Haha, I knew I just couldn't end the story there! Y'know, it's funny. I began "For Love and Revenge" right before 10th grade during the summer of 06, and now I'm planning another series as I head into 11th grade. It's funny, I think I had about 5 dreams with Sarena in it, and I'm sure zillions of dreams with Enzan in it XD. For Love and Revenge has really challenged me as an author, but that's good; I always love challenges. So, like I said, we're going back for more!



"Last night the Ijuuin residence was bombed. Fortunately, Shuuseki had been warned of the attack about an hour early and was able to evacuate. Officials are currently investigating the incident, but most believe the net terrorists Vengeance responsible for the attack. This is Ribbitta with DNN news live."

Rukku flipped off the T.V. hastily. "Father, why don't you just get rid of those guys?" he asked annoyed.

"It's not that simple. If I fight back, they might find out that Enzan's alive."

"Well you could take out Sarena." Ootosha pointed out as she joined the duo in the living room of their fancy hotel. "I mean, then you would be hailed for having caught the leader of Vengeance!"

Shuuseki shook his head once more. "I'll have to do it carefully." She would most likely squeal about Aria and Hiroke's death. Lord knows that would be all hell. All they need to do is dig up their graves to see that the two were shot.

"You'd better hurry. At this rate, you'll be dead by the time you figure out how to get them."

Shuuseki frowned. He knew Enzan was working with them. All he needed was to stall them. At the same time, he had to work on his other plans. The beast was almost finished. He knew Irae, Rukku's navi, was the white horse. She had to be. The meek little navi was a terrible retribution when unleashed; it gave him shivers to think of what the power he could gain by joining her, Blues, Rockman and Searchman.

"Well, I think if we just proceed with our current project, stealing Blues away from Enzan will certainly delay them." Shuuseki turned toward Rukku, "I almost forgot. I found this program on Enzan's old work computer. He created it to track Blues in case of emergency. I need you to bend the program so we can use it to find him. " Shuuseki handed the miniature disk to Rukku.

"I'll get working on it right away."


Nearly a month later, Ootosha paced around the hotel room frantically. She had the officials on the phone, "He is alive! He and his step-sister are the leaders of Vengeance!"

"I'm sorry miss, but Ijuuin Enzan was killed in a car crash. And he doesn't have a step-sister…" The official protested.

"But my husband is MISSING. Do you realize they BOMBED his house not too long ago?"

"Miss, I'm sorry, but even so, we have no lead on where their hideout is, if Enzan is alive and his step-sister is in charge of it. We will however, work on investigating your husband's case."

"Thank you." Ootosha sat down on her bed and hesitantly hung up the phone. She hung it up so slow, that one could barely hear the click of the phone pressing into the receiver.

Rukku leaned on the door frame, arms crossed. Deep determination filled his emerald green eyes that were shaded by silky black bangs. Enzan…you'll pay for this….