Maybe Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow- Wideawake

Rating T (just to be safe)

Summary: Song Fic based on the song: Maybe Tonight Maybe Tomorrow by Wideawake Something is wrong with House and he has to get to go to the doctor

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All FOX… and I quote the mayo clinic webpage a lot!!

Chapter 5

Maybe Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow, we'll win this fight bury this sorrow we're so alive still holding on. Not ready to die, so we LIVEstrong!

House went straight from the PPTH to the UMC for a check up and he would get the result of that test in a few days.

Everyday their patient was getting worse. Her anxiety attacks are getting worse as well.

"It is like her adrenal glands are working in over drive." Chase said after another round of test.

House stopped and though on that for a moment before saying, "What if there is a tumor on the adrenal gland? Get me a CT and an MRI."

The team got up and exited the room.

"Has anyone see House taken any of his vicodin?" Cameron questioned.

"No, not since he came back from his surgery." Foreman said thought.

"Yeah, me either." Chase also thought back on the past few days. "Do you think he quit?"

"House quit? Are you kidding me?" Foreman laughed off. "He probably does it when no ones around."

House sat in his office when the phone rang. "Dr. House." He answered.

"House, this is doctor Fox over at University Medical Center. I need you to come in today. Is there any chance of that?"

"Why?" House questioned the serious tones in the oncologist's voice.

"Well we got some results of your most recent visit back and we have a few things to talk about."

"Can't you tell me now?" House questioned.

"I would prefer if you would come in. This is not the type of news you tell over the phone."

"The cancers back?" House questioned.

"House," Dr. Fox really didn't want to tell him over the phone.

"Tell me!" House was getting angry.

"We found a new tumor in your patella, and we need to discuss your treatment options."

"What are we looking at, doc?" House questioned.

"Well radiation for one then probably a few rounds of Chemo. But I must tell you that with the radiation you will feel fine for a few hours but it will hit you later that day and you will be really sick. We need to start this as soon as possible in order to make sure it does not spread again though. Is tomorrow morning alright with you?" Dr. Fox sounded apologetic on the phone. "You should probably discuss this with Dr. Wilson. He will be as just as much help as I am, but he knows you more then I do."

"Yeah, tomorrow," House hung up the phone and went to Wilson's office.

"I'm leaving. If you see my team, tell them once they finish the test to go home and get the results tomorrow." House said only putting his head in the door. Wilson was in the office with a patient who looked annoyed that someone would interrupt. "Bye." Then he shut the door and was gone.

"Bye," Wilson said looking shocked at his friend. "I'm sorry about that, but you have to understand he is also going through cancer treatment." Wilson said encouraging his patient.

House did not go straight home. He took his bike and road until he could not ride any long her was probably gone for a good 3 hours before he need to get gas and turned his trip around and went home.

When he reached the door he saw Wilson sitting on the couch reading a book. "Where have you been, you left work hours ago." He said without looking up.

"I went for a ride." House walked over towards the piano. "Would you mind if I…" He pointed at it.

"By all means go ahead." Wilson said still deep in his book.

House lifted the dust cover on the keys and stared down at them before sitting. After a long silent pause, he finally stated, "I don't want to die." He was looking down at the keys never making eye contact with Wilson.

"What are you talking about?" Wilson said looking up for the first time.

"The cancer's back."

"Oh, Greg, when did you find this out?" Wilson put down his book and devoted all of his attention to House's every word.

"Today, Fox called."

"He told you over the phone?" Wilson questioned.

"He wanted me to come in but I told him I couldn't and I made him tell me."

"What are you going to do?" Wilson questioned.

"Radiation with the chemo." House spoke so softly that it was nothing more than. "I don't want to die."

"You're not going to die." Wilson tried to reassure him.

"Everyone dies," House's voice dramatically changed, and that was the end of their conversation. He started playing the piano. The sounds from the instrument varied from harsh tones and quick tempos, to soft flowing ballads.

The next day House sat in his office feeling the after effects of the radiation. He was feeling miserable.

"Pheochromocytoma," Foreman said walking into House's unnaturally dark and silent office. "What's wrong with you?"

"Hang-over." House lied, "You'd think by now I'd know my limit."

"Liar, you stopped drinking when you found out you had cancer." Foreman walked closer to House's desk to get a better look at his sick boss.

"What now you guys are keeping tabs on everything I use legally or not?"

"If we don't who's going to?" Foreman said truthfully.

"Just leave me alone."

"We need to know your desired choice of treatment?"

"Remove the tumor." House yelled before getting sick in his trash can.

"Whoa, maybe you should go home. I'll find someone to drive you." Foreman, for once, felt sorry for this man.

"Tell Wilson," House said gathering his materials.

Foreman left to find where Wilson was located. "Wilson are you busy?" Foreman asked opening the office door.

"Not really, why?"

"House needs you. He doesn't look too good and already threw up in his trash once. He wants you to drive him home."

Wilson was already getting ready to leave.

"What's wrong with him?"

"What'd he tell you?" Wilson questioned.

"He said hang-over, but he stopped drinking." Foreman thought for a moment. "The can's back isn't it?"

"You didn't hear it from me." Wilson looked up with a serious expression on his face.

"Damn," Foreman looked disappointed.

Wilson didn't say another word, just brushed pass Foreman and down to House's office. "You ready?" Wilson questioned picking up House's bag and throwing it over his own shoulder.

"I'm sorry." House apologized to his only friend.

"Sorry? For what, you haven't done anything… yet."

"I'm sorry I was never a better friend to you."

"Greg, you think I would have stuck around if it was a problem?" Wilson knew House feared the end. "Let's just get you home."

House was silent the ride home. He was sitting in the front seat, his face was pale and his eyes lost that genesis thought process shine. He had lost so much weight since the previous cycle of treatment.

"Do you want me to get you anything before we get to the apartment?"

"No, I just want to go to bed." House's voice was weak and shaken.

Wilson focused on the road trying to get his friend home as soon as possible.

"My team's going to need you." House said walking from the apartment door to the bedroom.

"Did you find out what was the cause of the fear?" Wilson questioned.

"Cancer, Pheochromocytoma."

"Cancer in the adrenal gland? That is extremely rare."

"That's why they sent her to me."

Wilson pulled back the blankets on the bed as House settled into it. He also retrieved the phone and laid it on the night stand.

"Call me if there is anything you need." Wilson prompt him.

"Okay, mommy," House joked.

There were many more days in the not so distant future, of House feeling more then sick. The Diagnostic Department learned to function without House's presence. Though they often called him up when he was home sick.

Foreman would write what House prompt him to and the differentially went on almost as normal (With the help of speaker phone).

After months of this, House went in for one last check up. Dr. Fox had been hoping along with everyone else that the results would be good.

"House, good news, cancer free!" Dr. Fox smiled at him.

"I could kiss you." House smiled at Dr. Fox.

"Well, I'd rather you didn't, so how about shaking hands?" Dr. Fox offered his hand to House. "So I will see you in 2 months for another check up."

House had never felt so happy. "Thank you!"



Well I hope you kids like it… I had fun writing… you should review and maybe I will be inspired to write more stories