The city and Places are all made - up
Chapter 1
May, Max, Brock and Ash had just arrived in Tosaro town. They had gotten their rooms, and were now taking a tour of the town. Suddenly, May thought she saw a green bush passing by. "Hey, was that Drew I just saw?" May asked, to no one in particular.
"Got Drew on the mind sis, eh?" Max said raising his glasses to his nose and grinning form cheek to cheek. May's face had gotten redder than a tomato, "No! I mean what's that suppose to mean any ways? And isn't it possible to have actually seen him somewhere even if there wasn't a contest!!??" she yelled to her brother, very angrily.
"Calm down May, your embarrassing us again!", at this remark from her brother, May had gotten even more angry and hit her brother on the head. "Ow!" Max said rubbing his head. "Besides, what I meant was that since you LOVE him, you'd probably start hallucinating and see him every where." Max said, stepping away from May as he finished his sentence.
"Look I'm not hallucinating about the gu- Wait! What did you say?!??!! I am not in LOVE with the guy ok!!!!" May said trying to kill her brother who was hiding behind Brock.
"C'mon you guys, calm down." Brock said trying to stop the fighting. "Ug! What ever!!" May said as she huffed off. "Max I think you should apologize to your sister." Ash said to the dark blue haired boy.
"No way, why do I have to apologize!!??" Max said as he ran off. "Max! Wait!" Ash and Brock yelled in unison as they went after the young boy. They had decided that May could take care of herself but Max was too young, so they raced after Max.
' I can't believe Max, and I wonder how he figured out I liked Drew. Is it that obvious? Ug! This is so frustrating. I really do love Drew, but I can't let anyone know that! I mean we're suppose to be rivals, and all. What if he doesn't love me back, what if he thinks I'm just some crazy fan girl? I don't even know why I love this guy. He's such a jerk to me. But maybe what that quiz I took was right about me.'
"Ok now to check my results on this 'What's the perfect guy for you' Lets see. It says here, that, I like guys that seem to be the distant type. I'm into arrogant jerks with a sort of bad boy attitude. What!!??? That's impossible! I love the tall dark handsome types, the prince charmings!!!"
'But why do I have to love him this much? I mean I'm only 15 (made her older) and he's 16 (made him older) I'm too young for love!! Every time he's near me I have goose bumps, my heart skips a beat and I have butterflies in my stomach. It isn't fair! It hurts so much, and knowing he'll probably never feel that way for me is even worse. I mean he has so many fan girls that are so pretty, and me with my mouse brown hair, plain blue eyes, and dorky little outfit, I'm just so pathetic and pale in comparison to them.'
May had been thinking all of this in her head and didn't realize just how far she had gone until she had been interrupted from her thoughts by strange lights and noises. May sneaked over to a bush and saw Drew and his pokemon training.
"Huh?" Drew said as he and his pokemon turned around to look behind them. May had not been very discreet about herself. "Oh, hi May." Drew said as spotted the brown haired girl behind the bush.
Mays heart skipped a beat and jumped into her throat. "Hey Drew" May said suppressing her shaky voice. "I see you're here to try and learn to become a better coordinator by spying on me." Drew said as he flicked his hair.
"Oh, don't flatter yourself! Your not that great!" May said as she huffed at him. "Oh really? Then why do I keep beating you all the time?" Drew said with an amused look on his face. He had always loved getting the girl all riled up, he thought it very cute and was very fond of her. She was the only one that would act so stubborn and he would find it so cute.
"That's because…." May stopped what she was about to say, she had seen a tiny snow flake falling. "That's weird, it's summer, it's not suppose to snow now" May said as she looked up to the sky. "Yes Einstein, it's not suppose to snow in the summer." Drew said very sarcastically. "Hmp" May said, getting angry again. "I know that, but I saw a snow flake!"
"I'm sure you did!" Drew again said, sarcastically. "Because it's normal for it to…..snow?" Drew said as more snow flakes started to fall. "Ha! I told you!" May said with a big smile on her face and a finger pointing at Drew.
Soon the snow started falling harder and faster. It had become a blizzard. "Aaah!" May screamed trying to hold onto a tree. The two were now trapped in the woods, and they had to find shelter.