1Chapter 3 - On the Run

Lulu didn't want to be stuck in Sonny's house until the threat by Alcazar was over. She wanted to go and find Spinelli, alright she didn't care about Spinelli. All she cared about was getting away from this madness.

What Lulu didn't know was that Jason had his eye on her the whole time she was at Sonny's. He was becoming quite entertained by behaviour of Carly's cousin, yet he felt bad for her at the same time as no one wanted to be in this situation. He knew eventually they would have to go out and search for Spinelli as he was the reason that they were all in this mess.

"Argh!" exclaimed Lulu, "I'm going to find that punk Spinelli myself."

She started walking towards the door when Milo stopped her.

"Milo please..."

"Sorry Lulu, I would if I could but I can't let you leave right now." explained Milo.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"How about you come with me? I'm sure that will be okay."

"You know how much I like that idea but orders are orders."

"Let me guess, Jason's orders?"

"He's only looking out for you Lulu."

"I know but why isn't he looking for Spinelli already?"

Jason was taking the steps to track down Spinelli, he had to ensure that Alcazar's people would not find him first. But his main priority besides that was keeping Lulu safe. Jason couldn't help the fact that Lulu got caught up in all of this and that she was going stir-crazy at Sonny's waiting, just waiting. He didn't want her to wait any longer so he decided that they would leave the next day to track down Spinelli.

The next day:

"Lulu! Get your things we're leaving now!" yelled Jason.

"Really?" asked Lulu.

"Yes really," replied Jason, "Now get going."

"Great, I'll be back in two minutes."

"I'll be holding you to that."

Lulu frantically rushed around to get her things as she was going on the run with Jason to track down Spinelli. She took everything not knowing if she needed it or not. She finished just in time to meet Jason outside, loaded her things into the SUV and were on the run to find Spinelli in no time.

They were on the road for a little over an hour when Lulu thought she would strike up a conversation with Jason asking him what was all involved with their journey.

"So since Alacazar's people know what we look like, does that mean we get to wear disguises?" asked an interested Lulu.

"No." replied Jason.

"Why not?"

"Because we don't do that."

"But it would be fun."

"I don't think so, better to keep out of sight."

"You're no fun."

"This isn't fun Lulu. Being on the run isn't supposed to be fun."

Lulu knew that it was not supposed to be fun but oh how she wanted to experience the type of adventure that her parents were on when they first met. Actually Lulu just wanted to be on an adventure, period. But she knew that with Jason it may not be the type of adventure that she wanted, or imagined.

"I'm going to turn on some music." said Lulu.

"Don't." instructed Jason.

"Why not?"

"It's not good for the driver to be distracted."

"Music's not distracting."

"Well I'm the one driving and what I say goes."

"I still stand by what I said, you're no fun."

Jason did not take what Lulu said to heart and he kept on driving en route to finding Spinelli. He knew that she was frustrated and had ideas of what going on the run should be like, but this was different, this would not be the same as what when on when Lulu's mother and father went on the run. He knew that she wanted adventure, but this was going to be anything but, or at least he hoped so.