
If you had to give the whole mess a beginning, then you might go for the sleepover Sakura had thrown. Before that, Itachi had never noticed it. Hell, before that it had never existed! But Sakura decided to throw the biggest slumber party imaginable, accompanied by her arch enemy/friend Ino, and the guest list had his brother's name on it. Since their parents refused to let him go alone, Itachi had to go with.

For future reference, and questions that will arise, let's recap. The Hyuga clan has been an ally of the Uchiha clan for as long as they have both existed. Because of that, it was no wonder the Uchiha prodigy, Itachi, and the Hyuga heiress, Hinata, know each other so well. Hinata was a shy, reserved girl, and Itachi was a stoic, sometimes called cold, boy. They'd met when they were children, and though they didn't hit it off so well in the beginning, they'd eventually grown fond of each other. Hinata was still shy on him, and he tried never to give her a hint of emotion, but the way she called him Itanii-san said it all. They were tied by blood, as far as they were concerned.

But that all changed that night when Sakura had that damn party. Like previously said, Itachi had no choice but to attend. His annoying younger brother insisted they go. It was so obvious that Sasuke had a huge crush on Sakura. Well…It wasn't completely obvious, but Itachi could see it. The only reason he'd eventually resigned was because he knew his little sister would be there and it had been way too long since he'd seen her last.

The music could be heard at least two blocks before the house came into view. Crap, it was on of those slumber parties. Glaring at his brother icily as they walked, Itachi thought of different ways he could get out of this. He could ditch his brother, which with his superior skill wouldn't be too hard to do. Then he could pay some assassins to destroy Sasuke. And they'd have to do it tonight. Then he would take some article of clothing from Sasuke's lifeless corpse and take it to his parents and tell them that he was attacked by a wild animal. Yeah, yeah, that was a beautiful idea! Except…

Well, except for the fact that they were already at Sakura's house and Sasuke was knocking on the door. Sakura came to it with her hair tied back in a casual bun. She smiled joyously as she saw Sasuke and threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. Blushing, the young Uchiha hugged her back for a while.

'Pathetic,' thought Itachi.

He pushed his way roughly passed the two lovebirds and into the house to see if he could get his hands on some snacks. Maybe find some way to pass the time. Upon entering the living room, he noted that his assumption had been right: it was one of those slumber parties. 'Those' of course meaning a party that lasted all night. Most of the girls were in the center dancing suggestively as some of the boys stood around gaping and blushing, some just uninterested. Among the guests were Neiji, Lee, Tenten, Ino, Kiba, Choji, Shino, Shikamaru, and the like. Itachi repeated his previous thought as he walked past them all to find a quiet corner to ignore everyone in. Who else should he spot but his little sister?

Smirking, he approached her. "Little sis."

She looked up from the floor and he saw that she had been blushing. Upon seeing him, her eyes widened in surprise and undeniable pleasure. "I-Itanii-san!!"

He almost smiled at her excitement, but he caught himself and instead stood next to her and patted her head affectionately. He kept his voice stoic. "Hinata-chan. How'd you find yourself in a place like this?"

"W-well, um, Naruto-kun invited me, so I…"

His hand tightened on her head unnoticeably. If she mentioned that name on more time, he was going to…

It's not that he had a problem with her having a boyfriend. He'd just kill anyone that dared ever go there, that was all. It was probably that big brother complex, but there was no way anyone was deflowering Hinata-chan with as much as a hug.

Like usual, they just stood there in comfortable silence with Itachi's hand on her head in quiet acknowledgement and the occasional glace upward from Hinata before she'd look away shyly. Neither was a big fan of parties. They just watched as Sasuke danced with the girls. Itachi smirked. At least he wasn't as big loser as most the guys standing bashfully against the wall. And Naruto…well, he was eating. He wasn't a loser, just a huge idiot.

Eventually, the partying toned down a bit. No one was sleepy yet, but they were all tired of dancing. Sakura suggested they all play a game. She forcefully gathered them all in a circle (in other words, screamed until she got her way) and placed a bottle in the middle. Can you guess what you they're going to play?

That's right, they're playing 'stare at the pretty bottle.'

No, they're playing spin the bottle. Reasoning that he wasn't exactly part of the party, Itachi refused to sit with them. Hinata, he knew, was simply too shy. But when Naruto urged her to join them all, he sensed her hesitation in refusing. He glared at Naruto hatefully above her head, but Naruto missed it completely and continued to egg Hinata on. She took a shy step forward, and Itachi instantly gripped her elbow and pulled her back. She blinked as she stared at Itachi in a fearful way.

She looked up at him with huge, wet eyes. "I…I just want to play, Itanii-san. Maybe I'll get to kiss…"

He scowled. "You can be such a baby, Hinata. Fine, go play, I don't give three shits."

He lets her go, and she gave him one last remorseful glance before cautiously joining the rest of the sluts…er, girls. She'd taken all of two steps before he raked a hand through his hair angrily and went with her. If anyone thought they were putting their lips anywhere on her persona, they were sadly mistaken.

"The rules are simple. If the bottle lands on you, then you have to kiss whoever spun. No exceptions," Sakura added with a grin.

