His Royal G

His Royal Geek-ness

By: BrokenSonnet32

Disclaimer: They are not mine…

Chapter 5: The Appointment

It was almost three days since the arrival of the strange imperial minister and from then on, Kenshin and his uncle never heard from them. Not that, he was anxious to see them – it was quite a relief for him that Otsu never bothered to contact them again, maybe they had finally realized that Kenshin really wasn't a royalty after all.

So, for the last few days, Kenshin was at ease. It was a good thing that he had fought the urge to tell Kaoru about his past ordeal or else it would be very embarrassing to tell that it was all a mistake. Besides, what would he tell her – 'Surprise! It's a Joke!' he chuckled at the thought, knowing all too well that it would earn him a beating that would rival that of Sano's.

"Hey… you're acting weird!" Kaoru said, poking him hard on the ribs as she stared forward and began copying the notes that their teacher was writing on the board.

"Oro? Why is that?" the redhead asked, pulling his own notebook out and started to copy the things on the board. After being sure that their teacher would not turn back at the class, Kaoru turned her eyes to Kenshin.

"Because…" she paused and blew her bangs out of her eyes, "You would smile and then you'll frown and then shake your head and then you'll smile again," she said this, screwing her face up as she tried to mimic him. Kenshin found himself trying to stifle a laugh as a piece of chalk found it's way on Kaoru's head.

"KAMIYA! Stop talking with your seatmate or I'll send you out of this classroom!" their teacher's shrilly voice echoed in the room, sending some heads turn to Kaoru's direction. The girl lowered herself on her seat and bent her head down in embarrassment as she started writing again.

"Was that my fault?" Kenshin asked discreetly as he continued scribbling on his notebook.

"Idiot!" Kaoru pouted at him, "Mou! Just what is going on that stupid head of yours, anyway?"

"Nothing…" Kenshin shrugged, "Nothing of great importance, really!" he added after seeing the suspicious glint in her eyes.

"You're not hiding something from me, are you?" she asked in a slightly high-pitched voice.

"Why would I hide something from my best friend?" he half-lied, trying to look as innocent as he could. Kaoru only rolled her eyes and blew her stubborn bangs out of her eyes.



Break times reminded Kenshin about the coming event that was the 'school dance'. The event was supposed to be a fund-raising project of the school for some charity work or something. And it seems that everywhere he go, this 'event' is the main topic of every conversation.

"Is the coast clear?" Sano asked as he pushed Kenshin out of the men's room for the redhead to check if the halls are free from any 'unidentified feminine objects'. When the redhead nodded, the taller man finally lets a sigh of relief and stepped out of his hiding spot.

"This whole 'dance' thing is driving me nuts!" Sano run a hand through his spiky locks and sighed. He, Kenshin, Kaoru and Megumi were on their way to the cafeteria to grab some meal when a massive crowd of women from different years and sections literally launched themselves to the panic-stricken 'power forward'. The next thing the redhead knew, Sano has dragged him all the way to the nearest men's room to hide.

"Maybe if you'll just make it clear that you're already going with someone… then maybe, they'll finally stop harassing you." Kenshin suggested as they went in search for Kaoru and Megumi.

Sano frowned for a moment before smirking, "You know… that might work…" he said, nodding his head absently as he continued to walk.


Megumi was in the middle of explaining something to Kaoru when Sano suddenly pulled her with him unannounced. The foxy woman angrily frowned at the taller man and demanded the reason for his odd behavior.

"Just help me, okay?" Sano almost begged which silenced the stunned Megumi.

"What's wrong with him?" Kaoru asked as she finally caught sight of Kenshin. The redhead shook his head but Kaoru noted the guilty look on his face. She frowned and followed Sano and Megumi.

"Ooh! Sanosuke-sama!!" one of the giggly girls that has been following Sano around all day screamed as the man walked past them, still dragging Megumi behind her.

"Mou! Let me pass! Mou! Stupid girls!" Kaoru growled as she pushed her way through the crowd.

Sano finally stopped dragging Megumi when they finally reached the middle of the cafeteria. The foxy woman stared at him as he coughed as if trying to calm his nerves.

"What's this all about?" she demanded after finally realizing the crowd that they had attracted.

Sano coughed again, his face starting to color a little. Kaoru and Kenshin finally managed to catch up with them.

"Megumi!" Sano said firmly after the third cough. The girl gave him a suspicious frown but remained silent.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" he asked this growing redder and redder in the face with every word. Megumi's mouth soon touched the ground as she stared at the man in shocked silence.

"Whoa! Finally!" Kaoru said happily over the loud groans and screams of several fangirls. She began punching the air in triumph, "I always wondered who's going to make the first move!"

To Megumi's part, she was still at loss of what to say – for the first time of her life. Biting her lip she stared at the still waiting man standing in front of her, trying to make sure this wasn't one of his awful jokes.

"You're serious?" as soon as the words escaped her, Megumi regretted it as Sano's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Of course I am, stupid!" Sano angrily retorted. Megumi not one to be called 'stupid', angrily retorted back.

"How dare you call me that, you rooster boy!"

"Take that back, you foxy woman!"

Megumi snorted in disbelief – How can she ever believe that he's even… argh!!

She throws a nasty look at him and turned to walk away.

"Fine! I take it back! I'm sorry!" Sano, once again, surprised her with this statement. The man had never apologized to her in front of many people – he had this thing about manly pride, anyway.

"So… will you go with me?" he asked again when Megumi turned to face him again.

Megumi stared at him, as if challenging him to back off just right now. When she's finally convinced that he was indeed serious, she nodded her head.

"But—" she added, a pair of foxy ears popping out of her head, "—only because you're so desperate and begged me to go with you!"


"I'm NOT desperate!" Sano said sullenly as the four walked home together as usual, "I did NOT beg YOU!"

"Ooh… really!" Megumi said feeling much lighter than earlier that morning, "How about the – 'Fine! I take it back! I'm sorry!' Ohohoho!"

"No… it's the…" Kaoru made an exaggerated imitation of Sano's expression from cafeteria scene, " 'Will you go to the dance with me?' Hahahahaha!!"

Sano's face burned so hard that Kenshin could almost feel the steam coming from his friend's head.

"Wait 'til I got something on you, jouchan!" he grumbled, placing both hands in his pockets.

"Ooh… I'm so scared!" Kaoru said and then began laughing so loud that she was soon coughing, trying to regain her breathing.

"You alright?" Kenshin asked, patting his best friend on her back. Kaoru smiled gratefully at him and then continued teasing Sano unstoppable that the taller man almost ran all the way home to get rid of her.

"I'll see you!" Megumi smiled as she hopped her way to the Takani clinic. Kenshin and Kaoru both exchanged worried looks as they watched their friend disappear behind the door.

"She seems really happy…" Kenshin, the ever king of the obvious, said.

"Of course!" Kaoru said with a huge smile on her face, "You'll that happy as well if the one that you've liked for ages finally made the first move!" and before Kenshin could react, she was already walking ahead of him. He shook his head and jogged to catch up with her.


"I'm home!" Kenshin called as he took his shoes off. He was on his way to his room when his uncle called him.

"Minister Otsu dropped by earlier." Hiko said in as if commenting on today's weather. Kenshin gaped at him, almost dropping his bag on the floor as he tried to comprehend what his uncle had just said.

"A car will come to fetch you at eight tomorrow morning." Hiko stood from the couch to face the redhead, "It seems that your grandfather wanted to see you."

Kenshin's bag found its way to the floor with a soft thud.

To Be Continued…


Power Forward – this is Sano's position in his school's basketball team… just to inform you guys :)