Here we are at the end of the road. Final Fantasy Claudus XIII concludes here, but like I said, the International edition rebirth of this story will come in the future. But before that happens, this story has to come to an end. Did you guess how it would end?

Chapter 7:When One Must Be Undone

"Hello. My name is Tetsuya Nomura."

"Oh my god, it'''s him! That Nomura guy!" Snow squealed excitedly, pointing at Nomura.

Lightning took a step forward, wary. "Are you The Diety?"

Nomura shook his head. "well, no. That's someone else, and he caused this mess. I'm just trying to fix things." Fang and Hope emerged next to him, to the party's stunned surprise.

Fang laughed at their reactions. "What? You thought I was going to participate in a broken story like this? And I couldn't let poor Hope get scarred by what happened so far."

"How could you leave me with someone like this guy?" Vanille complained. Snow was breathing on her neck and she punched him in the face. He didn't recoil, he only grinned. She hid behind Lightning for protection, and since Snow didn't feel like getting suplexed into the ground, he kept his distance.

"Don't worry Vanilla~, heroes don't quit!" he sang to her.

Lightning ignored their antics and asked Nomura another pressing question, "what exactly do you mean by 'fixing' everything?"

"I'm glad you asked. I am simply going to rewind everything back to the very beginning of your story. None of you will remember anything in order to preserve the series of events."

"That makes sense...I guess," Sazh said with a shrug.

"Noctis. Stella. It's time for you to go home. Step into the light and you will be returned to your homes."

Noctis approached Lightning (though he did keep arms-length away from her). "I guess this is where we part ways, perhaps forever. We were not originally destined to meet, so I will not see you the second time around."

Snow whined like a sad puppy in front of Stella. "I don't want you to go, Stellaerith~! Think of the possibilities."

Stella smiled sadly. "I'm going to miss you guys. Wait, what am I saying? Lightning suplexed me into the ground and you've been sexually harassing me since we first met! You people are horrible and I'm outta here!" Stella ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, hurdling over Nomura and diving into the light, returning to her home world. Noctis didn't move quite as a fast, but he did follow her back to the correct game world.

"Guess it's our turn," Sazh said. He and Vanille walked into the light together, leaving Snow and Lightning as the only stragglers.

Snow fidgeted. "Just one thing before we go...could you tell me when Kingdom Hearts III is coming out?"

"Oh, that's scheduled for a few months after NEVER!" Nomua threw his head back dramatically, "Oooohohohoho!"

"..." Snow sulked and crept into the light.

Nomura held out his hand for Lightning. "You're the only one left."

"Okay, fine. But this better not be a trick!" She grabbed his hand and reality washed away.

Lightning glided through a white abyss; a blank canvas yearning to tell a story. The memories of past events slowly drifted out of her mind as gently as the sleep that crept along her figure. The fanboys, the battles, the misplaced characters, Snow's inappropriate advances...they didn't matter anymore, and even if they did, she was finding the task of recalling them to be more work than it was worth. Those memories were almost completely gone, and once her slumber had taken its toll, she wouldn't even remember that she even forgot what recently transpired. This white space represented a second chance.

What she did not realize was that the second time around would be even more exasperating. No part of her world would be safe from being twisted for amusement. And Tetsuya Nomura would not be able to save them.

But until then...


© 2006-2010 ClaudeLv250
Final Fantasy © Square Enix