Title: Interview With the Avatar Cast

Author: Looneyluna

Rating: PG

Summary: The cast is interviewed about their feelings on the season two finale. In the first part of the interview, romance abounds. Warning! This fan fiction does not discriminate. Nothing is safe. Nothing is sacred. Everybody and everyone is fair game. Please approach this endeavor at humor with a sense of humor. If you are easily offended, do not read.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the round table discussion of Avatar: The Last Airbender season two finale," an interviewer announces, shuffling paperwork on his desk and staring into a camera. "Please welcome the cast of Avatar: Aang, Azula, the Earth King, Hakoda, Iroh, Katara, Long Feng, Mai, Guru Pathik, Sokka, Toph, Ty Lee, Xin Fu, Master Yu, and Zuko.

"Congratulations everybody! I think it is safe to say that season two was a huge success."

Everybody says thank you and waits for the interviewer to start asking questions.


Smiling, Aang sits up straight and nods.

"I think the biggest question from last night's episodes is 'is the Avatar Spirit dead?' Is the cycle broken?"

Aang laughs nervously. "Even though I am privy to the season three outline, I am not at liberty to answer that question. But I would like to point out that my arrow did glow when Katara healed me."

"So are you saying that the Avatar Spirit is alive?"

Aang shrugs his shoulders and his smile widens.

Realizing that he is not going to get a straight answer from the star of the show, the interviewer asks his next question. "Okay, then. What about romance? There seems to be a lot of emphasis on your relationship with Katara. Would you care to elaborate on that? Did you give Katara up?"

Several people at the table grumble. Katara and Azula sigh loudly.

"The only real romance on the show is between Momo, Appa, and Boscoe," the Fire Nation Princess chimes in. "It's a very messy triangle."

Laughter erupts and the interviewer clears his throat.

"I love Katara," Aang replies sweetly. "I always will. Yes, I gave her up."

"I believe I established that Aang had to give up everything in order to achieve and maintain control of his Avatar State," Guru Pathik supplies helpfully.

The interviewer nods his head enthusiastically. "Quite right, Guru Pathik. Would you care to elaborate on the chakras that you were teaching Aang about in episode 219?"

"I do not feel that my teachings need explanation," Pathik states, his words heavily accented. "I welcome anyone who recorded the episode to review it to learn more about chakras. Or you can review the transcripts on once they are completed."

"Very well, then," the interviewer shuffles his papers again. "So, Aang, what is your take on the romantic spin fans are putting on the show?"

Raising her hand, Katara clears her throat. "Excuse me, but may I answer that question?"

Aang chuckles nervously.

"Certainly." The interviewer motions to Katara.

The young Waterbender smiles. "Aang is twelve. I am fourteen. He is the Avatar. I am his Waterbending master. We are friends. He loves me. I love him. That does not necessarily imply a romantic or sexual relationship."

"I am insulted that no one has seen fit to romantically link me to any one," Iroh grumbles quickly, causing the rest of the cast to chuckle.

"They have, Uncle," Zuko states. "I think they have you paired with Jun from season one."

Tugging his beard, Iroh brightens. "Oh yeah. I forgot about her."

"What about those fans who insist that there is something between you and Zuko, Katara?"

Everybody snickers and Katara heaves and exaggerated sigh, looking toward Zuko. "Oh, you mean the look I just gave him?"

Smiling at Zuko, Katara wiggles her eyebrows. "We've spent…what…twenty to thirty minutes of time together on screen in two seasons combined…"

Zuko chuckles. "Or is it the whole opposites attract theory?"

The room irrupts with laughter.

"Personally," Sokka chimes in, "the shippers scare me. They have me hooked up with Toph, Ty Lee, Suki, and Yue."

"And you love it!" teases Katara.

Puffing his chest out, Sokka grins. "Yeah, I do, actually."

Laughter fills the room again and the interviewer turns to the camera. "We have to take a break. Next up, we'll talk to some supporting cast members and get their take on things."

Fade to commercial…



A/N – Feedback and comments are appreciated. If you have questions you want the interviewer to ask, just send them to the station (wink, wink). I have several questions lined up already, like, "Why, Zuko, Why?"