Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just borrowing them for their company.

Moments in Shiz

"Miss Galinda, are you planning on sleeping in there?" An agitated Elphaba called out into the closed door of their shared bathroom.

"Patience, Miss Elphaba is a virtue." Was the reply. The raven haired girl dug her nails into the skin of her palms and blew out a long breath in hope that, that'll keep her from knocking the door down. "Besides, I'm almost finished." Muttering to herself, she turned to her bed, but the noises her roommate was making in there ware quite distracting. A lot of what she did lately was quite distracting: the incisive click of her heels, the sound when she opened or closed the door, quite often with a bang, her gum popping and the obsessive flip of her hair.

It was really hard to focus on your studies when every few moments blond hair would enter, then exit her peripheral vision. When the blond finally came out, a few minutes later, she found her roommate, as always, with her nose in a book, her brow frowned in concentration.

"Miss Elphaba, I really wish you'd stop frowning into your books like that. You must know it will give you lines." Her response was a huff. After a few moments of trying to pick out the right dress Galinda found something odd "Miss Elphaba?"


"Aren't you going in there?" she questioned, motioning at the door she stepped out of not long ago.

"Where?" The dark haired girl looked confused as she raised her head from her book.

"The bathroom." Galinda's reply was punctuated by a theatrically long sigh.

"No." and her nose was back in the book.

"The why in OZ, did you want me to come out?"

"So that I could concentrate. And right now, Miss Galinda – you're making it difficult." The blond gasped and turned on her heel.

"I'll leave you too it then, Miss Elphaba." Two moments later she was out the door. When the door finally closed, Elphaba sighed.