Shimi-chan: Hmm...I was thinking that twenty chapters was okay for this story, but I forgot...I had a prologue, so chapter twenty was the last chapter. This is twenty-one, technically. Oh well. This time, I really am done. :) Celebration time! Thank you to everyone…enjoy this last installment. There may or may not be a sequel…right now, with all the stories I have, I'm leaning toward…not. -.-'

I guess, since this is the end, I can fill you all in on a few secrets. Secret number one: This was never supposed to be funny. It wasn't exactly supposed to be anything else either, and I'm really happy that it turned out to be funny. I just wrote whatever came to mind and it turned out that way. Another thing, Sakura and Hiashi both were never meant to be such asses. It just…fit the story. Secret number three, Ino wasn't supposed to play such an important part. It just happened. Secret number four, I never actually thought I was going to finish this once I got to chapter seventeen. The lemon, well, I couldn't write it…and I temporarily gave up on this story altogether, concentrating on others.

And that's it. I hope you all enjoy this last chapter!


Hinata grinned widely at her reflection, heart thudding rapidly against her chest in anticipation. Not that she cared. She stood in the same white gown she had before, only this time she was in her room in the Uchiha house. Hinata always had preferred a quiet wedding, and this time around she was going to get it.

The only guests on her side were the elders from the Hyuga clan, Neji, and Hanabi. Her father had come as well, though only to walk her down the aisle. She could've always had Fugaku do it for her...but how would that look? 'Unacceptable,' as her father would say.

She found herself smiling at the thought.

Right now, Ino and Sakura were both doing the final touch-ups on her make-up and dress. Both were telling her how beautiful she looked and how lucky she was.

She had to agree on both points.

"Gosh, Hinata, you're so lucky. I'm jealous."

Hinata beamed at Ino, "Th-thank you!"

Sakura smiled too, 'She's so...happy...'

"Th-thank you for coming too, Sakura-chan…and for getting Naruto-kun to be the best man…"

She scoffed playfully, "It was no big, he was happy to do it. He didn't mind walking down the aisle with Ino again…and I'm sure Ino didn't either," she added suggestively.

Ino blushed indignantly, "Hey, this is Hinata-chan's wedding! I don't mind but I don't love it either, so shut it forehead!"

"What?! Getting defensive, are we Ino-pig?!"

Ino seemed about to reply with another insult, but Hinata sighed loudly, causing them both to look at her and mutter insincere apologies to each other before continuing their work.

Once they were done with Hinata's make-up, Sakura and Ino both left to get themselves ready, wishing Hinata luck on this one. Once they were gone, Hinata inspected herself in the mirror...

She'd asked for less make-up this time, though the dress and hair were the same as her wedding with Sasuke. One thing was different, though. This time she found herself smiling in awe at her reflection. She truly felt as beautiful as everyone was saying she was. Tears welled in her eyes, but she quickly brushed them away before they ruined her make-up. Today was her real wedding day.

When she heard the door open again, she sighed loudly, "Hanabi-chan, I told you I was sorry, but you have to wear—"

Once she'd turned to the door, she found that it was her father and not her sister entering the room. A quick blush rose to her cheeks, "S-sorry, father, I th-thought it w-w-was Hanabi-chan…"

He only nodded. "The ceremony is getting ready to begin. They sent me here to get you."

She nodded nervously, "O-Okay…"

Then she heard something that surprised her. He sighed. Not quietly, as would be expected of a Hyuga, but loudly and stretched out, without any restraint. She blinked, staring at him for a moment before regaining her composure and quickly looking away.

"Hinata. I'm sorry."

Okay, that surprised her even more than the sigh. She had no clue how to respond. Especially since, usually, she was the one apologizing. She just stood there, mouth opening and closing, fidgeting nervously in place.

"U-um…okay…O-oh! Th-that sounded so r-rude! S-s-sorry, I m-meant, i-it's o-ok…I m-mean, not th-that y-you really did anything…w-wait, I'm n-not calling y-you a liar…Oh, I m-mean—"

"Hinata," he said, actually trying to hold back a smile, "I'm trying to apologize."

She blushed. "Oh…um, I-I'm sorry too…"

"No. You did nothing. I…haven't been a good father to you."

She shook her head vehemently, "No, th-that's not true—"

"Yes it is. I should've just wanted you to be happy."

The tears almost made it past her lids, but before she could brush them away her father did. The action only caused more to develop, but she managed to keep them at bay. She didn't want her father to think she was weak, especially not now that he was actually apologizing.

"I'm s-sorry I couldn't m-marry Sasuke l-l-like you told me t-to…"

"It's fine. You're still marrying an Uchiha."

The words stung more than they were supposed to, but she managed a strained smile. "Y-yes, like I was b-born to."


"Back at the chapel of the first wedding," Hiashi began, looking mildly uncomfortable, "I was trying to tell you that you looked beautiful."

She blushed as she remembered that he'd been trying to voice something but kept pausing only to say something completely different in the end. "O-oh…Th-thank you…"

"You look just like your mother, Hinata."

Another blush, but she couldn't help the smile that spread slowly across her face. She looked up at her father, eyes shining, "R-really? Do I?"

He nodded, finding her smile contagious. "Exactly like her."

There was another silence, but it wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as all the other ones.

Hiashi cleared his throat, "The wedding."

Hinata blushed, scrambling into action, "Oh, r-right…!"

They both stepped out of the small room and went into the living room, where they waited to be called upon for the wedding. It was about to begin, the end of her life as a Hyuga and beginning as an Uchiha.

And, yes, this time I'm serious.


