and her body was sticky with sweat.

"What a way to go though," Ron said amused. "Besides you were the one who initiated it the first and second time I might add."

Hermione flushed red and hit Ron on the shoulder.

"She can't get enough of us eh Harry? Right wild cat this one."

"Oh yeah, who would have thought that bookworm extraordinaire Hermione Granger was such a wanton witch," Harry joked.

"Honestly you two."

"Admit it love, you can't get enough of us."

"I will admit no such thing Ronald." Hermione crossed her arms over her chest in defiance, which would have been much more intimidating if she hadn't been naked.

Ron knew a challenge when he saw one. Without warning he flipped himself over and was lying on top of Hermione, pinning her to the bed.

"Get off me you great oaf." She struggled under his weight.

Soon she found that if she tickled Ron in the right spot he would quickly loosen his hold on her. Harry could do nothing but laugh as the two of them rolled around the bed.

"What are you laughing at mate?" Ron asked Harry. He quickly abandoned the struggling witch and pounced on top of the dark haired wizard.

All to soon Harry's laughter turned into moans as the redhead on top of him thrust his tongue in his mouth and grinded their hips together.

A third moan joined theirs and both men looked up to see Hermione licking her lips and looking at them with lust in her eyes.

It seemed that tonight perhaps the third time was the charm. And besides, sleep was definitely overrated anyway.