Rolling his eyes, Itachi took a seat across from Hinata. She gave him a weak smile, looking as if they were boarding a roller coaster. He ignored her pointedly; he was still mad she'd dragged him into the game. Because she was the host, Sakura said she go to pick who spun first. She picked –you guessed it—herself. She kissed Neiji, who kissed Tenten, who kissed Naruto, who kissed Ino, who kissed Choji, who kissed Sakura who spun to…


There was a collective silence, but Sakura was fluttering her eyes prettily at Itachi as she leaned forward to kiss him. He heard Hinata gasp, and saw Sasuke's fists tighten and he smirked at both. An opportunity to kiss his brother's woman? No way would he pass that up! He kissed her lightly and pulled away before she did. He could see in her heavy lidded eyes that it'd been too short for her; he smirked again. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Just as he thought that, he reached out to spin the bottle. While it was spinning, Sakura made an announcement.

"Okay, game change! Now it's seven minutes in heaven, and you can't come out unless you at least kiss the person!" She gave Itachi a wink to which he grimaced. "Starting with your spin, Itachi-sama."

He shrugged. He didn't mind, as long as no one spun on Hinata, especially not that Naruto idiot. He didn't mind kissing girls; hell, with his looks, he'd done it often enough. It meant absolutely nothing to him. Just a form of communication.

All that bullshit changed in a heartbeat when the bottle fell on Hinata. They stared at the bottle for a moment before raising their eyes to each other. Hinata's eyes were wide with shock, and Itachi was struggling to keep his expression emotionless.

But he couldn't keep the anger out of his voice. "There is no way in hell I am kissing Hinata-chan. There's no way in hell anyone is kissing Hinata."

"Aw, c'mon Itachi-sama," Sakura said, pouting cutely. "She's a big girl and you're a big boy. I'm sure you can do something for seven minutes. Or do you need longer?"

He growled in a way that shut her up immediately.

"I-Itanii-san i-is…my b-brother. I c-can't…"

"You guys aren't related!" Naruto shouted, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"They like to pretend they are," Sasuke stated, still angry that Itachi had kissed Sakura. "They've always been like that."

"Th-that's not…I like you too, Sasuke-kun…"

He smiled at her slightly. "You still have to go in the closet with him."

"I c-couldn't! W-we, we're…um, we…"

"You guys are getting in that closet," Ino said with a devilish grin. "Shikamaru, will you do the honors?"


"Shika, do it now!!!"

He covered his ears protectively, "Fine, fine, damnit! I didn't even want to come to this dumb party. Troublesome woman…

Shadow possession jutsu!"

In the next instant, Itachi felt himself go limb and he walked to the closet. He heard Hinata's screams, but he couldn't help her. It was the strangest feeling in the world. He was completely aware of all his surroundings, but he made only pre-approved movements. The next thing he knew, he was in the closet catching Hinata as she was thrown on his chest.

"Seven minutes," Sakura said playfully. "But for you two, how about we make it ten?"

Before Itachi could catch the door, it was slammed in his face. As if a door would hole him in. He punched it savagely, but it looked like they were using some kind of ninjutsu to keep it closed, because it barely twitched. He pounded on it a few more times before he heard a sobbing sound from behind him. He knew that sound oh-too-well.

Cursing rudely, he turned to Hinata and, sure enough, she was crying. Damnit, he hated when she cried. Despite what lovey-dovey thing you might be thinking, that was no older brother complex, it was simply that crying was weak and he hated weak. Especially on someone who wanted to live up to the title of his sister. When she cried or berated herself, things she did often, he felt like smacking her.

He approached her in a dangerous way. She reached out to him, but he grabbed her arms and held her at bay. "Stop crying right now, Hinata."

No good: the water works kept coming.

"Hinata, I'm serious. And look at me when I talk to you."

She complied with neither. That was it, he was pissed.

He punched the wall behind her unsympathetically. "Hinata shut up this damn second!"

Her head shot upward and she immediately stopped crying.

He still doesn't know what came over him. She was staring at him fearfully, not timidly but downright scared, and that just wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to be scared of him, not of her big brother. Her tearstained face glowed from the faint light coming from the outline of the door as the echo of laughter coming from behind it disappeared, leaving only her. All the anger and annoyance he'd felt dissipated leaving only a warm feeling he'd never felt before. Without a conscious thought, he lowered his head to hers. His lips brushed hers and he was both surprised and delighted when she didn't pull back. The feel of her sent chills of desire coursing throughout every vein in his body. He pulled away in wonderment, unsure of why he'd never felt that with any other girl he'd ever been with.

"O-Onii-chan?" she whispered.

Being called her brother had never hit him with such an impact before. He'd like to kiss her till she forgot how to say that word.

But he never got that chance. Seconds later, the door opened and standing there was Sakura's mother, Masaru, with her hands on her hips in a femininely demanding way. She scolded the two and sent them back to the living room, where everyone was in their sleeping bags. They all looked miserable, no doubt being forced to bed by Sakura's mom. Hinata avoided Itachi's eyes as she sunk into her futon and turned away, staring at the wall. Sighing softly, he went to his own to consider why the hell he'd done that, and more importantly, why he wanted to do it again.

And that's how Itachi's personal hell started.

Shimi-chan: That's the end of chapter one! Hope you liked! By-the-by, this isn't a one shot, there is more to the story. Just saying.