Disclaimer: I don't own SoN, the characters, or anything else except for the plot.
Tom Lynch on the other hand has it all.
(a/n)You know that little evil thing called writers block? Yeah it sucks doesn't it. Well on with the chapter. Also a friend of mine who is like a straight guy version of me is getting this chapter dedicated to him since I doubt he believes I write. Also I'm been struck with a possible ending so there may be only a few chapters left pre warning the ending will suck. Not to worry there shall be a sequel if you want one. Also I plan on redoing some chapters cause they pissed me off.
Chapter 14
And You Are?
I stood for a while longer just staring at the remarkable similarities between the two men. My mind was racing with possible ways to bring up the topic with Ben. Ashley soon broke the silence when she said hello to him, he introduced himself and before I realized it we were in a taxi.
The drive was unbearably silent except for the driver who was trying his hardest to start a conversation. Sadly enough he never started one, and before we knew it we were outside of a massive building complex.
I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach, you know that whole woman's intuition thing. I think Ashley felt it too, since she landed she has had a weird look on her face I don't think that she knows that I noticed, but it was the same face she had when we found out Ben lived in New York. What could it possibly be, besides the pressing issue with out mothers?
Ashley's POV
I hope she doesn't try to find me, Liz my ex girlfriend lives here and I didn't quiet tell her that we broke up. I moved before I said anything but the relationship had pretty much gone down the drain anyway. She was always quiet the possessive one and the whole bi-polar thing tended to kick in more often than I would like to admit.
This whole time I've been concerned that she would find me, I never changed my cell phone the number yes but not the actual thing. She always said something about implanting a g.p.s. device in there so she could find me no matter where I was in the city. I thought she was kidding but now that I really start thinking about it, there is a possibility that it's true.
I know that I should have a little chat with Spencer about this, but I think I may be able to put it off for a while.
Ben's POV
I know just a gist of what these two are here for, I can't help but wonder why they would ask me though. Paula and Christine never told me anything, even when I dated Paula I felt like a third wheel with those two.
How much important information could I possibly hold for Spencer? Better question how much information was I willing to let go of?
Spencer's POV
We have all been in our heads for long enough, we need to start talking and we need to do it now.
(S) "So, Ben lets get down to business"
(B) "Sure, what would you two like to know?"
(S) "Wellfirstofallhowthehelldoyouknowmymomandwhydoesshelookpregnantinthatonepictureanddoesshehaveanythingwithchristine"
(B) "Slow down there tiger, and one question at a time"
(S) "Sorry, but how exactly did you know my mom?"
(B) "We dated back in high school."
(A) "How did you know my mom?
(B) "Well Ashley I dated her too"
(A) "What happened afterwards?"
(B) "We grew apart and I have a feeling that she switched teams on me"
I don't think Ashley knows that I heard what she muttered under her breath but I'll let her go with it this time.
(S) "Well how do you explain that she looks pregnant in one of the pictures in your yearbook?"
(B) "Pregnant? I never noticed that, she must have moved away before it became obvious. If that is true than that must mean..."
(S) "I think you should meet Glen"
(B) "And who is that?"
(S) "My older brother, and the spitting image of you."
(B) "...I... would love to but I don't think it would do any of us any good."
(S) "I guess, but..."
(A) "Sorry to interrupt but we have more pressing issues at hand."
(S) "Right, sorry. Ben did you ever notice anything between our moms?
(B) "They were best friends."
(A) "We mean more than that."
(B) "I'm not sure what you are implying."
(S) "We have reason to think that maybe they were closer than friends"
(B) "I don't think so, but I am pretty sure they had a thing for each other. Paula wouldn't go for it though"
(S) "My mom wouldn't go for it?
(B) "Something about it not being right and that she cant feel that way and how God says it's a sin."
(S) "Great, even then my mom was a raging hypocrite"
(A) "Well I guess that's all we needed to know, thanks and maybe we will keep in touch.
(S) "Why are you so eager to leave?
(A) "Here and now, not a good place to be having this conversation"
(S) "Alright but remember that out of your sheer brilliance we have an other couple days here"
(A) "Right...I guess back to our room then?"
(S) "Yeah"
We exited ben's apartment and didn't get to far from the door when Ashley just froze next to me. I looked to where she was obviously staring and in the hallway stood some girl. Before I asked Ashley what her problem was the other girl ran up to her. As I was attempting to ask the girl how she knew Ashley, my question was answered.
She jumped into or tried to jump into Ashley's arms, she spoke and the words echoed in my ears. I felt a warm stinging in my eyes and a sharp pain in my chest, with that I took off before giving Ashley a chance to explain.
Ashley's POV
Shit, it cant be. Not now of all fucking times not now, it was Liz. I froze hoping she would keep going and not notice me, I was wrong. She turned around saw me and made a cheap attempt to jump into my arms. She looked up at me and said "Ash, I missed you baby how can you not call your girlfriend?" Fuck, this is not going to sound good to Spencer.
(a/n) Yeah..umm it sucks but hey it's an update, that should count for some credit right? And As always I'll cheaply try to beg for reviews