Itachi stood at the front of the whole crowd, quickly growing irritated with their stares and whispers. Is this how Sasuke felt? He pitied that poor fool…Itachi almost wanted to break someone's finger with the way they were all pointing and making unnecessary comments. What, did these people think it was their wedding or something? Though, from what little he'd seen of Sasuke's wedding (he hadn't really been paying attention to surroundings at the time) this was definitely more casual. The tux he'd been forced to wear wasn't name brand, but it was comfortable. Or at least as comfortable as a tux could be.

The scenery was more serene as well. He hated to admit it, but he actually liked the colorful decor. It was all flowers, of every shape, size, and color, surrounding the white fold-out chairs. And it was thanks to Hinata's gardening, something she'd done in her spare time while living here. And the crowd, though still annoying, was much smaller than the one at Sasuke's wedding. It was only people well acquainted with the bride or groom…so it was all Hinata's friends.

So, let's recap. Better tux, better crowd, better surroundings…yup, Itachi's wedding beat Sasuke's by a long shot. And that was what kept Itachi from snapping that pointing lady's index finger into a million pieces.

Finally, once Itachi was starting to think the scowl on his face was going to be permanently etched there, the doors opened and the pianist began playing, signaling the start of his wedding.

He had no interest in the first few people to exit the house. If he'd had his way, Hinata would already be up here with him and they'd already be married. Hell, if he'd really had his way, they'd just sign the stupid paper. And he's suggested it. But then she'd started tearing up, talking about 'he didn't want to marry her.' Wasn't he the one that crashed her first wedding for her? But no she needed the ceremony as proof of his love…

Pff, whatever.

Once everyone was in place, the pianist started to play the wedding march (again) and Hinata stepped out with her arm attached to her father's (again) and she looked stunning (again). Though he'd seen her like this before, he still couldn't get enough. And, the best part, tonight he'd get to repeat his kidnapping act…except this time, they never had to stop…

Dammit, had she always walked so slowly?

Meanwhile, she couldn't seem to stop smiling. This was it, she was getting married (yes, for real). Itachi was staring at her, as was everyone else, and this time she found that she could handle it. Ino and Sakura were both whispering hotly at each other at the front, making Hinata stifle a giggle. Tenten was smiling at her while exchanging look with Neji. He was disapproving of this, she knew, but he'd also come to accept it, which caused an odd cross of happiness and regret to appear on his face. Another giggle that she had to swallow. Naruto looked extremely uncomfortable to have to stand next to Itachi. And, really, who could blame him? Not only did they not know each other at all, but Itachi had stolen his best friends woman. Kiba was grinning wolfishly, this time being allowed to show up with Akamaru, who shared a similar look. Shino just gave a curt nod when her eyes fell upon him, but she still smiled, knowing he was happy for her. And that his bugs were having fun polinating her flowers. The only people she didn't look at were the elders, for she already knew how they were all reacting to this.

They finally made it to the front where Itachi was, and the priest finished his small speech after what seemed like hours to both the bride and groom to be. This time the word 'love' did not intimidate Hinata, instead it made her smile grow.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

There was a pause.

Hinata looked up at her father, who was switching between looking at her and Itachi. He seemed…unsure, which was truly a new thing to Hinata. It occurred to her that maybe he wasn't being cruel by not allowing her to marry Itachi. Maybe, just maybe, he really thought Sasuke was better for her.

She nudged his arm gently and gave him a reassuring smile. He managed a small one back, "I do."

Before he could walk away, Hinata gathered all her courage and hugged his waist tightly. He seemed surprised at first, but he slowly lowered his arms to pat her back a few times awkwardly. She actually smiled at this, and pulled away to save him further embarrassment.

"Thank you, father."

He nodded, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips before he walked back down the aisle and she had to entwine her arm with Itachi's instead. He looked peeved at her actions with her father, but thankfully said nothing.

The pledge began, and Hinata listened intently while Itachi glanced around, wondering when this was going to be over. He felt they were wasting time with words when both of them had already showed that they were willing to be married. The priest was in the middle of the charge when the doors opened again, and this time it was Sasuke that stood at their opening.

The entire ceremony came to a halt at his unscheduled appearance, but he ignored everyone's blatant stares, instead only staring indifferently at HInata and Itachi. Hinata felt Itachi tense beside her and place an arm around her waist, pulling her against him as if for safety. Sasuke made no reply to his brother's obvious disdain of him, and took a step forward.

Itachi's arm tightened, as if it were possible, and he prepared himself to jump clear if need be.

But Sasuke quickly turned at a row, sitting himself down in the nearest empty chair.

The tension multiplied as his actions, and then gradually died at the lack thereof. Sasuke just sat there, still looking at the front and ignoring the eyes on him, before finally snorting in annoyance.

"Well? I sure as hell didn't come here for this."

Instantly, all eyes went back up to Itachi and Hinata, except for Hinata herself. Her eyes stayed trained on Sasuke, and she saw a small, broken smile form on his lips. He forgave her, and that's what his coming here was clearly showing.

When she turned her attention back to the prist, he was in the middle of her vows, and she found that she'd missed Itachi saying 'I do.' Not that it mattered, she knew he'd said it. Between her father apologizing, marrying Itachi, and Sasuke's forgiveness, Hinata wasn't sure she'd ever find another reason to cry again. But that was just fine with her.

Because, yes, blood was thicker than water, and yes, water did taste better. But in the end, you still needed both to survive.

Shimi-chan: Yessss. Finally. Done. Sequel? I still don't know yet. This was kinda short though...I hope it's enough. Oh well...Thank you for reading!