Yeah, I know its short, but this is only the first chapter of my second second fic. Please give me lots of feedback. Ok, so I was watching the season finale for the book two and my brother pointed something out to me. When Katara was in the cave with Zuko she offered to heal his scar, and he said it couldn't be healed. Then she pulls out her "blessed water" and said she was saving it for a special ocassion. A few episodes ago Jet was injured so badly he supposably died, and Katara couldn't heal him? Is a dieing boy not a good enough reason to use your water, or did she really hate Jet that much? Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar : The Last Airbender

Chapter 1: Amnesia

It was a beautiful moon. The night's clouds were very wispy, so the moonlight shone clearly in the darkness of the sky. Aang only wished his friends could share the spectacular view with him… especially Katara. He sighed and allowed his gaze to shift back over to where his two best friends in the entire world lay sleeping. As he looked at Katara's sleeping form something didn't seem right. It looked as though she was having a bad dream. Aang slowly approached the sleeping girl in hopes to comfort her if she woke. He crouched beside her with a confused look on his face. She definitely looked uncomfortable.

Aang held his breath as her eyes began to open, slowly at first- then they shot upas she stared wide-eyed at Aang and began to scream. Aang, obviously surprised by her reaction, jumped back, even more confused. Katara grabbed a nearby rock and hurled it at Aang, who was able to block it with a small gust of wind.

"Who are you!" she demanded.

"It's me- Aang!" he said reproaching her.

Armed with another rock Katara threatened the confused boy. "You had better get outta here or I'll call my big brother Sokka on you, he has a boomerang you know!"

Sokka, having been woken up by the sound of Katara's screaming, was already at the scene. Grabbing the rock from her hand he drowsily asked his young sister what was wrong. Katara turned to him explaining how she had woken up to this creepy kid staring at her.

There was a silence followed by Sokka (who was now wide awake) gently asking her

"Katara, what do you remember?"

"Dad left for the war a few weeks ago" she replied trailing off. Looking around a few more times she turned back to her brother, fear now claming her usually crystal blue eyes. "Sokka, where are we?"

Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, Sokka slowly began his explanation. "Okay… uhhmm… I don't really know how to say this, but…. what you said…. that happened two years ago. You… you're kinda 14 now."

"Ha ha… very funny Sokka" Katara smiled, but when no one smiled back she became very uncomfortable.

"Katara, this is Aang" Sokka explained "He's the avatar, and we've been helping him train."

Katara slowly turned her gaze from Sokka to the boy still crouching next to her. Slowly extending a shaky hand she touched Aang's face, letting her hand rest on his cheek. It almost seemed like she was making sure he was really there. Her face was unreadable, making both Sokka and Aang uneasy waiting for her reply. After all, it was a lot of information for one girl to gain in about 5 minutes. With her hand still on Aang's cheek a huge grin spread across her face.

She turned to Sokka and practically shouting she told him "See, I told you he was still alive! You said that he died a long tome ago but I knew better. I knew you would come" and with that she threw her arms around his neck. Sokka was obviously relived by his sister's joyful reaction, and he could tell by the look on Aang's face that he felt the same way.

Yeah, Sokka could defiantly see relief in Aang's expression, and a hint of something else.